[](/sites/default/files/uploads/2012/09/fb1.jpg)On September 11, 2012, I wrote a status update on my Facebook wall. I wanted to remember those innocent souls, who had lost their lives on 9⁄11 and to say a few words about the ideology that killed them. Given that that my Facebook account is a fan page, I am provided with weekly stats on how many people I am reaching. The numbers generally range from about 160k to 450k, week after week. And the topic is always Counter Jihad. Here is the message that I posted on 9/11/2012:
ON 9⁄11 LET US REMEMBER THAT Islam is War. _It has been at war, overtly or covertly since its founder, the “prophet” Mohammed, spread his “religion” through warfare, and became the head of state. Islam is about control, conquest and domination. Islam is war. And what is the first casualty in war? The first casualty in war is the truth. Islam is deception. Even a huge percentage of the followers of_Islam are deceived as to what it really is. We have a word for such people and that word is, “Moderate Muslims”.
And according to Islam, Muslims are not only allowed to deceive for the sake of Islam, they are commanded to do so. In Islam there is no right and wrong – only that which is commanded and that which is forbidden. Islam has no golden rule, no conscience. The very word itself, Islam, means submission. If this belief system were a human being, it would have the mind of a rapist. Islam gets off on making you submit. You don’t have to like it. You don’t have to convert. You just have to submit.
A non-Muslim is a second-class citizen called a Kafir. You and I are Kafirs. Much of the Koran concerns itself with the Kafir – how to control us, to subjugate us and to kill us. Islam has the mind of a psychopathic rapist and because its founder, the “prophet” Mohammed was in fact a psychopathic rapist himself. Islam was spread through rape. Women were raped by Muslims when a town was seized by Islam. Mohammed ordered this and participated in this. Islam was spread by rapists. Mohammed even raped a child who was only 9 years old.
The Islamic scripture mentions, over 90 times, that Mohammed is the highest moral example. Mohammed personally tortured other human beings, he was a thief, a pedophile, a man who annihilated Jews for Allah, a man who ordered the stoning of women, the beheading of his critics, a man who beat his wives and who forced a woman to marry him, after killing her husband, father, brothers and her entire tribe.
Islam is a criminal enterprise, using lies about hell and Paradise to manipulate its masses. Islam is terrorism. The “prophet” Mohammed said, “Strike terror into the hearts of the unbelievers” and “I have become victorious through terror”. Islam is terrorism. The civilized people on planet Earth seek to evolve. It’s what we have done over time, and it’s what we seek to continue to do. Civilized people evolve. But Islam forbids critical thinking. Instead, Islam demands that we all follow Islamic Law – the Sharia. You have one freedom under Sharia and that is the freedom to follow the Sharia.
Islam seeks to take away your freedoms and mine. It is a 1,400 year old human rights nightmare which must not continue. Today, as I remember all of those innocent souls who lost their lives on 9⁄11, because of Islam, I reaffirm my commitment to fight Islam until it is destroyed and it is destroyed completely.
Islam and human rights cannot coexist. Islam and Liberty cannot coexist. Islam and America cannot coexist. We must end Sharia in our time. And if we are to evolve and to survive, as a species on this planet, we must wipe out Islam entirely. We must destroy Islam completely. The slightest trace of this Cancer called Islam will try to grow back. The civilized world, which is superior to Islam in every way, simply cannot afford that.
Muslims are human beings, capable of changing their minds. Muslims, as an entire group of people, are not necessarily our enemy. Arguably the majority of Muslims in America have a higher sense of morality than Islam itself. Islam however is a belief system. It is a savage and sadistic belief system, one which we cannot “coexist” with any longer.
In fact, we must crush Islam and destroy it completely. Islam must die in order for all that is good in this world to continue. If you are Muslim, seek help for this mental illness. If you are a person of conscience, know that Islam has one enemy which has the power to destroy it completely and that is TRUTH. The enemy of Islamic supremacy is information. Spread it like napalm.
Peace, as we remember all those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.
– Eric Allen Bell
The above message was shared by thousands of Facebook members, all around the world. Who knew that simultaneously, a “filmmaker in California” was to become the latest excuse for a rash of international Islamic violence, directed at infidels for making a film which “mocks the prophet”? The movie, “The Innocence of Muslims” by the way is awful. Not because of its subject matter, as I’m all for making a movie which will finally expose the truth about Mohammed, but because it looks like it was shot against a green screen in someone’s garage, over the weekend, with performances equal to those seen in a school play – an elementary school.
