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One month ago a heavily-armed, 28-yr-old female named Audrey Elizabeth Hale, who identified as a transgender male, literally shot her way into a Nashville private Christian grade school called Covenant and murdered three nine-year-old students and three adults before police terminated her and her rampage.
Hale left a manifesto reportedly detailing her motivation, the contents of which the FBI is still protecting. Joseph Giacalone, former police officer and adjunct professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, believes authorities are not releasing the manifesto because there may be “something in there that is truly damaging for the transgender community.” Does the manifesto explode the narrative that the Left wants so desperately to maintain: that trans people are the victims of genocidal bigotry and not a threat to anyone? The narrative that the real domestic terror threat in America is Trump supporters and Tucker Carlson viewers?
The shooting came just ahead of something alarmingly called a “Trans Day of Vengeance” set for April 1st (but ultimately cancelled) and took place in a climate of media-driven, hysterical fear-mongering about what is outrageously being labeled a right-wing “genocide” of the so-called trans community. (Fact check: trans people are not experiencing anything that could even remotely be considered genocide.) It is a lie that our doddering President Joe Biden himself has promoted.
This has led many to believe that violence committed by or threatened by trans individuals is justifiable “vengeance” and self-defense. Indeed, the most disgusting and disturbing aspect of the Nashville massacre, apart from the cold-hearted evil at the heart of it, has been the response from many in the news media and on social media rationalizing Hale’s actions. Meanwhile Christians and the Right are blamed for what these apologists falsely label “trans hate” and for political policies that purportedly push troubled trans people to the point of violent retaliation.
Something called the Trans Resistance Network in Massachusetts, for example, released a statement on the Covenant school shooting stating that life for “transgender people is very difficult” due to “anti-trans legislation” and “right wing personalities.” The group also painted a sympathetic picture of shooter Hale as a “complex tragedy” who felt she “had no other effective way to be seen than to lash out by taking the life of others.”
No other way to be seen than to kill nine-year-olds? There is no one more visible in America today than a trans activist. They are celebrated in the culture, lauded as trailblazing heroes, and given every platform from the daytime gabfest The View to the White House itself. It is a grotesque lie and sick rationalization to claim that Audrey Hale had no other way to be “seen” than to shoot innocents dead – and furthermore, to claim that the trans community is marginalized and endangered.
In a recent episode of All Things Considered on the leftwing propaganda outlet National Public Radio, NPR correspondents Adrian Florido and Melissa Block fretted that the transgender community “fears a further escalation of hate” after it was revealed that the Nashville school shooter was trans, and their fear “has been amplified” due to “a surge of anti-trans rhetoric.” (Has NPR ever done a story on the anti-white, anti-Christian rhetoric pumped into our culture daily? Just curious.)
NBC ran a story with the headline, “Fear pervades Tennessee’s trans community amid focus on Nashville shooter’s gender identity: ‘We were already fearing for our lives. Now, it’s even worse.’” As Federalist editor Mollie Hemingway put it on Twitter, “Gee, you’d think heavily armed Christian children were hunting down trans activists instead of the other way around.”
Courageous opponents of trans ideology from both sides of the political spectrum – e.g., the Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh and Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling – have been smeared as bigots and threatened with death for stating the simple biological truth about the two sexes that has been known and accepted for many thousands of years of human existence – facts that the radical Left want to erase as part of their deconstruction of the norms and values and universal truths of Western civilization. Because that’s what gender ideology and the other facets of Cultural Marxism like Critical Race Theory are: a concerted assault on our civilization. And the Left is becoming increasingly bold about waging violence to achieve this vision.
The day after the shooting, the press secretary for the Governor of Arizona tweeted an image from a movie in which a character is wielding a pair of handguns, along with the message, “us when we see transphobes.” There’s no other way to read that tweet than as support for the actions of child-killer Hale, and as a threat that others who perceive themselves to be trans are prepared to shoot anyone they deem bigots.
A trans male who goes by the name Tara Jay recently issued a call to his 2400 TikTok followers to buy guns and told them he was prepared to die for the cause of trans “safety” and “freedom”:
If you back an animal into a corner, they become a dangerous animal. So if you want to die on this hill of yours, of righteousness and moral majority, then you go right ahead. I dare you to try and stop me from going into a women’s bathroom. It will be the last mistake you ever make. I dare you to try and stop a transgender woman in my presence from using the bathroom. It will be the last mistake you ever make. This is a call to action and call to arms to everybody within the United States that are scared, worried, have children that are transgender, lesbian, bi, or gay…. This is a call to action. You need to arm up. Plain and simple, go out and buy a gun. Learn how to use it, efficiently. Through and through. Because the time to act is now. You need to protect yourself and you need to protect your fellow transgender…. There are lots of people like me who are not afraid to die. I love my girlfriends to death, but I would rather die for them to secure their safety, freedom, and future than to live and not have anything done.
