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Trump has described Gaza as a “real mess” and a “demolition site.” He wants two-thirds of the population in Gaza — 1.5 million out of a total of 2.2 million people — to be removed, and resettled in Jordan and Egypt.The proposal is startling, but deserves serious consideration. More on his proposal can be found here: “Trump: Jordan and Egypt should take more Palestinians from Gaza,” Jerusalem Post, January
US President Donald Trump said that Jordan and Egypt should take more Palestinians from Gaza when he spoke to reporters on Saturday.
Trump said he spoke about the matter with Jordan’s King Abdullah on the phone earlier in the day and told him that the Gaza Strip is currently a “real mess.”
He said that he told King Abdullah during the call, “I’d love you [Jordan] to take on more because I’m looking at the whole Gaza strip right now, and it’s a mess, it’s a real mess. I’d like him to take people.”
King Abdullah relies heavily on American aid, which in recent years has made Jordan the third highest recipient of such aid, after Israel and Egypt (and excluding the extraordinary sums given to Ukraine, which are likely to soon end). It would be difficult for him to refuse Trump’s request; he might have to agree to taking in about a quarter of that number, about 375,000, with Egypt, a much larger country, taking in the rest — 1,125,000.
With only 700,000 people remaining in Gaza after 1.5 million are transferred to Jordan and Egypt, the reduced numbers will make it much harder for Hamas, as a consequence of this transfer, to continue to be a threat to Israel. And with Gaza’s population so greatly reduced, the IDF’s task of locating and killing Hamas terrorists will be made much easier. Is it any wonder that Smotrich and Ben Gvir welcomed Trump’s proposal?
Trump has in his first week in office put a hold on all foreign aid, excepting only military aid to Israel and Egypt. He could make clear to General El-Sisi that he expects to continue to exempt Egypt from the general withholding of aid as long as Egypt shows a willingness to accept Gazans for resettlement. Jordan, like all recipients of American foreign aid, except Israel and Egypt, has just had its aid frozen; Trump could also make clear to King Abdullah that restoring aid to Jordan will depend on his willingness to take in a few hundred thousand Gazans.
This proposal could be presented to the world as what, in fact, it is meant to be: a humanitarian enterprise, helping Gazans out of their current misery, though it would bring geopolitical benefits to Israel as well.
The humanitarian aspect would be clear: Gazans who are now living in tents in what is a vast “demolition site” and hardly able to move through the piles of rubble that we see every night on the news, would be moved to the safety and much greater comfort of homes newly built for them in Egypt and Jordan, that would be paid for, in Trump’s calculations, not by the Americans, but by the fabulously rich Arab states of the Gulf — Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Could Jordan and Egypt be seen to reject helping their Palestinian brothers? And could those two richest of the Arab states, that each possess trillion-dollar sovereign wealth funds, refuse to pay for the building of those 1.5 million prefabricated homes that could be quickly erected? And to sweeten the pot, and overcome any reluctance to take part, Trump could perhaps increase his economic — but not military — aid to both Jordan and Egypt.
Here is how Trump put his proposal:
“You’re talking about a million and a half people, and we just clean out that whole thing,” Trump said. “I don’t know, something has to happen, but it’s literally a demolition site right now. Almost everything’s demolished and people are dying there, so I’d rather get involved with some of the Arab nations and build housing in a different location where I think they could maybe live in peace for a change.”
This is one of those Trump surprises that at first glance seems so crazy, but then, the more you think about them, the more sense they make.
I have been saying for DECADES that the now-so-called “Palestinians” are historically, culturally, and linguistically ARABS, and the Arab states should take them in, the way Israel took in the Jews that were expelled from Arab lands, India took in the Hindus expelled from Pakistan, Pakistan took in the Moslems expelled from India, Germany took in the Germans expelled from Czechoslavakia. But they won’t. They want the now-so-called “Palestinians” to be rotting in squalor, so that they can say to the world “You have to kick thebJews out of “Palestine” to make a home for these peoplw. The “Palestinians” in Gaza had a chancd to make a homeland there. When Israel pulled out, I forget if it was in 2005 or 2007, they left expensive greenhouses to jumpstart the Gazan economy. The Gazans could have turned Gaza into Singapore on the Mediterranian. Instead, they destroyed the greenhouses and immediately started shooting rockets into Israel, shooting from populated areas.
Move the Hamasians to Egypt and Jordan and let these two countries “deal” with them so Israel doesn’t have to.
But the reality is neither country wants them because the fakestinians are a royal pain in the ass.
The indigenous Coptic Egyptians are already an abused and oppressed minority in their ancestral homeland. Their churches are routinely destroyed, etc. Don’t inflict even more Arab Muslim bullies upon them.
So you want the indigenous Jews to keep getting slaughtered by the fakestinians? Seriously? Most of the Arabs in Gaza are from Egypt, look at their surnames. The false “people” called fakestinians are all from surrounding countries: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt. The Arab countries should take them in just like Israel took in almost a million Jews expelled from Arab countries. Let Egypt protect its Copts and take back ITS people.
