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The 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre was a turning point in more ways than one.
At a time when many thought that the fall of Communist regimes was inevitable, the Chinese Communist Party demonstrated that unlike its Russian counterparts, it was still willing to use ruthless force to stay in power.
The East German model would not succeed in Beijing.
It was also an early preview of the corruption and ineptitude of America’s political class.
When the PRC put down democracy protesters in Tiananmen Square, and the first Bush administration shrugged, and the PRC’s most-favored-nation status endured because American business had become dependent on China.
That’s why every effort to link China’s human rights to most-favored-nation status collapsed.
Bill Clinton had promised that China’s most-favored-nation status would depend on its human rights. But, like most of Clinton’s promises, this turned out to be another lie. Instead, Clinton insisted that trade would open up the Communist dictatorship and encourage it to respect human rights.
The Tiananmen Square helped kick off another generation of global tyranny in China and beyond. It showed that the model of democracy and freedom America had been selling to the rest of the world was bankrupt.
And neither we nor the world ever recovered.
To the Westerner the image of a lone protester facing down a tank in Tiananmen Square is a show of moral courage by an individual. To the ambitious Chinese citizen it is a despicable act of crazed selfishness being properly suppressed by a patient and loving state which has reached its limits. We see ourselves in the protester. They see themselves in the tank. Similarly to the Westerner, the Muslim girl beaten bloody for sneaking off with a boy is a horrible indictment of the culture. To a Muslim, it is a horrible indictment of her.
America could have changed that, Bush I and Clinton could have treated China like any other Third World country and applied economic and military pressure. Would it have worked? Maybe. Maybe not. But we would have broken our addiction to Made in China before it poisoned our entire society and economy.
But it would have required undermining the lucrative business opportunities and we couldn’t let a guy standing in front of a tank change that. Bush I and Clinton sold out America’s soul.
And we lost all the money too.
China robbed us blind, stole our technology, and is killing us every day.
The intellectual property theft, hacking and fentanyl overdoses are another legacy of Tiananmen Square.
True … but don’t sugar coat it., Daniel.
It was, is, and will be … treason.
Never mind everyday ordinary crime.
one relationship with Communist China, from the Truman era, was founded on treason
If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past few years, it’s that the State Department and CIA’s evil intentions are matched only by their incompetence. Their goal is not to make China more like the U.S., it’s to make the U.S. more like China. Our own government is the greatest threat to our liberty and nothing good comes from color revolutions (here or abroad).
Nixon and Carter are also responsible. Maybe even more so than Clinton.
Nixon was the one who decided to reach out to the CCP to begin with.
Carter was the one who ended US recognition of Taiwan, which caused a lot of our current problems with the CCP.
I can’t think of anything Reagan did to stop China either.
Nixon at least had a pragmatic reason for doing so during the Cold War.
It was Truman who helped the Communists take over China. Nixon was one of those who denounced the Truman administration only to embrace the same FDR/Truman Communist appeasement thus leading to the phrase, “Only Nixon could go to China.”
But Nixon was a disaster on every level.
I notice the only thing Nixon gets credit for was his rapprochement with China, which was the dumbest thing he ever did as President, in my opinion. No wonder the lefties love it.
Truman may have had the integrity to drop two A bombs on Imperial Japan and end the war but he was a disaster after that. He definitely screwed over Chiang Kai Shek and Taiwan.
I’ve been to Taiwan and China. Taiwan is very nice and the girls are pretty, although the humidity level is a real ball dripper. China is a shithole, which is too bad because it has some beautiful landscape. You can’t go anywhere there without CCP goons watching you, though.
How many were run down by Tanks? amd all that Blood as well
Yes ….. China provides the raw materials/chemicals used be Mexico for the manufacture of fentanyl in Mexico.
But it is Mexico and Mexicans that are manufacturing the drugs in Mexico, and Mexico is pushing the drugs into America, and murdering more than 100,000 US citizens every year.
Mexico is the enemy of the USA and US citizens.
Mexico is conducting an INVASION of America with 15 million illegal aliens in three years.
The Mexican government is waging war on America and US citizens.
Wake up America. Know who your real enemies are.
Mexico and Islam are the real enemies of America and US citizens.
Now do something effective about it.
Mexico should be treated as if it were Afghanistan. Secure the border. View anything on the other side as hostile.
I watched a chick snort fentanyl right in front of me the other day IN MY APARTMENT! I asked if it was meth because all those white powder drugs look the same to me and told her it was dangerous and to stop that shit. She told me it was fentanyl and I told her that shit was even more deadly! Most women don’t listen to us guys though, and she’s no exception. Common sense is uncommon, in my opinion.
I never thought I would see that stuff. I need to stop picking up girls off the street, although I really like her. She’s smoking hot, tattoos and all.
Another enemy are the globalists who think China can be managed. Once the CCP is in charge of everything, whatever promises they made to the globalists will be tossed out and things will be done the way the CCP leadership wants to do it. The globalists who hand everything over to the Chinese will be lucky if they survive.
Painful memories. Definitely a lost opportunity. “I took a wrong turn and just kept going” 🙂