Audrey Elizabeth Hale, a woman claiming to be a man, murdered six people at Covenant School, a Christian school in Nashville, thereby highlighting just how dangerous our society-wide coddling of mental illness really is. It is also quite possible that Hale was incited to violence: the Virginia chapter of the Trans Radical Activist Network on Jan. 30 called for a “Trans Day of Vengeance,” involving a march in Washington, D.C. on April Fools Day to “Stop Trans Genocide.” Lying to people and telling people they’re the victims of genocide when they aren’t may end up breeding a paranoia and rage that could all too easily boil over. In that and in all manner of other ways, Audrey Elizabeth Hale looks to have been a product of what contemporary Leftism can do to a human being.
Turning Point USA’s Benny Johnson put it succinctly, tweeting on Monday: “The Colorado Springs shooter identified as non binary. The Denver shooter identified as trans. The Aberdeen shooter identified as trans. The Nashville shooter identified as trans. One thing is VERY clear: the modern trans movement is radicalizing activists into terrorists.”
There certainly does seem to be a pattern. On Nov. 19, 2022, a young man named Anderson Aldrich murdered five people and wounded 18 others at a gay nightclub, Club Q in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Leftists quickly blamed Republicans for not going along with the entirety of their radical LGBTQ+ agenda. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colorado) tweeted that “the victims & their families are in my prayers, and New York Times reporter Benjamin Ryan immediately asserted that “Lauren Boebert is one of the nation’s leading tweeters of anti-#LGBTQ slurs.” His evidence was a number of tweets in which Boebert referred to groomers; Ryan and other Leftists continue to ignore steadfastly the grooming of children that is becoming all too common.
Ryan was not alone; on The View, Whoopi Goldberg sneered at Boebert: “They don’t really need your prayers and thoughts. They needed your votes. That’s what they need. This is what rhetoric brings. Words matter. Words matter. And people like Lauren Boebert, who, you know, has been in the forefront of dissing LGBTQ+ people is now saying her prayers and thoughts go with the families.”
All this blew up on the Left, however, when Anderson Aldrich declared that he was non-binary and demanded to be referred to with the pronouns “they/them,” as if he were plural. Leftist activists insisted that he was just trolling, and that could indeed be the case, as apparently he has used “homophobic slurs” in the past. But Aldrich is not the only one.
On May 7, 2019, two young men, Devon Erickson and Alec McKinney, murdered one person and injured eight others at STEM School Highlands Ranch in Douglas County, Colorado. CBS News referred to McKinney as “a trans boy.” The attack appears to have been motivated by rage at opponents of the transgender delusion: CBS added that “McKinney testified that Erickson told him ‘many stories’ about how certain students disliked transgenders. ‘Typically I don’t care, but I felt [Erickson’s] anger was my own,’ McKinney testified.”
Before that, On September 20, 2018, four people were murdered outside a Rite Aid distribution center in Aberdeen, Maryland. The Daily Caller reported that the shooter was “a 26-year-old woman named Snochia Moseley. While both the police and court documents identified Moseley, who worked at the distribution center, as biologically female, Troi Coley, a high school friend of the shooter, revealed that she identified as transgender in as early as 2016.”
Moseley reportedly said in December 2016: “I just started talking about [being transgender]. “My sister is totally supportive, my brothers already had an idea, my mom I haven’t gotten around to admitting it to yet. but she’s heard about it somehow.” She spoke with Coley “about starting hormone treatment.” Coley stated after the murders: “She wasn’t a monster, wasn’t an angry person. I just believe this was emotional distress. If she did this, it was her last straw.”
Could it be that transgender individuals are suffering that emotional distress and getting to that last straw point because of activists such as the Trans Radical Activist Network constantly feeding their sense of grievance and victimhood by telling them they’re liable to become victims of a genocide? Could the Left’s overheated rhetoric and massive projection about how patriots and adherents of traditional values want to kill their opponents be boiling over now into genuine acts of violence from the other side? It wouldn’t be the first time. And it will certainly cause no introspection or change of course among Leftists.
Mo de Profit says
Angry young woman thinks that’s how men think.
She doesn’t understand that men do NOT think that way, so she’s not a man.
Joe Biden says
Can I sniff her hair?
David Ray says
Your granddaughter said to knock yourself out, as long as it’ll distract you from sniffing hers or crawling into the shower with her.
David Ray says
*Biden was disappointed to learn the pool of freak-shows he has to pick from for staffing his administration just shrank.
He took solace that the targeted school was Christian, as evidenced by the prick making a backhanded joke about it.
glpage says
Since when are trans persons members of some national or ethnic group that is being slaughtered? The rhetoric from the radical activists is designed to instigate violence.
August West says
Mr Spencer,
What we are seeing here is the fruit of the Red – Green alliance.
For years we have wondered why the modern left is so quick to align with Islam.
Now we know.
The Left has been co-opting the Islamic playbook.
These are the Jihadists of the Left’s Ideology.
How is the reaction to this attack any different than CAIR’s reaction to any Jihadist attack?
Oh this is terrible – we denounce the violence… but let’s not forget how the victims deserved it.
CAIR will go on to claim that we need more concessions to Islam
Dems will go on to claim that we need more concessions to LGBTQ (or whatever)
August West says
Mr Spencer,
“thereby highlighting just how dangerous our society-wide coddling of mental illness really is”
Assuming that a “trans” terrorist is mentally ill is exactly the same as assuming that an Islamic Jihadists is mentally ill.
There appears to be an ideology at play and this is potentially a motivating factor to the same extent that Islamic is a motivating factor.
TRex says
The real perpetrators of “trans genocide” are the butchers who cut off breasts, attempt to make a vagina out of a penis and prescribe quick fix drugs instead of actually delving into psychiatric problems. All of them share the fast money mentality abortionists make through volume and not value. The Hippocratic oath has gone the way of the Constitution and “harm” doesn’t enter the equation. The jury is still out on the long-term effects of “transing” but it appears some early evidence is starting to come in. As usual, the leftists cry victim and plot revenge against everyone except the real villians.
Intrepid says
The dems as a whole are normalizing the murder of Christians and Maga folks. So expect more of it, particularly from the trans crowd…..until normal people finally get enough of it.
Jane Fonda recently talked about the murder of pro-lifers on the View. Everyone just laughed it off….she meant it.
A Michigan leftist college prof said conservative on-campus speakers should be killed.
Tom Morrow says
The saddest aspect of these mentally ill people is that the transgender industrial complex doesn’t care about their mental health, it only cares about how much money they can make off these pitiful creatures and how they can use the movement to assault the Bill of Rights (well, others’ rights, not theirs). This young woman in Nashville clearly had significant mental issues that led to her experiencing gender dysphoria, but which the transgender industry medicos ignored, because that didn’t advance their political agenda.
Spurwing Plover says
The results of replacing the Creator with the Creation we see the results but liberal Pinheads will blame Guns the Gun Lobby Gun Stores and Gun Owners like they always do since liberals are totally Braindead