So his idea is practically a deportation plan for Gaza.
The plan reflects a realization that Gaza, with its current, hostile population, will not in the foreseeable future, peacefully reconcile with its neighbor Israel. First intifada (1987), second intifada (2000). Provoking wars in 2006, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2021, 2023. Enough is enough. So best they find new domiciles, away from Israel’s borders.
What about the deportation of Arabs, Somalians, Afgans and so on to Europé by their inept governments? Why the so wellcoming European politicians didn’t sent them back and tell them to fight their own governments and built their country?
The fact that Egypt and Jordan don’t want to take in the Arabs in Israel’s Gaza strip is just more evidence that the Hamas psychopathic muderers and their Gaza supporters are the proxy army for all of islam to eradicate israel. This is part of a 1400 year old religious war by islam against all the rest of us. Everything else is secondary. A two state “solution” is no solution; expulsion is the solution, and anything less would mean the destruction of israel, If Israel goes down we all go down.
There was a 2-state deal way back when the British Mandate was divided up. Jordan was the Arab-Muslim state. But nobody remembers?
The fact that Egypt and Jordan don’t want to take in the Arabs in Israel’s Gaza strip is just more evidence that the Hamas psychopathic muderers and their Gaza supporters are the proxy army for all of islam to eradicate israel. This is part of a 1400 year old religious war by islam against all the rest of us. Everything else is secondary. A two state “solution” is no solution; expulsion is the solution, and anything less would mean the destruction of israel. If Israel goes down we all go down.
Oh wait! When I first read of his proposal to move 1.5 million hamasses to other Arab Nations I thought that was a good idea and would bring lasting PEACE to the Gaza strip. But NOW I find out that they might leave 700 THOUSAND of them? WHY? ONE is too many and it will all start over as soon as they obtain the weapons and financing of the mullahs! Just move all of them and let Israel reclaim their territory! Put the West Bank on notice that they TOO might just have to pack up and leave if they continue to support terrorism! PRESIDENT TRUMP is restoring SANITY in the USA – it’s should be catching all around the World! President Milie was the first to act and look at what he’s accomplished!! And Thank God that the DEMOcrats were unable to STEAL another election or we’d have Harris importing hamasses by the boatload!
Lets send the Open Borders Democrats with them
This is ethnic cleansing, no matter what a bombed out hellhole you’re cleaning peple out of.
Cleaning is an essential part of hygiene.
If that were the case every Arab in the Middle East would be in jeopardy.
The KGB-created “Palestinians” are the psychotic Arabs leading the jihad against civilization. There’s a reason no other Arab nation wants them and that is because they want to kill their way to the top of any area they inhabit. All the Arab nations are quite happy with them being corralled in Gaza. It keeps them out of their hair.
OK. So? Ethnic cleansing could be a good thing here. Something needs to be cleansed, changed. It is a hell hole otherwise.
There was a 2-state deal way back when the British Mandate was divided up. Jordan was the Arab-Muslim state.
They should all be moved to Iran, their ally.
Fill the tunnel system under Gaza with sea water before any rebuilding takes place!
I voted for Trump three times. In spite of my admiration I have to ask who the hell is he to demand the ethic cleansing of 1.5 million people from their ancient homeland? In 1948 over 800,000+ Palestinians were thrown out of their villages to make way for European survivors of the Holocaust. We are owned by Israel. Our national interests are controlled in 2025 by a holy book that claims Jews were given land in the Middle east by God. What right does a Jew from Brooklyn whose ancestors came from Russia or Poland 100+ years ago to think they have a “right” to live on land their ancestors left 2,000 years ago? Question anything Israel does or what American Jews say and the ADL and AIPAC will destroy you. Israel cares only about its natural interests. Why can’t America do the same?
I have a contact that can get you some real cheap communication devices that would blow you away.
Nice try but they did not ‘leave’ their land 2,000 years ago. God scattered them around the world as a punishment for disobeying him, but He said He would bring them back, and guess what? God did bring, and is bringing them back as He promised. Read Ezekial 43:7 and tell me who’s land it is, forever. And how come nobody ever talks about the fact that Gaza was part of Israel until about 2005 when Israel GAVE it to the Palestinians as a ‘peace’ offering. Israel forcefully removed 10,000 Jews from their life long homes and even removed their dead from the cemetaries so the Palestinians could build their own ‘beachfront’ society, but within two months they had turned a $2 billion greenhouse industry into and the entire country into a brown, ugly mess of destruction.
You re not owned by Israel, you are owned by your terrorist leaders.
It isn’t their ancient homeland – most of them are the descendants of Arabs who immigrated to the Holy Land in the late 19th/early 20th centuries. One of Islam’s few miracles – making a people indigenous within a 150 years of their arrival.
so what type of “cleansing” to you call it when the KGB-created Palestinians are constantly screaming “from the river to the sea”? I’ll give you this much, you certainly have no trepidations about showing your anti-Semitism. One can only hope Trump disappoints you further. You deserve it.
Israel belongs to the Jews. You were always invaders.
Get your fact straight please.
