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At long last, on Monday Justin Trudeau has announced his pending resignation, although it will be awhile before he is actually gone. In declaring his intention to resign, Trudeau prorogued parliament until March 4, which means it will not be in session, but will not be dissolved. During this period, the Liberal Party will select a new leader, after which Trudeau says he will finally depart from the scene. Thus the misrule of this curious man is likely to come to a definitive end reasonably soon, and we can only hope that he doesn’t do too much more damage between now and then.
Trudeau is the embodiment of David Horowitz’s indelible dictum that “inside every progressive is a totalitarian screaming to get out. He himself has been upfront about this. Back in 2013, before he was prime minister, he was asked what country he admired most. Trudeau answered: “You know, there’s a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say ‘we need to go green fastest … we need to start investing in solar.’ I mean, there is a flexibility that I know Stephen Harper must dream about, of having a dictatorship that he can do everything he wanted, that I find quite interesting.”
Then when Fidel Castro died in 2016, Trudeau’s statement gave no hint of the bloodthirstiness and repression of the Communist regime in Cuba. Instead, the vacant and vapid Canadian prime minister was fairly gushing with praise for “Cuba’s longest-serving President.” He declared that “Fidel Castro was a larger than life leader who served his people for almost half a century. A legendary revolutionary and orator, Mr. Castro made significant improvements to the education and healthcare of his island nation.”
Trudeau admitted that Castro was a “controversial figure,” but insisted that “both Mr. Castro’s supporters and detractors recognized his tremendous dedication and love for the Cuban people, who had a deep and lasting affection for ‘el Comandante.’” He said that his family was joining “the people of Cuba today in mourning the loss of this remarkable leader.”
This was not just an ill-considered outpouring of grief for a man Trudeau obviously loved dearly. His praise for China and for Castro have in common an admiration for the authoritarian’s ability to get things done with no regard for the opposition or the give-and-take of the democratic process. China was able to go green and Castro was able to make significant improvements to education and healthcare (in Trudeau’s view, not in real life) because they didn’t have to deal with all the carping and compromise that working with parliaments and voters entails.
Trudeau demonstrated his taste for authoritarianism most vividly on Feb. 14, 2022, when he invoked Canada’s Emergencies Act against the Freedom Convoy, a group of truckers who were protesting against his hysterical and draconian Covid measures, which were destroying their ability to make a living.
Trudeau based his case against the truckers on the claim that the Freedom Convoy was “not a peaceful protest,” which was flatly false and ironic in light of his bland response to the large-scale burning of churches and toppling of statues in Canada the previous summer.
The Emergencies Act authorizes the government of Canada to “take special temporary measures that may not be appropriate in normal times.” These include “the regulation or prohibition of any public assembly that may reasonably be expected to lead to a breach of the peace.” The subjectivity of such an assessment is tailor-made for authoritarian measures, and Trudeau took full advantage. In Jan. 2024, a federal court ruled that Trudeau’s invocation of the Emergencies Act was “unjustified,” but by then the damage to Canada as a free society had long since been done.
Trudeau is also, unsurprisingly, a foe of the freedom of speech. In Jan. 2023, he declared: “Diversity truly is one of Canada’s greatest strengths, but for many Muslims, Islamophobia is all too familiar. We need to change that.” In order to do so, he named a hijab-wearing Muslim woman, Amira Elghawaby, whom the Washington Post described as a “journalist, human rights advocate and member of the Canada Race Relations Foundation,” to head up this new government initiative.
Elghawaby explained, “Muslims are sometimes caught between being perceived as a threat or as representing a problem to solve.” She added that “she hoped this moment would spur a national conversation about the value of Canada’s diversity.” Ah, yes, of course — diversity, which we are constantly told is our strength, and we have to keep on being told that, because the evidence of our senses so often suggests the contrary.
According to the Post, Elghawaby was to “tackle racism, discrimination and religious intolerance faced by the Muslim community.” But why? What did racism have to do with “Islamophobia”? There are Muslims, and Islamic jihadis, of all races. Once again we saw what appeared to be a deliberate obfuscation of categories and a refusal to make basic distinctions. Is this because racism is universally stigmatized already, and so the quickest and easiest way to get Canadians to accept the spurious concept of “Islamophobia” was to suggest that it was a form of racism? Of course.
