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“One group of ppl we have easy access to in the US is all these zionist journalists who spread propaganda & misiniformation. They have houses w addresses, kids in school. They can fear their bosses, but they should fear us more.”
That was an October 10 post on X by Jemma Decristo, an assistant professor of “American studies” at the University of California at Davis. The “trans” professor added emojis of a knife, axe and drops of blood. The story went viral, drawing widespread condemnation, and UCD bosses played defense. They took down Decristo’s bio on the UCD faculty page and as the Davis Enterprise reported, emails to the professor’s UCD address bounced back.
A statement from UCD chancellor Gary S. May, obtained by Newsweek, called the post “revolting in every way” and “antithetical to the values of our university.” UC Davis, the chancellor claimed, “rejects all forms of violence and discrimination, as they are. We strive to foster a climate of equity and justice built on mutual understanding and respect for all members of the community.” As Newsweek noted, the chancellor did not name the faculty member who posted the threats to “Zionist journalists” and their families.
According to the Enterprise, UC Davis hired Decristo in 2017. A May 23, 2023 report in the Nation cites Decristo as an “organizer” in a protest over Banko Brown, a homeless person shot by a security guard, without noting the organizer’s UC Davis connection. Decristo complained that San Francisco mayor London Breed, “continues to give millions and millions more to the SFPD, and equally violent proto-police security forces.”
The call for violence against Jewish journalists and their families caught the attention of Ken Kurson of the California Globe. “I happen to be a Zionist journalist and I have an address and kids in school,” he wrote to chancellor May and USD provost Mary Croughan. “Should I be afraid?”
The current chair of the University of California Board of Regents, Kurson noted, is Rich Lieb, who would like to see more support at UC schools for Jewish students. “Presumably, threatening to kill the families of those who support the world’s only Jewish State is not what Leib had in mind.” Kurson also called out UCD donors to “demand accountability from a university that funds a professor who threatens murder and celebrates anti-American violence.”
That professor, a biological male, was “formerly known as Jeramy Decristo.”
According to the University of California president’s post-doctoral fellowship program, Jeramy Decristo earned a PhD from UC Santa Cruz in the “History of Consciousness” department, the former domain of Angela Davis, Communist Party USA candidate for vice president in 1980 and 1984 under the Stalinist Gus Hall.
A petition now being circulated demands that UC Davis fire professor Decristo “for making explicit threats targeting the Jewish people.” According to the Enterprise, as of October 19, Decristo continues to be employed by UC Davis. The October 23 edition of The California Aggie, the official campus newspaper, has no story on the professor’s call for violence against Jews and their families.
These were not the first threats of deadly violence from a member of the UCD faculty. Consider UC Davis English and comparative literature professor Joshua Clover a communist poet who directs the Marxist Institute for Research. Clover has posted that “cops need to be killed,” and it was “easier to shoot cops when their backs are turned.”
In 2019, after a criminal gunned down Davis police officer Natalie Corona, Clover told reporters “I think we can all agree that the most effective way to end any violence against officers is the complete and immediate abolition of the police.” Clover refused to walk back his contention that police officers should be killed.
Assemblyman James Gallagher authored a petition to have Clover removed from the classroom but state Democrats refused to hear the petition. Clover remains on the faculty at UC Davis, focusing on “trajectories of liberatory struggle within the two constraints that are the end of capitalist growth and catastrophic climate collapse.”
At this writing, the communist poet, who wants dead cops, has yet to weigh in on professor Decristo’s threats against Zionist journalists and their families. In similar style, professor Decristo’s threats elicited no comment from Gov. Gavin Newsom, who recently stopped in Israel on his way to China.
“The State of California is working to ship medical supplies to support humanitarian relief efforts in Israel and Gaza,” the governor’s October 20 statement explains. Gov. Newsom met with Israeli survivors and said “my heart is heavy for all innocent people under the crushing pressure of loss and grief, no matter which side of fence they quite literally find themselves on.”
In Hong Kong on Monday, Gov. Newsom made no statement on the call for violence against Jewish journalists and their families. The 10-hour visit to Israel, Newsom said, “allows me to absorb what’s happening there very differently now. It’s not an intellectual exercise.” The California governor saw videos of atrocities but issued no condemnation of Hamas.
Newsom didn’t visit Gaza but told reporters he was working to get medical supplies to the region. “separately and above the aid we’re providing for Israel.” If he was “president of the United States,” Newsom explained, “I could start doing all those things.”
Great article, Lloyd.
>>According to the University of California president’s post-doctoral fellowship program, Jeramy Decristo earned a PhD from UC Santa Cruz in the “History of Consciousness” department, the former domain of Angela Davis, Communist Party USA candidate for vice president in 1980 and 1984 under the Stalinist Gus Hall.
Don’t forget that Herbert Marcuse was Davis’ doctoral advisor. And I’ll add this: AS A JEW, I SAY THAT (!)… everyone Marcuse and his cohort played doctoral advisor to and, in turn, anyone those people advised, should be traced, named and publically ‘outed’, Canary Mission- style.
That was cathartic!
FYI, DeCristo’s doctoral advisor was one Dr. David Marriott:
Dr. Marriot was born and educated in England, where he taught at the Universities of London and Sussex. His most recent publications include Whither Fanon? Studies in the Blackness of Being (Stanford, 2018) and Duppies (London Materials, 2017). He is also completing a new book, titled X: On the Matter of Black Life, a critical study of racial concepts of life. He will be joining us from the History of Consciousness Department, University of California, at Santa Cruz.
I think some of these “XYZ studies departments” are a problem.
