In the dead of winter, thousands of Canadians have been streaming into Ottawa, led by a massive convoy of truckers protesting draconian Covid mandates that have harmed their ability to earn a living. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau refused to meet with the protesters and slammed the freedom convoy as “an insult to memory and truth.” Fils Justin thus invites memories of himself and Trudeau père.
As Edward Gibbon noted, hereditary rule is always the most risible, and apart from the connection with his father, Canadians would be hard pressed to find any merit in Justin Trudeau his own self. He has no scholarly achievement, no record of publication, and no experience running business. To adapt a phrase from Ray Bradbury’s afterword to Fahrenheit 451, Justin Trudeau has never said anything that would make a sub-moron’s mouth twitch. On the other hand, he does have a comic side.
Earlier in his brilliant career, Justin was fond of performing in blackface, singing “The Banana Boat Song,” a hit for Harry Belafonte. Trudeau now considers this racist but the revelation prompted no resignation. So no surprise that Justin Trudeau criticized “racist flags” in the convoy and spoke out over a perceived slight to a war memorial.
During World War II, Justin’s père Pierre Trudeau was a “zombie,” one of those who declined to serve though of age and in good health. After the war, as David Frum recalled in 2011, Pierre Trudeau “traveled to Josef Stalin’s Soviet Union to participate in regime-sponsored propaganda activities. He wrote in praise of Mao’s murderous regime in China. Trudeau lavishly admired Fidel Castro, Julius Nyere, and other Third World dictators.” Trudeau also praised the Siberian city of Norilsk “unware or unconcerned that Norilsk had been built by slave labor.”
Prime Minister Trudeau, “tried to reorient Canada away from the great democratic alliance.” As Frum also notes, hours after the Communist Coup against Solidarity in Poland, Pierre Trudeau said: “If martial law is a way to avoid civil war and Soviet intervention, then I cannot say it is all bad,” adding, “Hopefully the military regime will be able to keep Solidarity from excessive demands.”
Pierre Trudeau inherited a strong and growing economy but as Frum charges, “the two recessions 1981-82 and 1992-93 can both fairly be laid at Trudeau’s door.” He was also a “spending fool” who “believed in a state-led economy,” and “as a political wrecker, he was truly world class.” Frum’s piece came headlined, “The Disastrous Legacy of Pierre Trudeau,” now continued by his son.
Justin Trudeau made news in 2017 when he signed off on an award of $10.5 million for Omar Khadr, a Canadian-born al-Qaeda militant who killed American soldier, Sgt. Christopher Speer, in a 2002 firefight in Afghanistan. The Prime Minister also grabbed some coverage the year before, after the death of Fidel Castro, the Sado-Stalinist head of an all-white Communist dictatorship.
Castro persecuted homosexuals and his regime held large numbers of black political prisoners. Even so, Justin Trudeau called him a “remarkable leader,” who “made significant improvements to the education and healthcare of his island nation.” And as Trudeau fils said in 2013, “There’s a level of admiration I actually have for China. Their basic dictatorship is actually allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime.”
Pierre would have been proud of his son’s refusal to speak with protesters, who were also smeared as anti-Semites. That should recall memories of those Canadians who did choose to fight in World War II.
From July 1942 until September of 1944, the Nazis deported 97,776 Jews from the Westerbork transit camp in Holland. A full 54,930 were shipped to Auschwitz, 34,313 to Sobibor, 4,771 to the Theresienstadt ghetto and 3,762 to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Most of those deported to Auschwitz and Sobibor were killed on arrival, so a grim fate awaited the 876 Westerbork inmates on April 12, 1945.
That day the “B” Squadron of the 8th Canadian Reconnaissance Regiment approached the camp. The Canadians drove out the Nazis and liberated the inmates. Some might say this was too little too late, but the 876 inmates were sure glad to see the Canadians. Pierre Trudeau wasn’t one of them, and after the war he tilted to the Soviet Bloc.
Pierre Trudeau was not a fan of Poland’s Solidarity movement, but he did support the martial law imposed by Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski, correctly identified by Caspar Weinberger as a Soviet general in a Polish uniform. This is what happens when a crypto-Communist zombie becomes prime minister of Canada.
When embattled Canadians take to the streets in a peaceful protest, Justin Trudeau smears them with lies. Ottawa police are now threatening to arrest those bringing fuel and other supplies to the protesting truckers, which is not a crime. This is what happens when Pierre Trudeau’s son becomes prime minister of Canada.
“Truck Trudeau,” said one protester’s sign. Truck them both.
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