In any case, since the Canadian government was now officially committed to efforts to convince us of the wonderfulness of Islam, it did not look kindly upon critics of the religion, including foes of jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women. Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre, who has a good chance to become prime minister, has pledged to do away with this ridiculous office, and that can’t come a moment too soon.
The end of Trudeau’s nine-year reign of terror also cannot end a moment too soon. Canada is more divided, more dangerous, and poorer than it was when he took office. A massive influx of unvetted migrants has diluted the country’s cultural character and endangered citizens with a not insignificant presence of Islamic jihadis (who cannot be discussed because to do so would be “Islamophobic”). He will be remembered as a Canadian leader whose actions directly threatened Canada’s continued existence as a free society. He deserves all the opprobrium that is coming to him.
Like Joe Biden, (or rather the shadowy cabal behind him) Trudeau and his WEF cabal will do Canada all the damage they possibly can on their way out the door, if indeed they ever leave. His party is still in power and it includes some of the WEF’s YGL’s.
Forgive me for my ignorance. But does California have same problems with Gavin?
Since when has Canada ever been free? Since when have we really been free?
If the military fights for our liberty based upon the Bill of Rights they swore to uphold and protect, why aren’t we free?????
Trudeau like Biden, They want to destroy their respective countries, before they leave..
“Trudeau like Biden”-Please, everyone stop saying Biden did this, Biden did that. Biden signs papers
someone else wrote and Biden reads what someone else wrote. If you think Biden is a functioning human
being I’ve got a bridge for sale. Oh, and by the way, another thing that Trump won’t get credit for-did
anybody notice that Trudeau went to see Trump at Mar-La-Go a few weeks ago and now Trudeau has
has resigned! Just a coincidence???
Unconditional support for the genocidal war criminal Netanyahu didn’t help him, just like with Biden.
Except that Netanyahu ISN’T a “genocidal war criminal.” As long as the fascist Hamas (and other Islamic terror groups) use innocent civilians as human shields, they will get killed. Don’t blame Israel or Netanyahu for that. Blame the Muslim fanatics who are responsible.
Keep racking up those downvotes, loser.
credit where credit due.
turdeau is doing what he is hard wired as a privileged frat boy does:
anything he wants.
no one NO ONE to blame, even trudeau for this. BLAME Canaduh/ blame every single hard core liberal vote liberal REGARDLESS.
if the name was warskowitz wd that be Prime Minister W? hmmmm?
howcum this one? the name you say?
so thats all it takes with some voters/ a lot of them. 3 times
cant plead ignorance.
south park got it: “blame Canaduh”
You have some trolls here…..
haters going to hate hate hate
They’re always trolling me. Sometimes I get mad but most of the time I just laugh at what scumbags they are.
Canada’s Charter of Rights can only be restored after Jackal Trudeau and his Liberal Party Coyote Despots are out of power. A new Conservative Parliamentary Government must be voted in with a New Prime Minister Pierre Poilievre in order to restore the legal rights of the Canadian Citizens. ALL the dictatorial mandates, higher taxes like the carbon and provincial taxes must be repealed. Illegal Immigration and threats to the right of religious must be put back in order. Illegal immigration is a result of Joe Biden’s retard policies that Jackal Trudeau supports to replace native born and indigenous Canadian with terrorists. Canada’s energy resources have been wasted. With a new Conservative Government and Pierre Poilievre as Prime Minister, they can work with Donald Trump as a new partner to fuel a global energy boom and a new Western economic powerhouse in the Americas. Mexico could also be a third partner with a new President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo to help as well.
Liberals must have a suicide gene! Where does it originate?
A better example of inside every progressive is a totalitarian screaming to get out would be AOC
LOVED FIDEL and his education and Healthcare system? Can anyone list the similarities between Cuba and Alcatraz starting off with both are Island Prisons. Convicts do become more educated, some get law degrees, find Jesus, and if Alcatraz was still open, they could get transitioned in their free “and superior, ” that according to Michael Moore, who of course goes to the Mayo Clinic. Hugo Chavez, no relation… I think… even went to Cuba for his healthcare but then again, he couldn’t trust his own doctors because they might have given him a Lobotomy and a Sex Change.
The Online Buzz is saying that TRUDEAU IS FIDEL’S SON so that could be right and a reason he wouldn’t dare talk bad about his Dad! Surely then, Uncle Raul needs a hardcore Communist and Revolutionary to carry on the Castro Legacy.