Yet another example: in a now-deleted post on Twitter, transgender activist Kayla Denker posed with an AR-15 and a handgun along with the words “Kill christcucks. Behead christcucks” and “crucify filthy christcucks” as well as “slam dunk a christcuck baby into a trashcan.” The post was hashtagged “trans day of vengeance.”
Has the FBI investigated this lunatic, or are they too busy investigating parents who complained at school board meetings about their children being exposed to sexually explicit books? Do I really need to point out that if a MAGA hat-wearing person posted pictures on social media in which he wielded a “weapon of war” and called for beheading the LGBT community, the FBI would have raided his house faster than you can say “Jan 6th insurrection”?
More examples of violent rhetoric from gender ideologues: the e-commerce site Etsy allows a significant number of shops to sell trans- and nonbinary-themed items threatening violence.
“Armed queers bash back,” reads a “Pride” flag with a picture of an AK-47.
“Respect my pronouns or yours will be was/were,” reads a sweatshirt.
One t-shirt pictures three daggers along with the words “Protect Trans Kids.”
“Respect gender pronouns or I will identify as a problem,” reads one sticker. Another one reads, “Respect my pronouns or die by my sword.”
“We’re here. We’re queer. I have a brick,” reads another shirt.
These are not vows of self-defense against a legitimate violent threat, but violent threats themselves against someone who might merely “misgender” a trans person. These are public warnings that if you fail to participate in or celebrate this gender delusion, or simply get someone’s “personal pronouns” wrong, some trans people are willing to kill you.
These are not the expressions of a community “living in fear,” but of thugs looking for an excuse to commit murder and mayhem – and confident that the media will circle the wagons around them, and the police will suppress information about their motivation, if they do.
But the trans violence goes beyond just rhetoric. As Tucker Carlson noted in a recent Fox News commentary, a trans girl tried to assassinate Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh at his home last year. A self-described nonbinary shooter later murdered five people and wounded 18 at a Colorado nightclub. In 2019, a trans teenager shot nine people in a Denver high school, killing one. In 2018, a mentally ill transgender person shot up a Rite-Aid distribution center in Aberdeen, Maryland, killing four. Then came the Nashville school shooting, and police recently arrested a trans man in Colorado named William Whitworth, who goes by the name Lily. He had a kill list and a manifesto and was planning to attack three schools and churches.
Tucker ended his commentary declaring the trans community to be the most dangerous extremist group in America. I would include in that community its huge support groups in the media, in the Biden administration, in the medical field, and of course among the masked shock troops of Antifa, who can always be counted on to dole out some Clockwork Orange-style “ultra-violence” on anyone who dares speak out against the increasingly dangerous trans movement.
I would also argue that this extremism qualifies as domestic terrorism. Targeting innocent citizens for intimidation, violence, and death for political ends is the very definition of terrorism. By that basic standard, all of the movements in recent years which have been championed by the Democrat Party and protected by the complicit news media – from Occupy Wall Street to Black Lives Matter to Antifa, and now to a growing number of unhinged transgender activists – wage terrorism. Their overlapping political ends involve the complete destruction of the economic, societal, and moral status quo in the West. They are literally a civilizational threat.
As the Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh tweeted recently, “Always remember what happened at the Covenant School. Remember what happened to those innocent victims, to those children. We are facing a truly demonic evil. Never forget that.”
It is a truly demonic evil, and it’s time to call it like it is: terrorism.
Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior.
Audrey Hale sent a text or email to a friend saying that she knew that what she was about to do was “evil.”
I didn’t believe in demons until recently. Look at the still pics of Audrey entering the Covenant School in Nashville. You will see one.
By the way, where’s that manifesto?
She went straight to Hades for her deeds.
The manifesto is being hidden by the FBI. The Nashville PD said they are going to release “a manifesto,” they found in her vehicle. I was worried the FBI had taken over the investigation and confiscated all the physical evidence, in which case we would probably never see it. I don’t see how they have jurisdiction, but that doesn’t seem to stop this administration.
The cops say they’re going to release it tomorrow. No doubt, thoroughly redacted.
This is another group of people and destructive lifestyle, that the left has picked to do their dirty work for them, especially going after the law abiding, innocent children, those who are moral, and lawful people.
Folks like Tucker are in danger of assassination by these creeps
President Ford was shot at TWICE within a six week period by two deranged Leftist women in California in 1975
This is the original cross dressing psycho ..YOUTUBE The Horrifying Crimes Of Hadden Clark
That is what they are, Cross-dressing, transvestite Psychos…They can come up with all of the Stupid, insane names they want, but they are still candidates for an Asylum with a padded room…
The Dems and the CCP want a civil war and trannies are their new footsoldiers, along with the jihadis and BLM.