Other than that, I dont understand why criminal charges cant be filed against this scum–oe why they haven’t at least been fired?
Th screen shot of Decristo’s X page is clipped across the top, to the right of the black flag, is a hammer and sickle. Gee, maybe the taxpayers of California shouldn’t have to pay the salaries of Communists to indoctrinate their children. Just an idea.
they’ve been doing that for decades. WHy should they stop now?
(this is my facetious voice, for those who did not catch it)
There is no excuse for this, and no excuse for those who give aid and cover for it. Period.
Newsom is destroying California as a warm up. He wants to aid terrorists. Imagine the harm he could do in the White House.
These scum don’t mind turning the USA into a pile of ashes, so long as their palisades are built on top.
(Almost literally, considering how their “eco” policy has resulted in so many wildfires.)
this makes me remember back when Roland Reagan managed to convince the dirty Daniel ORtega, effective ruler of Nicaragua after the coup that spirited away the previous dictator Somoza (3rd generation US puppet dictator). When the opposition slae began to fill with decent candidates, Ortega, being SUpreme Ruler of ALl and SUndry, declared the election to be decided by a simple plurality.. however gets the most votes wins. No runoff.
SO the nine candidates gathered together at a private ranch in the south of the country and conferenced. SOME brilliant leader observed that if we present even two or three candidates to run against Ortega, he will still get the plurality. We must, right here, decide on ONE candidate and all throw our support behind that one. They did, and their candidate swept over 60% of the votes, despite Ortega’s ballot box stuffing, mulitary goons threatening voters who put their chit in the “other” box and not Ortega’s, ve buying c=schemes.. (sounds like our elections,¿no?)
I say if the three front running Republican candidates all run, whichever stuffed suit the Dems prop up will win. And at this point that would appear to be the Gabbling Nuisance. Oh the dread of THAT outcome….
The UC system needs to be cleansed of every such anti Semitic so called “ professor”
if memorybserves it was Angela Davis who tore the floodgates off their pillars. Since then it has been a veritable tsumani of cookie cutter misfits running the clown show.
Oh to be a fly on the wall at the next UC Board of Regents meeting, Executive Session, since minutes are not for public consumption.
They’re too candyass to do anything. After all, a Communist criminal (Angela Davis) not only beat the rap (she was obviously guilty) she’s remained a professor in good standing in California’s state university system. And she’s just as extreme as (and has more celebrity than) DeCristo
Angela Davis’s ancestors came here by way of the may flower. I don’t know if she was more pissed that she has white blood running through her veins. Or, that her relatives are colonizers. Lol.
Some where slave owners. I have no ancestors who immigrated to America before slavery was abolished.
Great clouds of buggy dust !!!
Well, there is a sense of humor in the cosmos, and no doubt commie Angela had a bad day when she learnt this one!
I, on the other had, have no Mayflower ancestors (unlike her), but I do have several who started coming over in the 1630’s. Regardless – it’s only the real racists who believe there is this white privilege thing at work today.
Still – it would be ‘nice’ if Angela was heled to reduce her own white privilege benefit. But – Plymouth Rock would land on her before anything like that would happen.
There’s a clear pattern here.
The blood thirsty terrorists make their threats or act on it. And then their “employers” come out saying they support everybody equally. Basically condemning anybody who would do anything to the terrorists.
Wherever this pattern is seen, it’s a clear sign that people would be wasting their time trying to punish the terrorists. It means the terrorist is just a the tip of the iceberg, the whole system they are a pat of is compromised.
Take notes and make a list. It is a good time for that, since all terrorists are revealing themselves. They have addresses too.
All those who want open borders the No Human is Illegal signs in your yards beware those Liberal Pea-Brains who frees the Lion then gets eaten
The brown jew killers call us racist. Before we were racists, they were savages. Modern luxuries wiped away the idea of savagery. Turns out, they were never civilized. No one ever raised them. They’ve been savages this entire time, going all the way back to the stone age.
What works? Scare them. They’re bad. I’m worst. Vaporize her over a stack of flaming korans after you take whatever brown flag she’s waving, rub it between your legs hard, and make her eat it.
There is so much rot in academia that one can almost understand why Mao shipped students and academics off to the communes to collect nightsoil during the Cultural Revolution (which academics are now replicating in the West).
Hate has a home…at University of California, Davis.
“They have houses w addresses, kids in school. They can fear their bosses, but they should fear us more.”
This sounds like a felony threat. Coming from a transvestite, you know he’s whacked out enough to act upon it.
It’s ironic that these demented sexually confused radicals side with Islam since they are aligning with those who would merrily throw them off a rooftop.
birds of a feather……?
I guess we should replicate the sound of a body splattering on a pavement for them to hear so they know exactly what will be happening to them when these current radicals take over.
The more equity, the less equality. America is built upon equality and equity is the antithesis.
We need to confront all of these pernicious radicals attacking our way of life. Islamic radicals must be stripped of their citizenship and deported back to the hell holes they were excreted from.
Pervs like Decristo don’t know if they’re men, women or wombats. The only thing they are certain about is that it’s the Jews’ fault that they’re as fucked up as they are.
But he/she/it only wants them ‘mostly peacefully’ dead I’m sure. She wasn’t intimating using violence to dispose of Jews. Get rid of them peacefully and with tolerance.
This so-called professor needs remedial English. If I had written a term paper in high school with such poor punctuation, the teacher would have marked it a failure.
Be prepared to fight for truth. Those who are servants of Satan, count on stiffling the truth, and the truth is the only thing that matters in this world of evil.