First according to the UN record, only about 432000 Arab or less where thrown out of their temorry homes which they squattered when they were brought by the British in the 1920’s. as a cheap labourres. This area that the British revived the Roman name of Palestine was allocated to the jewish people under international law after WWI.
Secondly, it was the KGB in 1964 who advised the arch terrorist Arafat to call these Arab refugees ‘Palestsinians”. However such distinct people called “Palestinians” do not exist as we speak and never did. They are Arab tribes/refugees created and let lingere by at least 7 Arab countries in their quest to destroy the Jewish State. BTW. Jordan is also part the historical geographical area of Palestine, never a sovereign power, which the British illigally severed and gave to the Hashemite tribe of Hajaz, now SA. Therefore, it is the obligation of the Arab world to absorb their own bretherns. After WWII, millions were transfered and resetteled.
Judea And Samaria/West Bank is where the Jews were birthed. I suggest you read this book on Amazon: The Jewish People’s Rights to the Land of Israel by Salomon Benzimar, citing international law and history!
Two state solution is not viable in the heartland of the Jewish state!
Nobody wants these people because they cause trouble wherever they go. So dump them in Iran because Iran is supporting HAMAS and the people in Gaza voted to put HAMAS in power.
Maybe not Iran. The mullahs may soon be out and their world-wide jihad up in smoke. No need to send in a bunch of troublemakers when the people of Iran are hoping to get rid of the ones they have. So where to send them? Perhaps Allah will take them with open arms.
The problem I have with Trump’s proposal is that it directs a large population to struggling countries right on Israel’s borders. Better would be to pressure more distant Arab and Muslim countries to take them in. High on the list should be Iran, Turkey and Qatar. (Palestinian Arabs would also help address the demographic shortfalls in Turkey and Iran. Indonesia should also be on the list. Once resettled, they’d lose “refugee” status and fend for themselves.
The alternative is a still growing, hostile, and economically dependent population remaining on Israel’s border, and a reconstruction cost that could exceed $50 Billion, all of it at risk the next time a reconstituted Hamas decides to provoke another conflict.
ireland too could come to the aid of its gazan comrades……… and of course , Iran,
” We welcome all who labour under the yoke of jew colonialism , ”
We in Ireland have shown how much we care … demos, flotillas, hate speech laws,
…. bring em on !
There are no other countries in the world that want people from Gaza. They know how many problems they bring with them.
Wrong! The increasingly dystopian Kanada wants to take in Palestinians and give them $
They better get on with it before the upcoming election. Only Fidel Jr. would be on board with such a move. What the Canadian people want doesn’t ever seem to be a factor in their national politics.
Canada is young and naive in all this and has not learned the lessons of being a bleeding heart lib.
To move them to Jordan or Egypt, yes that’s a good idea, but not to the United States.
It’s folly and foolishness to permit all those “Palestinian” refugees, migrants, entering into the different States in American is a recipe for disaster.
Take England for example , The United Kingdom has already experienced many vicious and malice-filled murderous Muslims terrorists attacks ,as those ,for example, those different malicious and deadly jihadists attacks in London and that horrendous mass murder jihad homicide bombing in the city of Manchester in which so many innocent young girls died.
Another way to illustrate the folly of foolish and reckless kindness is by the fable of Aesop which of a kind old farmer who saw outside a poor helpless viper that was freezing to death in the winter cold. The compassionate but foolish farmer felt sorry for that creature so he went outside and put it in his vest pocket to warm it up and therefore save its live. The viper revived in the warmed of vest ,felt better then bit the farmer through the vest and the kind but foolish farmer died a slow and painful death from that viper’s bite.
Therefore, allowing all those “Palestinian” /Muslim jihadists into America is a dangerous folly, For no amount of caring and kindness will change the murderous and destructive nature of a violent /jihadist/Muslim because such a man has been infected with an evil and deadly nature because of the evil and deadly religion.
Mobs VS Scared Female Hostage: Again, Only Haaretz (Haaretzism) Was Desperate To Whtewash Guilty Ordinary “Palestinian” Arabs.
On Jan 30, 2025, seeing footage of thousands, literally, of bloodthirsty Gazans, cheering, mobs attacking scared hostage 29 civilian woman Yehud Arbel, it reminded the pre Israelis response ‘Oct 7 war’: masses of Gazans gloating cheering, celebrating on that fateful day.
Reaffirming the shocking ‘secret’ no one dares to talk about: the lack of innocent among ordinary Arab “Palestinians”.
I Google searched for “arbel scared,” guess who whitewashed the guilty “Palestinians”?
Even Hamas’ mouthpiece and linked, Qatar’s Al Jazeera didn’t appear on the screen for this despicable propaganda at this early moment.
Only one site was like a thorn on display. The infamous twisted hate site HAARETZ. The dreadful line of Haaretzism: in justifying Arab racism and Islamic bigotry- the motivation and engine for anti Israel, anti Jewish atrocities.
What about the deportation of Arabs, Somalians, Afgans and so on to Europé by their inept governments? Why the so wellcoming European politicians didn’t sent them back and tell them to fight their own governments and built their country?