Correct, as far as you go. The foot soldiers in the lefts war against America is loneliness and nihilism. Broken families and the angry, lonely people left in the wake of broken homes, are the foot soldiers as they can–like gang bangers–be easily mobilized to further assault America, Americans and our traditions and institutions. What the Tranny phenomenon also does is insulate homosexuals from criticism as ‘mere’ homosexuality appears less deviant than “transsexualism”.
“ Joseph Giacalone, former police officer and adjunct professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, believes authorities are not releasing the manifesto because there may be “something in there that is truly damaging for the transgender community.”
He believes but every thinking person KNOWS.
We must stop capitulating to the leftist language. It is warping our thinking. For example, “A trans male who goes by the name Tara Jay…” Should be “a man who pretends to be a woman named ‘Tara’….”
No quarter. We must stay grounded in the real and the good.
I saw that fat freak on TV threatening normal people. God, I wish I could get my hands on that punk. I would fuck him up beyond repair.
Hear, hear! 🍻 (Make an example outta him/it.)
Now picture a conservative saying a fraction of what that low-life said on Utube and the FBI would be knocking on / breaking down the door.
We know this because this chickenshit administration announced it’s seeking 1000s more of anyone within earshot of Jan 6th (who were set up in the 1st place.)
We know this because this chickenshit administration prosecuted Douglas Mackey – sentencing him to 10 years.
His crime? He was effective in supporting Trump in the 2016 election cycle.
We know this because of Mark Houck getting the 6:45am banging on his door by a brigade of FBI goons.
(That fat scum on Utube is only 1 of 10,000s that need adjusting.)
Staying grounded in the real and the good? So…if a trans woman physically assaults me because of my misuse of pronouns, would it be ungentlemanly of me to kick her in the balls?
I mean “good,” “true” and “beautiful” in the classic, western civilizational sense. The requirement that you passively accept abuse from a man pretending to be a woman is warped and ugly. This man needs to be slapped back into reality, for his own good and for your own. He is not beautiful or true or good in his current state.
I think a swift kick to the groin would perfectly accomplish your point and ground him in the reality of the existence of his testicles. Believe it or not, it could also be loving on your part to do this – depending upon the circumstances.
We have lost so much by accepting the perversions of the progressive left.
Not to mention sentences like, “In 2018, a mentally ill transgender person shot up a Rite-Aid distribution center in Aberdeen, Maryland, killing four.”. When the subject is trans, mentally ill goes without saying.
Great article, Tapson. You told the truth better than I could.
The tranny movement is a serious threat to our culture. Obviously, they aren’t all bad (The ones I’ve met are nice) but the activists are deadly. I notice most activists of whichever creed are psychos.
Am I the only one who’s sick and tired of this tranny bullshit being shoved down my throat?
Yeah, most of the ones I’ve met are effeminate and depressed rather than violent. That was what always worried me about psychologists prescribing all kinds of drugs to their patients, that they might cause depression and such. But in these cases of rage it seems the reverse, some drug, possibly testosterone, is causing violent rages.
Trannies are not a serious threat to toxic culture, but always a threat to healthy culture when they are indulged. Trannies hold obviously wrong beliefs about themselves, but require your recognition, admiration, acceptance and / or celebration (depending upon the individual tranny). Your failure to capitulate is an assault against their deeply held religious belief – a belief in which their own mind creates reality – godlike.
That is why you see such ferocious animosity from them when someone uses the wrong pronoun or “dead name.” They want the utopia in which they exist in their imagination to be real and it cannot be if you do not “play along.”
Speaking the truth is the only loving thing to do. It is difficult to speak an ugly truth in a loving way, but not impossible. Sometimes it takes the trust that comes only with time and patience. These people are deeply wounded and sick. And dangerous.
I get the sense you might be able to do it, though, Jeff.
Oh, yeah, I can do it. I don’t hesitate to call a spade a spade.
Yep, I bet you’ve screwed more than one of them
Was that directed to me? I’ve never screwed a tranny. That’s disgusting.
All my girlfriends are black though. Maybe that’s what you meant? I hope so . I like those spades.
Most of the ones you’ve met? All of there ones you’ve met are psychologically ill and, as such, are capable of almost anything. In any event, it’s the behavior you dont see when you meet them (how many have you met, BTW?) thats the problem, as is their political and cultural inclinations.
I met them at my Church, if you can believe that. Yes they’re abnormal and mentally ill but not all people like that are bad. Some are good.
Yes! Trannies are human beings, and thus sinners – just like all of us. No sin is special.
