Back in the days when there was equal justice for all in the United States, there was this concept known as “conflict of interest”: if someone involved in, say, a legal case had shown clear evidence of favoring one side or another, that was considered to be a disqualifying factor. Now, however, in these exhilarating days of justice of the woke, by the woke, and for the woke, the old rules just don’t apply. If a presidential candidate opposes the regime, he is liable to be arrested for old misdemeanor charges that are suddenly new again, and are now turbocharged felonies. If the judge in the case is obviously biased against him, so much the better.
The judge in Donald Trump’s case is Acting New York County Supreme Court Justice Juan Manuel Merchan, about whom our Townhall colleague Mia Cathell has made some interesting discoveries:
“According to Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings, Merchan donated three times to ActBlue in the summer of 2020, once on July 26, 2020, when the judge’s donation was—according to the FEC—earmarked for President Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign. The other two of Merchan’s contributions were pledged to the Progressive Turnout Project (PTP), a left-wing PAC that rallies voter turnout for Democrat candidates, and Stop Republicans, a PTP sub-project that’s dedicated to ‘resisting’ Trump and the Republican Party.”
Does all this mean that Merchan won’t be able to judge Trump fairly? Not necessarily. But it certainly makes it less likely.
But wait, there’s more. Breitbart reported Tuesday that Judge Merchan’s daughter, Loren Merchan, is “president and partner of Authentic Campaigns, a company that runs digital campaigns for Democrat candidates, according to Merchan’s archived LinkedIn account.” Loren Merchan “worked as the ‘Director of Digital Persuasion’ for ‘Kamala Harris For The People’ from February 2019 through December 2019 — which was during the 2020 presidential election. And according to the company’s website, the ‘Biden-Harris’ campaign was also a client.” So were the campaigns of Hakeem Jeffries, Cory Booker, Gavin Newsom, and a host of other Leftists.
It’s clear that, for the Trump trial, Merchan’s deep involvement with the Leftist elites is not a bug but a feature. Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s case couldn’t possibly be thinner. As Andy McCarthy, a former assistant U.S. attorney, stated, “this indictment, even before you get to the statute of limitations and whether he’s got jurisdiction to enforce federal law, I would dismiss it on its face because it fails to state a crime… This is the heart of the case. It’s not a felony unless he was trying to conceal another crime and if you don’t tell them what the crime is, how does that put him on notice and allow him to prepare his defense?”
The perfect judge for such a Kafkaesque case would be one who is so ferociously partisan that the weakness of the case hardly matters, because the outcome has been predetermined.
Is Judge Merchan that judge? He may end up being as impartial as the day is long, but if Bragg and his henchmen wanted to make sure that the judge in this case was as sympathetic to the prosecution as possible, Merchan’s donation history and daughter’s activities certainly made him an appealing candidate for the job.
So could Trump be convicted? It’s a real possibility. Patriotic observers are concentrating on the weakness of Bragg’s case and the legal legerdemain involved in it, but all that is ultimately beside the point if Merchan turns out to be as desperate to get Trump as Bragg obviously is. Those who have accordingly argued that the case should be moved out of New York City have a point; in Manhattan, it will be easy for Bragg to find a jury of twelve people who hate Trump even more than he himself does, and the former president’s chances of a fair trial will be reduced even more.
Here yet again, we are in uncharted territory. Many have observed that the indictment and arrest of Trump take us into banana republic territory, and it is precisely for that reason that supporters of Trump, and those who aren’t so fond of Trump but realize how dangerous this whole affair is, should not be so sure that the whole case will eventually founder. Stalin didn’t put his enemies on trial just to see them acquitted. Old Joe Biden’s handlers and their allies aren’t likely to do so, either.
Una Salus says
These guys are more brazen than Trump on the campaign warpath.
Would anybody really pay attention to America turning into a banana republic if Trump wasn’t forced to undergo show trial? Sure, they’d grumble about it but as long as they have their Trump fix they don’t need anything else.
He could appeal but he won’t need to. He still has so much work to do hollowing out whatever solidity remains in the GOP.
Saying Trump is better than Biden is like saying Neville Chamberlain was better than the people he appeased because on domestic policy once Trump’s done trolling the media he’s always out to lunch. Then it’s time for his supporters to pass the buck that never stops.
Intrepid says
You are the one who needs a Trump fix each and every day.
Una Salus says
Trump is a mirage friend. You know what a mirage gets you in the desert?
Una Salus says
Covid shots for life baby.