I’d be proud to make a film called “The Pedophile Prophet: How a Psychopath created a Religion of Peace which Terrorized the World”. And if I ever do, it will have higher production values, and I will send out press releases to the media and be sure to invite Cat Stevens and John Stewart to the premiere. But something tells me this film would literally “bomb” in the movie theaters.
Anyway, recently my Facebook inbox was flooded with the usual threats from Muslims, telling me that I should be killed for “mocking the prophet” and lefties who refuse to tolerate my intolerance. Here are just 5 real examples, of messages I receive regularly, for daring to criticize the religion of peace:
1) “You are a racist pig who needs to be silenced. I hope someone ends your life slowly and painfully. Why don’t you go find a freeway overpass and throw yourself off of it, or borrow a gun and just blow your own fucking brains out so that we don’t have to listen to your uninformed, racist, bigoted, right wing, bull shit anymore.”
2) “Eric Allen Bell u will die death of a pig. And every man and women who talk bad about muslim prophet and ALLAH will die as same.”
3) “Why u people want to die so early?”
4) _“_Eric your backward counting has started now. inshaAllah you will not live more now. wait for your death and that dead will set an example for all the persons which had the same ideology like You.”
5) _“_I will kill u bastard.”
And so on. Naturally, I report these violations to Facebook and they do absolutely nothing about them. The FB member remains active, often to only come back and threaten me again and again. When a Muslim man in New York once sent me the message, “I will cut off your d-ck and shove it down your throat and end your life and then put you out of your misery” or something like that, Facebook could not have been less interested. This was back when I first started receiving threats, for my articles about the human rights abuses under Political Islam. (I’m something of an apostate from the Left, having once set out to make a documentary exposing “Islamophobia”). So I sent Facebook a screenshot and a letter and everything. It this was like trying to communicate with a brick wall.
A day before the new Sharia Spring got into full swing, with news of “offended” frenzied Islamo-lunatics, scaling walls of US embassies, burning flags, burning buildings to the ground, and sodomizing and killing American diplomats, I had found this Facebook group and I reported it to Facebook:
The Name of the Group is “I Love Allah: I Want to Kill all those Peoplez who make Groups Against ISLAM on Facebook”.
There are over 1,080 members, last time I checked. And I did receive an email back from Facebook, after making my report regarding a “Credible Threat of Violence”. According to Facebook, although this group does clearly call for the death of people – people like me for example, it oddly does not violate Facebook’s policies in any way. Sometimes it just sucks being a white guy.
Sure, there is also a Facebook page called “Death to Israel” and many others like it, but this next one hits pretty close to home, as it targets a few courageous human rights warriors in America, whose work I tend to respect greatly:
The Facebook group called “Pamela Geller is a Terrorist” shows a photograph of an execution table, with the words, “_Pamela Geller. Robert Spencer. Brigitte Gabriel_” typed above it. This makes me furious – not climb a wall, rip up a flag, sodomize a diplomat and beat my chest furious. More like, write an article and make it go viral furious. The internet is a potential game-changer, after 1,400 years of Islamic cruelty. In fact, I maintain that the biggest threat to Islamic brutality is truth, information – and that we should spread it like Napalm.
[](/sites/default/files/uploads/2012/09/fb2.jpg)Picture taken from a Muslim FB page which hates Jews and Counter Jihadists
And naturally this, anti-Jewish, pro-Muslim group also instructs its members to falsely report my page to Facebook:
[](/sites/default/files/uploads/2012/09/fb3.jpg)I and hundreds of my friends have reported this page and this image to Facebook. And we all received similar automated emails back, telling us that the material did not violate any Facebook rules. Funny, by the time this article gets published online, I won’t be able to post it on my own Facebook wall, because I have been suspended for material that is offensive towards Muslims. Anyone else starting to see a pattern here?
The “Palestine Action Committee” on Facebook, has similarly targeted me, but I’m not holding my breath to see if the folks at Facebook are able to locate their spine. And after all, Facebook has to consider the fragile feelings of all of their members:
A few nights ago, (9/12/2012), the latest news reports were breaking, of yet even more offended Muslims, crawling up the walls of US embassies in Cairo and Yemen and other Sharia Spring countries. There were reports of offended Muslims throwing Molotov cocktails to avenge the “mocking” of their “prophet” while the Obama Administration issued its usual apologies for our First Amendment – because nothing stands up to Fascism like appeasement.
And there had been little mention of Obama’s plans to roll out the red carpet, for the Muslim Brotherhood leader of Egypt, a terrorist organization that our President has furnished with $1,500,000,000 of our tax dollars. Yes you, hardworking tax payer, fund Islamic terrorism.
