April 15 will mark ten years since Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev targeted the Boston Marathon with explosive devices that killed Lingzi Lu, 23, Krystle Campbell, 29, and Martin Richard, only eight years old. The powerful pressure-cooker bombs also wounded more than 250 at the crowded annual event.
Police killed Tamerlan Tsarnaev in a shootout and captured younger brother Dzhokhar. His death sentence was overturned in 2020 and reinstated in 2022. This January, Tsarnaev made another bid to have his death sentence overturned, and Dzhokhar, 29, has to like his chances. That invites a review of how the bombers got to Boston in the first place.
In April of 2002, Anzor Tsarnaev arrived in the USA on a tourist visa with sons Tamerlan, 15, and Dzhokhar, only eight at the time. The family gained asylum and Dzhokhar became a U.S. citizen on September 11, 2012, despite security concerns. In 2011, the Russian government warned the FBI that the Tsarnaevs had ties to Chechen terrorists.
More than a year before the bombing, Tamerlan traveled back and forth from Dagestan for terror training. He should have been stopped at JFK airport but his name had been misspelled in a security database. The FBI did conduct an investigation of Tamerlan but closed the probe in June of 2011, after finding “no links to terrorism.” As Bostonians and people across the country may recall, the FBI committed a similar lapse in 2009.
The bureau knew that U.S. Army Major Nidal Hasan was communicating with al Qaeda terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki about killing Americans. The FBI dropped the probe and on November 5, 2009, Hasan murdered 13 Americans and wounded more than 30 others at Fort Hood, Texas, yelling “Allahu akbar” as he fired. Pvt. Francheska Velez was pregnant, so the death count should be 14. Despite the carnage, the lessons of Fort Hood went unlearned.
American security failure allowed Tsarnaev to attend terrorist graduate school. He learned about the pressure cooker bomb, a favorite of al-Qaida, which described how to make them in an online article titled “Make a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom.” Islamic militants also produced a chapter on the bombs in The Lone Mujahed Pocketbook. The Tsarnaevs packed their devices with nails, ball bearings and other shrapnel.
The cooker gives the timed explosion incredible force to kill and maim at random, the hallmark of Islamic terrorism. Security cameras showed Dzhohkar intentionally placing a bomb near a group of children. The device sent nails, glass and BBs into Martin Richard’s internal organs and spinal cord and nearly severed his left arm. The child bled to death on the sidewalk as his helpless mother looked on.
Shrapnel struck Lingzi Lu in the leg and the graduate student bled to death in minutes. The blast nearly severed the legs of Krysten Campbell, who also bled to death on the sidewalk. The hundreds of injuries included loss of limbs, loss of hearing, and blindness.
In the aftermath, with the Tsarnaevs still at large, President Obama called the bombing an “act of terrorism,” proclaiming, “we will find whoever harmed our citizens and we will bring them to justice.” That would take some doing.
On April 18, the Tsarnaev brothers ambushed MIT police officer Sean Collier, shooting him in the head, neck and hand. Police took down Tamerlan in a shootout and Dzhokhar was captured in nearby Watertown, hiding in a boat.
In 2015, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was convicted on 30 charges, including the killing of Sean Collier, and sentenced to death. In 2020, an appeal court overturned the sentence, ruling that jurors had not been properly screened for bias. As it turned out, this was not Tsarnaev’s only victory.
The terrorist bomber received $1400 in COVID relief payments and by December 22, 2021, Tsarnaev had approximately $3,885.06 in his inmate trust account. Instead of making payments to families of the victims, as the court had ruled, Tsarnaev sent money to his siblings for gifts, support, books and such.
In early March, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court voted 6-3 to reinstate Tsarnaev’s death sentence, with Justice Clarence Thomas writing for majority and Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan dissenting. Despite the decision, as National Public Radio observed, “Tsarnaev will not be executed any time soon.”
In 2020, Joe Biden promised to abolish the federal death penalty, and his administration reinstated the federal execution moratorium President Trump had ended. As the bomber may have noticed, Joe Biden also has trouble calling out Islamic terrorism.
In November of 2009, Biden expressed “sympathies to the families of the brave soldiers who fell today.” The vice president did not explain how the Fort Hood soldiers “fell,” and failed to name a single victim, No word about terrorism, no naming of the killer, and it was all just a “senseless tragedy.”
In a ceremony one year after the Boston Marathon attack, Biden barely mentioned the victims. and spent more time talking about himself, how he had “traveled the world as vice president,” and so forth. The Delaware Democrat failed to name the Tsarnaev brothers, and only once used the word terrorism.
“We will never yield!” Biden said, and “America will never, ever stand down,” because “we own the finish line!” Nidal Hasan (sentenced to death in 2013) and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev have room for reasonable doubt.
In Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, 13 Americans perished from a terrorist bomb and Biden gifted the Taliban with billions in American military gear. If that is not standing down it’s hard to know what to call it. For Biden, the withdrawal was an “extraordinary success,” and the Delaware Democrat is now standing down on the home front.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev first came to America on a tourist visa, which Biden has rendered unnecessary. As Victor Davis Hanson explains, professional athletes who choose not to be vaccinated are barred from competing in the USA “while 6-7 million illegal entrants were waved in without passports, vaccinations or COVID tests.”
The Biden Junta has no idea who these people really are or what they might do. Some might target an event like the Boston Marathon and plant bombs that slaughter three, including an eight-year-old child, and maim many others. If the bomber is sentenced to death, he won’t be executed any time soon, if ever.
In effect, Joe Biden acts as Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s pro bono attorney. With Joe Biden in the White House, terrorists and foreign adversaries can believe that they own the finish line.
While they persecute Trump on Fake Crimes Bidens kisses the rings of the Taliban showing his total reason to all of us and more reasons for his Impeachment and his acts of Treason
There’s no republican brave enough to try man.
Mr. Biden has greatly tarnished the office of the President of the United States of America.
He is everything opposite of what we expect our leaders to be.
He should be impeached and locked up for life for what he has done to this country.
“Police killed Tamerlan Tsarnaev in a shootout”
Special services eliminated him in his a residence?
Either way it is the same end.
They’ll never execute this rat. If anything, they plan to quietly release him once they’ve installed another Democrat in the White House. Yesterday’s unthinkable has become tomorrow’s reality.
He won’t be released, but on one hand, I’d approve of it; bc (an intentional) someone would find him and “exact” justice. And, “I’d approve.”
Many Americans, sadly, have a short memory. Some of us have forgotten about the horrendous Islamic terror murder bombings in the city of Boston ten years ago.
Still none of us should forget. We may be sure that the families of the three victims murdered by those jihadists who planted those bombs haven’t forgotten .Likewise the family of that police officer murdered by one those two Muslim terrorists haven’t forgotten. As well as the people who lived through it but have been severely maimed for life along with their families will also remember that heinous malicious and murderous Islamic terrorist evils of that day.
Regarding forgetting…. The public at present has the memory and attention span of a flea. Meanwhile, years pass and ten year olds become twenty and then soon turn into the leftwing lawyers running our country. The rest who are addicted to online conspiracies and living in unreality believe 1. 9/11/01 (where I was present, survived, but was deeply affected) was cga and involved no islamists. 2. There was no Covid bioweapon from China it was all a lie 3. there’s no issue with Islam just big pharma & vaccines. 4. America and all her white people are systemically bad and guilty
The media, big tech, Democrat/RINO, support these conspiracy theories. Maybe they even created them And so more youngsters grow up brainwashed and with no patriotism nor patriotic national memory.
Some naïve Westerners who don’t understand the violent and deadly essence of Islam might stop and wonder and then ask “Since those two Muslim brothers .Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, were so very religious how then could they be so very despicable heartless vicious as to plant those bombs on that street of the very day of the Boston Marathon April 15, 2013 ? “
The answer to that question is found in the Bible. Which informs its reader that some men are so very callous and unfeeling because they have had “their conscience seared with a hot iron.” First Timothy 4: 2. [K.J.V.]
In this specific situation that “hot iron” is Islam.
Justice is not a sprint, it is a marathon.
One of those involved in the Boston Marathon Bombing was killed in a shootout with the Police and group of idiots from NO MORE NAMES listen him a victim of Gun Violence
Democrats never met a Muzzie terrorist they didn’t love.
Some government officials somewhere decided that:
“ Instead of making payments to families of the victims, as the court had ruled, Tsarnaev sent money to his siblings ”
Sums up government officials worldwide.
Under Biden the Boston Trio is threatening WWIII. I don’t know if there’s anything more logical for them to do under an effete opposition to Leftist resolution.
Had the chickenshit FBI pursued these islamic jihadists with the burning zeal they’re hunting down patriots, an abundance of evil could’ve been prevented.
But jihadists aren’t hunted down. They’re enthusiasticly welcomed with welfare checks and special privileges.
It’s simple. Leftists democrats hate America & islamists hate America, so they cooperate. What dipshit leftists don’t realize is that jihadists aren’t sparing them; they just saving them for last.
The Republic is in peril and only partly due to the complete incompetence of biden, we expected that.
Expel Islam. Restore Christendom.
Restart the Crusades. Send NATO to liberate Constantinople and the Holy Land. Screw the Pirate Muhammad and his inbred minions.
The Older was executed in Boston…what to do with the Kid Brother…Send him back to his Country (I believe in States Rigths)
As much as I hate the usual British gayLords.