Here’s John Stossell. I always liked John but 70 something is too old to be a goober. Does he not realise the ridiculous nature of what he’s saying?
John Reese says
These people are too far gone. After 2 years of Biden, and they can’t see the truth?
Una Salus says
The thirstier you get the better that mirage looks. But there’s only the hard way out of here and that’s no guarantee.
Una Salus says
After 2 years of Biden who has all the charisma of boiled cabbage Trump’s numbers don’t look any better.
Republicans are going to have to learn the hard way but I don’t think they’ll learn anything except what Dems have to teach. Newt seems confident the playbook is on track. Let’s see.
Una Salus says
This isn’t a game yoyo
Una Salus says
It’s very difficult for the people from the land of plenty to now understand they inhabit a European style spiritual desert. It’s all the more difficult because they’ve never been here before. Never imagined it existed or at least not at home.
Una Salus says
You have no soul. You don’t even know what you have except Trump trust the Science!!! boosters apparently.
Una Salus says
That’s why we have this Trump mania to fill the yawning gap but for an outsider you know exactly what’s going on.
Una Salus says
Trump supporters in jail know exactly what’s going on, precisely, But they can’t talk to anybody. All we have is Captain Ego. He’ll make his ego your ego.
World@70 says
Ego? Is that what 11 of the first 13 comments made by the same person shows?
Una Salus says
OMG I might die
August West says
And Robert Spencer get’s it exactly correct.
In a separate article I saw Robert refer to Trump as Emanuel Goldstein. In this article he correctly references Kafka and of course the reference is “The Trial”.
In this situation you really have to refer to these two books (and also Atlas Shrugged) to make any sense out of current events.
Kafka knew that you do not need a crime to have a trial and Orwell knew very well that an enemy like Goldstein (Trump) is required for regular Hate Week episodes. These Hate Week events will be used to motivate the Left’s Outer Party members as the 2024 election approaches. Not that the 2024 outcome is in anyway in doubt at this stage. Spoiler alert – the Left will win.
I have a great deal of respect for Andy McCarthy, but as he writes on The Trial he clings to the Constitutional Legal System like a teddy bear or a comfort blanket. Spencer understands that we are well past that system and into the realm of the Stalinist/Maoist/Leftist legal system.
This Trump “trial” might be the first overtly post Constitutional in the US, but it will not be the last. They are coming for Trump now, but soon they will be coming for the common person with conservative thoughts.
Trump was captured behind enemy lines in leftist occupied New York city. Any conservative in similar occupied territories may well face a similar fate.
Get ready for Room 101 Comrad.
Brigitte Goldstein says
My beef with Orwell is that he called the evil one “Goldstein”. If he was to represent Trotzky, why didn’t he call him “Bronstein” if he felt he had to use a Jewish name in the first place. Something neutral or more Russian would have gotten the point across just as well.
August West says
🙂 I did see a rough draft once where Emanual Goldstein was called Brigitte Goldstein… Thankfully he made this change.
Tortoise Herder says
“ My beef with Orwell is that he called the evil one “Goldstein”. If he was to represent Trotzky, why didn’t he call him “Bronstein” if he felt he had to use a Jewish name in the first place. ”
Because Goldstein is not Trotsky, and because Goldstein is as fictional as Bug Brother, both in reality and in the world of 1984. There might have really been a Goldstein that the subject of the Hate at some point, but what the book deals with is a fictional construct created in universe by The Party and in the novel by Orwell to represent a scapegoat for the regime, something that didn’t exist any more than the fictional caricature of Trotsky created by Stalin existed (or for that matter the saintly portrayal of Trotsky created by himself and his apologists).
Tortoise Herder says
Damn Typo. Should be “Big Brother.”
August West says
Folks we might be confusing Orwell books. In Animal Farm it is well know that the pig Snoball was intended to represent Trotsky.
The book 1984 was so far ahead of it’s time that the characters did not have an historical analog (for lack of a better term) until the 21st century.
While Biden is not fictional in the strict sense of the word he might as well be. Biden = Big Brother (or at least serves the same role).
Trump = Goldstein (no brainer)
Inner Party = WEF and other globalist structures
Outer Party = Functionaries in DC and the lower level followers of the Dem. Party.
Prols = Anybody who has a job (or used to)
Victory Gin = marijuana other drugs that illegally cross the border
Anti Sex League = gay community,
It goes on and on.
In order to understand what is happening today and project current trends into the future one must view the world through the lenses of Kafka, Orwell, Huxley and Rand.