Hamas and Al Qaeda, are extensions of the Muslim Brotherhood. And somehow the White House has chosen to overlook the glaring connections between multiple “legal” Islamic organizations and Islamic terrorist groups – all of which are tentacles of the Muslim Brotherhood.
And it does command, in the Islamic scriptures, that the non-believers must pay the non-Muslim tax “with willing submission” and this is clearly something Barack Hussein Obama has chosen to do, and he has done so in our name. He and his policies continue to make Dhimmis and fools out of all of us.
Speaking of the Muslim Brotherhood, here is what Obama’s new allies have to say on their official English speaking website about the violence that is directed at Americans in response to this film:
“such acts will continue to cause devout Muslims across the world to suspect and even loathe the West, especially the USA, for allowing their citizens to violate the sanctity of what they (Muslims) hold dear and holy. Hence, we (the Muslim Brotherhood) demand that all those involved in such crimes (free speech) be urgently brought to trial”. The Muslim Brotherhood, Cairo – September 12, 2012.
So, it appears that the Muslim Brotherhood is demanding that the US government halt our right to free speech – as it pertains to their “prophet.” A shorter and more and simple way of saying this would be that, the Muslim Brotherhood demands that America become Sharia-compliant.
The Muslim Brotherhood is not the only massive Islamic organization seeking to force the free world to submit to Islam. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (the OIC, an Islamic organization comprised of about 57 states, who use their massive petro dollars to bully the Human Rights Commission within the UN) is demanding similar international legislation, to ban our right to free speech, as it applies to “mocking the prophet.”
Mohammed Karzai, the American installed, Muslim President of Afghanistan, condemned the movie as an insult to all Muslims. In fact, as quoted in the Guardian UK, Karzai called for “efforts to prevent the release of this insulting film”, but did not call for restraint in demonstrations, or criticise the rioting, or the death of the US ambassador in Libya. Instead he said the production would fan tension, and called for the film to be banned.”
LoonWatch.com – the terrorist spin control network, disguised as an “Islamophobia watchdog site” spun the story with careful wording, making sure to indicate that an “Israeli-American” had engaged in “hate movie” which had “provoked” some “protest” on the part of offended Muslims. The next day, that same terrorist spin-control network, ran a headline which promised to tell offended Muslims, the world over, the true identity and location of the filmmaker who made the “hate movie” against the “prophet”. That sounds familiar. They kind of did something similar to me, back in February of 2012.
American newspapers, such as USA Today, Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post, have called for restrictions on freedom of speech, as it pertains to offending Muslims. The “reasoning” here goes something like this: Since we just know that Muslims have no choice but to riot, storm embassies, sodomize and kill American diplomats, rip apart our flag and burn buildings to the ground, making a film for YouTube which “mocks the prophet” is clearly intended to incite violence, and therefore is not protected under the First Amendment of the US Constitution. It would be, according to this line of thinking, the equivalent of yelling “fire” in a crowded room.
Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, came right to the defense… of the enemy – calling the film “disgusting and reprehensible.” She says it is a cynical attempt to offend people for their religious beliefs. Does she say that every time Christianity, Judaism and other religions get lampooned? What sharp criticism did the State Department issue against the Broadway hit musical, “The Book of Mormon”? Crickets. A lone tumbleweed rolls in the breeze, while Donny and Marie Osmond peacefully go on with their lives.
The denial syndrome of the American Left, with regard to Political Islam, tragically resembles the scenario of the abusive husband, who beats his wife and then says, “Now look what you made me do!” And the wife tries to deny it even happened. Then she says, he wasn’t really being his real self. “That’s not the man I know”. And then finally, she blames herself.
Meanwhile, another Muslim Facebook group posts a picture of Ambassador Christopher Stevens. This was the American Diplomat, who was sodomized and then murdered, by offended Muslims. This picture, found on Facebook, shows his face on the body of a pig here. And once again, Facebook finds nothing wrong with this, but my account is suspended for the status update I showed you above.
Islam means “submission” and it demands that the entire world submit to Islamic Law, also known as the “Sharia.” Facebook has over 900 million members. Has the world of Political Islam forced 900 million new people to become Sharia compliant?
Here is the message I received last night, from Facebook, letting me know that my account had been suspended due to the “offensive” message I had posted on 9/11/2012:
“We removed content you posted. We removed the following content you posted because it violates Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.”
Make no mistake about it. The mandate of Political Islam is to force the entire world to submit to Islam. Islam is war. We are at war. And the sooner we can figure that out and accept it, the sooner we can stand up to this threat and defeat it. And we must defeat it. And we must not fail.
Eric Allen Bell
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