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It’s wonderful how no one in the Biden administration can do their actual jobs, but they’re instant experts on how to end racism through equity and save the planet by spending mindboggling amounts of money.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Saturday that the global transition to a low-carbon economy requires $3 trillion in new capital each year through 2050, far above current annual financing, but that filling the gap is the biggest economic opportunity of the 21st century.
It is the biggest economic opportunity… just ask Al Gore who went from a failed presidential candidate to a tycoon.
Lefty special interests are tearing apart the nation’s economy and profiting massively from political scams like DEI and global warming.
None of this is creating actual value. It’s manufacturing a crisis and then making money from solutions to a crisis that does not exist. The crisis, as usual, is the crisis, and the solution is to stop falling for it.
Or we can spend infinite amounts of money to make lefty special interests even richer and the government even bigger.
“Neglecting to address climate change and the loss of nature and biodiversity is not just bad environmental policy. It is bad economic policy,” Yellen said in a speech after attending a G20 finance leaders meeting on Thursday and Friday in Rio de Janeiro.
Listening to Janet Yellen spout buzzwords and then announce that more spending is needed at whatever random global location the current globalist event is being held at has nothing to do with the environment and is bad economic policy.
Wealthy economies provided and mobilized a record $116 billion for climate finance for developing countries in 2022, 40% of which came from multilateral development banks (MDBs). Yellen said the banks, including the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) were setting new targets.
Americans are getting poorer. Globalists are getting richer. That’s the real crisis.
Martina Vaslovik says
In 1991 The Club of Rome (a communist death cult) published the book The First Global revolution, in which they spill the climate scam’s beans:
From The First Global Revolution, page 75:
It would seem that humans need a common motivation, namely a common adversary, to organize and act together in the vacuum; such a motivation must be found to bring the divided nations together to face an outside enemy, either a real one or else one invented for the purpose.
New enemies therefore have to be identified.
New strategies imagined, new weapons devised.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.
Al Gore is a member of the Club of Rome, as was Mikhail Gorbachev, an avowed communist to the very end.
Alonzo says
I can’t attest to the veracity of the info above, but I believe it to be true. It has long been my assertion that the industrialized nations need a “dragon” to slay in order to justify large expenditures of fortune. For decades the dragon was bifurcated, the East had Capitalism and the West had Communism. With the fall of the USSR, the dragon had been slain and a new one had to be invented. Hence the rise of Global Warming/Climate Change.
Deborah says
I’m not up on the posh elites of the Club of Rome, but I do appreciate being informed of what their plans are ! As with the WEF, it’s an opportunity to laugh at their utter pomposity even if it’s not funny. I wonder if Rio de Janeiro attracts the same sort of “highly paid companions” as Davos does? These are nothing but OLD GOATS on parade as far as I can tell.
TruthLaser says
This is how every devil theory of history works.
Jeff Bargholz says
Could you imagine Janet Yellin in a bikini on a beach in Rio de Janeiro? I’d rather imagine having my dick cut off. That bitch isn’t just an offensive and a stupid liar, she’s nasty. I’d let a shark eat my dong off before I touched a skank like her. Ugh.
Jeff Bargholz says
Whoever down voted me is gay for Yellin. Do you get hot for that Quaker Oats looking skank?
FrankP says
What’s most disturbing is that your mind even considered sex with Yellen. That the thought was rejected suggests you maintain at least a weak hold on sanity, but certainly not a strong one!
Jeff Bargholz says
I didn’t consider sex with the Quaker Oats guy, dumbass. I made that pretty clear for anybody with more than one brain cell.
Coco says
You’ve shown yourself to be a liberal, a humorless cuck, a pencil neck simp that doesn’t appreciate your ghoulish heros being made fun of.
Coco says
Wonder who the 6 dipshits are that down voted you. All of obidens cabinet, advisors and appointees are freakish looking dykes, fags and trannies. Yellin looks like an ugly effeminate old man.
Domenic Pepe says
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is one sick depraved psychopathic berserk ignorant slut.
She has the brains of an oyster.
In fact she looks like and oyster.
Jeff Bargholz says
“The brains of an oyster.” Now, that’s funny. I’m still laughing. And I think oysters are tasty.
Coco says
Sitting in a bar over shots and beers with Jeff and his lady and D Pepe would be a hilarious good time
Jeff Bargholz says
Any time! I don’t know if you’re a chick or a dude but I’d share a few beers with you.
I don’t know who D Pepe is, though.
Coco says
Ahahahaha, good one brother
TruthLaser says
Without any pearl of wisdom.
Gordon says
I’m going to be pissed if I think of Yellen the next time I have oysters.
Jeff Bargholz says
Just think of her the next time you take a shit. I’ll be cathartic.
Domenic Pepe says
Hey Jeff …
You are too kind to Yellen.
The wealthy democrat elite ruling class oligarch “leaders” in America and Europe have anointed themselves as the saviors of us deplorables.
Give me a break.
Algorithmic Analyst says
That’s like Ancient Rome. The Oligarchs anointed themselves as saviors of the deplorables.
John Glasco says
Can you imagine what this would do to inflation? Wages still haven’t caught up from Biden’s fiasco.
Domenic Pepe says
The democrat leftists want inflation.
Inflation makes it all that more easier to destroy the working and middle class US Patriots,
and replace them with never ending hordes of third world illegal aliens.