Each sin, no matter how great or small, removes us from God by the exact same distance — INFINITY. And church is a place where we can learn the only way across that impossible distance.
Yes, I love listening to my Pastor preach about how much God loves us. I’m not sure if I believe it but I want to. I try my best.
Of course we can’t see the “Manifesto” because it will reveal the truth that we are not allowed to say. This was a terrorist anti-Christian hate crime by a mentally ill female who pretends to be a male. Actually there have been three mass murders by Transgenders in the last year but you won’t hear that either. They even dare to say that this was caused by the new Tennessee law that bans the sexual mutilation or castration of children. It’s obscene and disgusting.
Personally, I don’t give a damn what anyone over 21 chooses to do to themselves or call themselves, but anyone that supports physical mutilation or chemical castration of children is guilty of criminal child abuse and we should have a Federal (not just state laws) against it. As Tucker intimated, it goes way beyond and political debate; it’s just evil. Unbelievably, we won’t because all the Democrats support this abomination against God and nature.
There have actually been five murder sprees by trannies since Biden was installed as the meat puppet President.
There have been five mass shootings by trannies since Alzheimer Joe Beijing Biden was selected for office.
NPR is a publicly funded news outlet receiving to the tune of millions of tax payer dollars annually. Trump had threatened to defund it but never got around to it. The American tax payer continues to fund the current purveyors and arbiters of a diabolical Evil in American society. DEFUND NPR. DEFIND ALL PUBLIC RADIO.
Has the manifesto been released yet? What abiout the social media account of this butcher of children?
This is violence driven by Gender and Leftists Ideology in the same way that Jihad is driven by Islamic Ideology.
The question that we need to answer is which Ideology is the larger threat, and how do these Ideologies interact.
Gender and leftist ideology is the most immediate danger, for sure; they undermine everything else. Islam is very foreign to American sensibilities and its power-centers are located far away, so it’s less of an immediate threat. Of course, Islam is growing quickly in the US, but its leftists who keep the door open–not that RINO’s like the Bush family aren’t doing their subversive part. As for the interaction, its via institutes funded mainly by Qatar, Kuwait and free-lancing Islamic groups in throughout the Gulf. Black nationalist groups are definitely a gap in American defenses. The stuff and substance of the connection, money notwithstanding, is a shared hatred of Western values.
The dems as a whole are normalizing the murder and assault of Christians and Maga folks. So expect more of it, particularly from the trans crowd…..until normal people finally get enough of it.
Jane Fonda recently talked about the murder of pro-lifers on the View. Everyone just laughed it off….but she meant it.
A Michigan leftist college prof said conservative on-campus speakers should be killed.
www.theepochtime com/michigan-professor-suspended-after-suggesting-conservative-campus-speakers-should-be-killed_5155732.html
The Trans freaks had a toned down April Fools Day of vengeance. The group that organized the event, Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN), is also paying for firearms training for the trans-freaks
www.thegatewaypundit com/2023/03/revealed-group-behind-trans-day-of-vengeance-raised-money-for-firearms-training-vile-trans-activists-pose-with-massive-firearms-threatening-christians-ahead-of-rally-at-us-supreme-court-photos/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=the-gateway-pundit&utm_campaign=dailyam&utm_content=2023-03-30
And finally a huge black guy, pretending to be a woman, who has access to the girls locker room, was filmed beating up a girl about a foot shorter than him, on campus. Western Journal has the story. Trans is a scam that the Left has bought into.
Reading this article provides a lesson in where the violence is coming from and it has nothing to do with the Right or the Christians.
If you changed the flags and t-shirts to direct it at LGBTQ+ you would would get arrested for “Hate Crimes” yet it is perfectly fine for the supposed “victims” to spread the very same hate.
I was a cop in a city with a large military presence, mostly Navy and Army. We had problems with interactions between Trans-women and service personnel who would get drunk, pick one of the Trans-women up and then get in a fight when the military man found that it wasn’t a biological woman he was getting serious with… Hell, we even had a Black Transgender who went about 6′-2″ tall who loved to pick up men then would beat them senseless once his real anatomy was exposed–he was a gifted fighter.
I AM NOT CONDONING VIOLENCE IN EITHER DIRECTION, but you can imagine how a young sailor or soldier would react when, in the heat of passion, he found something in that skirt that “didn’t belong there.”
LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the past, kings would insist that most employees working around their queens and children were eunuchs so they would not molest anybody. Typically they got fat and were excellent bookkeepers. Not so long ago boys with beautiful voices were castrated to sing in choirs. This kept their voices from changing during puberty. I have always believed child molesters should be castrated. Now we have this insane movement. Democrats always coalesce around sexual “barriers”. I thought it would be man-boy love and polygamy. Never dreamed it would be sex-changing children.