Loves China too? This man IS a Communist.
Okay… let’s check for his hidden overseas bank accounts. When he resigns and vacations in the Cayman’s, you know he’s there to meet with Geo Theodore, the head of the Bank of Grand Cayman. (What… that’s where I hide mine! He’s a great crook.) (To the FBI: He’s one of my characters in a screenplay… so now you can’t come after me to get a cut! Now go figure out who The Big Guy is and go after him. Okay… lol.)
My former Gov. Bill Richardson would travel to Cuba to meet with Fidel, surely to help him change his colostomy bag and a reason why he wore over-sized warm-up suits. He was there on a trade missions and I have yet to see any trade. After all that Fidel has done, Richardson did say one really really really bad thing about Fidel: “He has bad dandruff.”
Then you had members of the Congressional Black Caucus kissing Fidel’s feet, and picking his bananas. Let’s add all the College students who went there on fact-finding missions but in order to go, you had to have your facts straight first. Then they’d give their glowing reports on the Island Paradise and our unfair Capitalist System. I always wondered why none of them stayed.
Anyway… when Canadian authorities start investigating Trudeau, they’ll take his passport away then he’ll sneak into the U.S., travel to Key West, tie together a few innertubes to be The First to Float TO Cuba! Viva Che! Viva Fidel! Viva Obama!
Wasn’t Justin Trudeau born addicted to cocaine?
Admittedly I had not followed Canadian politics very closely, but several years back I watched Trudeau during a press interview chastise a reporter for not forming his question using more politically correct language. If I recall correctly, the reporter used the word “mankind”, and Trudeau stopped him in mid-sentence, insisting he use the word “personkind”. That’s when I started wondering about him.
Notice how Trudeau has chosen to resign rather than face an election defeat? He’s as cowardly as that woman Prime Minister in New Zealand who resigned before she would’ve faced the same outcome there. These woke, leftist ‘leaders’ are self-absorbed, and avoid every possibility of facing accountability for their vile actions against the nations they were meant to serve. They’re utterly despicable.
Some posit that he is Fidel’s son.
I thought that idea was a bit nutty until I saw two things.
1) The evidence that his father and mother LOVED Fidel and that they were sexual “swingers” and hung around Castro. His mother also visited Castro about 9 months before Justin was born.
2) Looking at a photo of Castro when he was the same age as Justin and comparing it to a photo of Pierre Trudeau at the same age. Justin looks NOTHING like Pierre, but very much like Fidel. He has the very same jaw-line, nose and forehead of Fidel. There’s plenty of articles online making these comparisons.
Great article as usual. You say “His praise for China and for Castro have in common an admiration for the authoritarian’s ability to get things done with no regard for the opposition or the give-and-take of the democratic process.”
It appears the “progressives” haven’t changed all that much from their 1930s counterparts…
Playwright and lifelong Fabian Socialist George Bernard Shaw hailed Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini as the world’s great “progressive” leaders because they “did things,” unlike the leaders of those “putrefying corpses” called parliamentary democracies. Shaw was one of Britain’s most famous socialists.
Shaw once boasted, “Mussolini, Kemal, Pilsudski, Hitler and the rest can all depend on me to judge them by their ability to deliver the goods and not by … comfortable notions of freedom.”
In a 1931 newsreel, he excitedly echoed Nazi sentiment, stating…
“If you can’t justify your existence, if you’re not pulling your weight … then clearly, we cannot use the organizations of society for the purpose of keeping you alive, because your life does not benefit us and it can’t be of very much use to you.”
Canada is better off without this Fool wrecking their Nation and America will soon be rid of those idiot Biden
A question I have wondered about for years is why has the Canadian Governor General; the de facto head of state; allow Justine and his gang to operate like tyrants for so long?
Canadians are not any smarter than U.S. voters. After Pierre you would have thought Justin would not have been elected. After Senator Biden you would have thought there couldn’t possibly be a President Biden. But here we are and here they are. Canadians are even more compliant than their cousins south of the border, but not much else is different. I hope the truckers have kept their powder dry. Because of what they did there is still hope for Canada. That said, the Canadian UNIPARTY has some house cleaning to do to even hope there will be a change. Good luck to them.