This is the agenda of America’s new elite ruling class high tech/media/Hollywood/educational system/deep state oligarchy who are in the process of also foisting depraved psychopathic murderous berserk freedom crushing Islam on America.
Wake up America.
The woke leftist DEI LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ democrat party ruling class is leading America to ruin.
For Cris’s sake. WAKE UP.
Floyd Looney says
We can yell too. NO!
Algorithmic Analyst says
Squeezing money from the economy to enrich Globalists.
Greg says
Refuse to pay tithes and offerings to the Climate Change gods and you’ll be denounced by the “woke” church as an apostate spreading Russian disinformation and doing the bidding of the devil himself, Vladimir Putin. Oh, the infamy, as patron saint Voltaire might have put it. They still burn– or shoot– witches, you know.
THX 1138 says
We must sacrifice for planet earth. We must sacrifice for Goddess Gaia. We must sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice.
Mankind is evil because of Original Sin and must seek salvation from Goddess Gaia by sacrificing itself to Goddess Gaia.
The doctrines of Christianity have now been transferred to the worship of Goddess Gaia.
Jeff Bargholz says
DERP! You have Christianity and paganism confused.
You know, sometimes you make normal comments. You should work on that.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Paganism had a very weak hold on the masses, as it turned out. That made it easier for Christianity to replace Paganism.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, the Germanic barbarians were pretty easily converted in the Middle Ages and they were REAl barbarians. Those guys used to hold boiling rocks in their hands to gauge their honesty. I admire their courage but I have to question their judgement. Fuck that shit.
John Selle says
Years ago, I tried writing a book that chronicled the rise of Carbon Credits and the effect the use had on today’s economy. It turned out that the governments, banks and hedge funds have so capitalized on the notion and the web these players have woven, so intricate, there was no way for me to do the story any justice.
Instead I wrote a sci-fi space opera. It was easier to understand and to me, made more sense.
Jeff Bargholz says
I bookmarked your website. It seems cool although I wasn’t able to read any of the books.
Dawg says
She is an incompetent Dufusette.
Jim Sweet says
This woman is quite insane. Imagine the REAL problems that $3 trillion a year could solve.
Jeff Bargholz says
$3 trillion could solve most of my problems…..
Algorithmic Analyst says
Except death. All those rich Globalists will have to face the Grim Reaper eventually 🙂
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, that fucker will get us all, eventually. Fuck it, though. He can reap my ass and sniff a whiff of my turds. We’re all going to die anyway so I only fear violent death.
To all you People over profits some are making profits off the People and you Keep is in the Ground idiots look at the Inflation a result of this Anti-Fossil Fuels nonsense from useful idiots like you
Fred says
Biden did not invent the policy of throwing huge sums of money at every problem in the world (and even some non-problems), but he brought it to a new level of excess. And virtually everyone in his cabinet has adopted the same policy, and carried it to extremes. I know we’re a wealthy country, but just how long can we continue to shell out money as if there’s no tomorrow?
Algorithmic Analyst says
It’s a kind of Ponzi scheme.
LC says
Tis just another marxist transfer of wealth scheme…this time to transfer your hard earned money to the global elitist socialists and other euronazis…who repeatedly tell you that you will have no money and be happy about that.
Jo says
We must depose these clowns
Ralph Evans says
Three Trillion a year?
Guess you liked that ‘transitory’ inflation.
Mandy123 says
I don’t support giving them any money. First, I want in detailed explanations of how they will stop what they deem climate change. This is all just scare tactics. I’m in my 70s and can remember hotter summers and winters where we had a lot of snow and then a little snow. Don’t be fooled by these greedy pigs.
cat says
In the beginning of social media, before censorship, there was a lot of real time sharing. There was a climate gathering in Copenhagen, I believe. All the swells went there in their jets. Staff in hotels and restaurants, etc. posted comments and some pictures. Those gathered to save the climate openly mocked their own climate BS (it might have still been called “global warming” back then) as they partied. Don’t forget alcohol loosens tongues. Nothing like that leaks out today. My point is Yellen, Gore et al don’t believe their own bull****.
MuggsSpongedice says
Yellin is shilling for the deep state on a new money laundering ploy!!!
Kit_Jefferson says
Yellen can ask for a gazillion Rashbuckniks from Lower Slobbovia for all I care. She, hopefully, won’t be around much longer to spend them.
Roo_G says
We could try managing our forests so they don’t burn up and cost more money and cause more pollution then the actual management does. So sick of this shit. They cause the problems and want money to fix the problem. Broken leg politics.
Old Fogey says
Yellen, having been exposed to meritless people who have amassed fortunes from the climate scam, and knowing her days in government are limited, is positioning to get on the gravy train herself. They all belong on Desert Island.
poohpup says
We can’t, this nation is broke, and in a downward tailspin to destruction. All bought to by the commie leftist……… friends don’t let friends vote for DEMONRATS.
Name says
Follow the money
TruthLaser says
Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850) recognized this as plunder by government.
Angel Jacob says
Lefties are criminals thugs. All they can think of is how to rip off people. Scam after scam after scam.
Why don’t Lizard Woman go sell Pencils on the Corner made from Non Rainforest Wood to make money for this wasteful idea of Global Warming/Climate Change
Domenic Pepe says
Half the country thinks something has gone drastically wrong in America, to the point that it is rapidly becoming
unrecognizable. Millions feel they are virtual lab rats in some grand research project conducted by entitled elites who
could care less when the experiment blows up.
Quote from Victor Davis Hanson … 7/29/2024