It turns out that The Trial, 1984, Brave New World and Atlas Shrugged were remarkably predictive of the future – much more predictive than any actual history book.
Conservatives/Libertarians read these books and see horror.
Leftists/Totalitarians read these book and see best practices that should be implemented.
This last point is why they are so predictive – people read them and choose to actually implement what is in them.
David Ray says
Good points; especially the last 2 paragraphs.
Also bear in mind that these leftist low-lifes are also disciples of Saul Alinsky and follow his book “Rules for Radicals”.
(Hillary wrote her thesis on him.)
The 1st known victim she applied Alinskyite tactics on was Billy Dale of the Travel Office.
It backfired on her big time, but the lying bitch is never accused of being smart – just of being conniving.
Terence Gain says
Bragg’s bogus indictment, which is defective on its face, will never go to trial. The purpose of the indictment – which fails to state the felony- is to encourage Republicans to rally around Trump so that DeSantis does not become the R nominee.
Spurwing Plover says
More reasons to have the Judge removed from the Bench totally
August West says
Now who is going to remove the Judge?
New York is a leftist occupied territory. The notion that there is somehow a rules based objective constitutional system that governs the former State of New York is gone.
Joe Biden says
C’mon man, this judge was paid his salary throughout the lockdowns, how else could he spend his dimes?
If the maga orange guy don’t get convicted this time, then I guess he’s gonna get arrested for warp speed and we don’t really wanna do that one do we?
Handler #9 says
Mr. President,
We have another thick envelope from Xi, who’s also wanting to know why HE paid millions, while the Taliban got your services for FREE!??
What up??
Don Davenport says
Let’s face it, America is fucked and there won’t be an unfucking anytime soon.
Handler #9 says
Not without us removing 10,000s of these refuse from office including Soros & sons.
Buy ammo.
Kasandra says
Well, the Left has ruined everything else. Why not our system of justice, as well?
CowboyUp says
Funny that they have created the very biased and crooked legal system they always claim we had, but didn’t.
John Reese says
And the Clintons gave this bunch a good start.
Gordon says
Not sure why Robert states repeatedly that this judge may be impartial. We already know he’s a left-wing psycho that will do anything to persecute political enemies while ignoring the crimes of the left. That’s what the entire left wing judicial establishment does.
August West says
I suspect Spencer does this to show how open minded he is. The reality is that nobody is openminded about the objectiveness of the Judge/Jury etc. Spencer must appear openminded so that he is not ripped to shreds.
As In…
Critic: “Spencer is closed minded, biased and just automatically assumes that a Judge is out to get Trump”
Spencer: “How can this be? I said the Judge was possibly openminded 10,000 times during 2023.”
Critic: “It was only 9,000 times that is not enough”
CowboyUp says
“Recusal,” and “conflict of interest,” are words and terms that only apply to Republicans and their supporters. Where are all the dems and ‘journalists’ that insisted Clarence Thomas recuse himself for his wife’s activities, when this judge made donations to Biden, and a group explicitly called “Stop Republicans.”
If Merchan could be fair and impartial regarding Trump, he would have already thrown the case out over the faulty and incomplete indictment. We already know he won’t be.
Onzeur Trante says
OK, so now conflict of interest has also been tossed out the window. How many more things do they have to toss out before Americans en masse shout “Enough!” It’s not about voting harder, btw.
If Merchan refuses to recluse himself, then he richly deserves a tar and feathering. Time we got fed up enough to take back both our country and our laws.
Trump lawyers, either you get the removal of Merchan and another venue or you are as useless as Mitch (Bitch) McConnell, and just as full of sh*t as he is.
David Ray says
Your name AZ COWBOY reminds me of AZ rancher Nethercott who detained two illegals trespassing on his land.
He learned the hard way that instead of shooting the two invaders and dumping their bodies (like I would have), he made the mistake of showing restraint and handing ’em over to authorities.
That mistake landed him before an activist judge who seized his ranch and awarded it to the two illegals.
There was absolutely no legal or moral reason to have taken his land, but it was done regardless.
Now these activist low-lifes have given a 10 year prison sentence to Douglas Mackey for simply being effective in the 2016 election cycle. No legal or moral imperative either, yet it happened.
So it appears that Trumps odds of conviction in a bullshit show-trial have precedent.
Time to buy more ammo – just like Andy Ngo & Bret Weinstein have had to.
Christopher Riddle says
Were this to be the other way round,The DemonRat/LibTurds would be SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!