Linda Sarsour has had a good run. Over the years, she’s raked in a lot of money and hobnobbed with the Hollywood elite but the media savvy, narcissistic anti-Semite, who never missed an opportunity to thrust herself into the limelight, is now watching as her former allies are distancing themselves from her like rats jumping from a sinking ship. Sarsour has become toxic.
First, it was actress Alyssa Milano, who announced that she would no longer speak at Women’s March rallies headed by Sarsour and her xenophobic cohorts, Carmen Perez and Tamika Mallory until the troika unequivocally condemned anti-Semitic and homophobic comments made by Nation of Islam head, Louis Farrakhan. Then Sarsour was dealt a second blow when “Will & Grace” star Debra Messing voiced support for Milano’s stance tweeting, “I stand with you @Alyssa_Milano.”
Sarsour is extremely sensitive to public criticism especially when it emanates from prominent quarters. Last year, CNN’s Jake Tapper called out Sarsour on her vocal support for a cop killer. Sarsour’s unhinged response was to accuse Tapper of being a member of the alt-right.
The instant Milano-Messing one-two combination proved too much to bear for Sarsour whose raison d’être, aside from spreading Jew-hatred, is to consort with the rich and famous by falsely wrapping herself in the flag of progressivism. On November 8, the Women’s March released a pathetically weak statement which merely stated that they do not “endorse” Farrakhan’s comments on women, Jews and members of the LGBTQ communities. The statement concluded by going into deflect mode, blaming the racism on the Republican Party and Trump.
Utterly lacking in the statement was an unequivocal condemnation and repudiation of Farrakhan and his hateful rhetoric. The reason for the blatant omission is readily apparent; the Jew-hating, race-baiting foul-mouthed Sarsour agrees wholeheartedly with Farrakhan. One need look no further than the litany of past comments she’s made about the Jews, “the Jewish media,” and Zionists to know that Sarsour is an anti-Semite to her core. Her most recent gem, which garnered Twitter support from none other than former KKK leader David Duke, alleged that U.S. Jews maintain dual loyalties, a rancid anti-Semitic trope that draws widespread support among radical right and hard left conspiracists.
The November 8 statement did nothing to stem the tide of those calling for Sarsour & Company to step down. The Friedrich Ebert Foundation, an NGO affiliated with the German Social Democratic party, withdrew its Human Rights Award slated to be given to the Women’s March USA following troubling findings by doctoral students associated with the foundation. The students noted that “the Women’s March USA does not constitute an inclusive alliance,” and specifically cited Sarsour’s vitriol. The students cited the fact that Sarsour, among other things, “spreads anti-Semitic conspiracy theories that resemble the classic anti-Semitic trope of blood libel. In September 2018, for instance, she claimed that when US police officers shoot unarmed black people, Jewish persons responsible would lurk in the background.”
Then on November 19, Women’s March founder Teresa Shook took to Facebook to issue an unreserved, scathing criticism of those currently leading the Women’s March accusing them of “hav[ing] allowed anti-Semitism, anti-LBGTQIA sentiment and hateful, racist rhetoric to become a part of the [Women’s March] platform.”
The dramatic development proved too much to bear for Sarsour and her cohorts. On November 20, they were forced to issue a second statement, which was markedly more contrite in both tone and content than the first. But unsurprisingly, this too fell woefully short of what was required.
Adding to Women’s March’s leadership woes are accusations of financial improprieties which include mismanagement, unaccountability and embezzlement. The Women’s March rakes in millions in donations and grants but according to its former DC chapter president, Mercy Morganfield, Sarsour and her gang “have refused to give the [Women’s March] chapters any accountability for the money they receive in donations and grants;” this while they live it up in posh hotels, fly their family and friends everywhere, employ Nation of Islam thugs as their security detail and pay themselves monthly stipends.
As an aside, this isn’t the first time Sarsour has been accused of financial improprieties. Money raised by Sarsour and her partner Tarek El-Messidi, which was to be earmarked for the rehabilitation of a rundown Jewish cemetery, had not been delivered. At the time, Sarsour lashed out at her accusers, calling them “right-wing Zionists.” This is Sarsour’s modus operandi. She refutes her critics by labeling them. It’s a tired Sarsour melody that we’ve all sadly become accustomed to.
The public has grown weary of Linda Sarsour. Her latest mea culpa is nothing but a PR stunt and we’re not buying her snake oil. Sarsour is a vile, pernicious, foul-mouthed bigot and a master manipulator. Her latest faux expressions of contrition represent nothing more than pathetic attempts at damage control.
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