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Businesses love cheap labor like a fat kid loves cake. The reason we have so many illegal aliens in the United States is we have so many companies willing and wanting to hire them. They aren’t simply hiring them over Americans, they’re hiring them over Americans for much cheaper than they can hire Americans – many times for cash, avoiding taxes. It’s just a simple fact of economics, made much worse by the failures of Joe Biden and his administration to secure the border. But the fight that is brewing just over the horizon is not about illiterate illegal aliens coming to service the physical labor tasks around the houses of rich Democrats; it is about the fight over the legal immigrants these Democrats will not fire for making eye contact or speaking to the: people coming to the United States on a H1B visa.
The American Immigration Council describes an H1B visa as “a temporary (nonimmigrant) visa category that allows employers to petition for highly educated foreign professionals to work in ‘specialty occupations’ that require at least a bachelor’s degree or the equivalent. Jobs in fields such as mathematics, engineering, technology, and medical sciences often qualify. Typically, the initial duration of an H-1B visa classification is three years, which may be extended for a maximum of six years. Before an employer can file a petition with USCIS, the employer must take steps to ensure that hiring the foreign worker will not harm U.S. workers.”
These visas came into existence to fill the void left by the failing American education system. We were not creating enough educated, skilled workers, instead pumping out gender and race studies grievance drones and sociologists to manufacture studies to keep them feeling self-righteous.
The problem is we never corrected that failure.
Engineering is hard, medicine requires a lot of work and discipline, etc. American popular culture requires immediate gratification – social media influencers only have to wait a few seconds for the likes and “tips” to come rolling in. Planning for when you’re really old – like 30 – is something people with fewer than a million followers do.
Rather than address this rot by disallowing federal student loans and grants to study fields with a 3 percent employment rate – fields like gender or race studies, where the only jobs available are teaching other people dumb enough to take those classes or explain to left-wing corporations why they need to defecate on Martin Luther King’s grave by hiring based on the color of an applicant’s skin and not the content of their resume. There aren’t nearly enough of those jobs to go around, relative to how appealing these universities make the profession seem.
Choke off the federal money, and these students can choose a useful field of study or get their fitting for the barista uniform before they pack on the freshman 15. If their parents want to cover the costs, let them. Not everyone can be saved – the world needs cautionary tales too.
Without an effort to create enough high-skilled labor being churned out (and I mean skilled, not simply people with the degree) the H1B will continue to exist.
But to pretend it is not being exploited by tech companies looking to do what those Democrats who don’t want to pay an American to cut their lawn are doing is ignorant.
Foreign labor, even skilled labor, is cheaper. Companies throwing their hands up and whining about how they can’t find enough workers is an old, tested trick to get people for less, who can’t bitch about their low wages or they’ll be let go and shipped back home. The H1B visa worker is tethered, essentially owned, by the company that sponsored them. Get fired and they’re gone.
That incentivizes silence and acceptance of low pay and abuse.
The truth is there are plenty of people with the education to do the job being graduated, but many lack the skills and drive of foreign workers. That’s a failure of the education system and no one seems interested in addressing it.
It’s being described as “meritocracy,” when in reality it is manipulation. Acknowledge the problem, but do not address it because the problem itself is actually beneficial to the businesses.
There is a fight brewing that is just now bubbling over top about H1B visas that will get ugly very quickly, if the Trump administration isn’t ready for it. Democrats won’t help, they’ll try to make things worse because that will help them.
The incoming President has to realize he’s already a lame duck. He has a year, at the most, of political capital to push for big changes he campaigned on, then the mid-term campaigning starts. Once that happens, nothing major is going to get done legislatively – that just the nature of the beast. If Republicans hold the House and Senate, or even expand, he gets another year of getting things done before the 2028 cycle starts up.
Time is of the essence here. Someone in the incoming administration needs to step up and break up this gathering storm between Donald Trump, Stephen Miller, Elon Musk and the rest of MAGA before it gets out of control and derails Trump II.
For decades, companies nationwide have laid off Americans with advanced degrees and years of experience to bring in workers on H1B visas, generally with less education and an inferior skill set. Commonly, American engineers are forced to train their foreign replacements if they want a severance package. This has been going on for decades, preceding the extreme rot in our educational system. My husband (now retired) did graduate work at the media lab at MIT and secured a PhD-level position at a prestigious lab in Silicon Valley. When he arrived there in the mid-nineties the lab was staffed by Americans, although there may have been some foreign interns scattered among the employees. I can’t say there weren’t any. We socialized with people at the lab – they were American. I went to events there – Americans. I visited my husband at the lab sometimes and walked around with him and met people – Americans. Over the next 15 years, after rounds of layoffs, most of the Americans had been replaced by Asians. Can you really believe that highly educated and skilled Americans were pushed out because they were inferior to their foreign counterparts? I can assure you the people at that lab were not replaced because the Asians were smarter and more skilled. That is a fiction they tell to justify what they have done to the American worker. This same pattern has been repeated at companies all across the country and not only in tech, but across the economy. We also have engineering schools around the country that have been consistently graduating talented students despite the rot in our educational system. It is hard for them to find work because there is a conspiracy between our globalist “leaders” and our CEOs to create a foreign, rather than an American, workforce. I believe it is all part of the UN’s replacement migration program. That is the real issue. Not only is H1B a problem, but there are many visas being used to purposefully keep Americans out of the workforce. At the same time they are flooding our workforce and universities with foreigners, there are mass layoffs of American workers. In this article, Breitbart describes the magnitude of the visa problem and the shafting of American students and workers:
Examples of Jobs That Have Been Approved for H-1B Visas
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) publishes statistics on the employers that file H-1B visa petitions and the occupations that USCIS has approved for H-1B visas. (See USCIS’s “Characteristics of H-1B Specialty Occupation Workers” report; the the Fiscal Year 2022 is the most recent available as of January 2024.)
As you can see from the below list, which is from prior USCIS reports, these are broad categories for the most part.
Accountants and Auditors
Budget and Management Analysts
Civil Engineers
College and University Educators
Database Administrators
Data Communication and Network Administrators
Electrical and Electronic Engineers
Investment Banking and Securities Dealing
Graphic Designers and Artists
Industrial Engineers
Mechanical Engineers
Physicians and Surgeons
Sales and Distribution Managers
Software Engineers
Systems Analysts and Programmers
Teachers, Primary and Secondary Schools
It’s clear from this article that H1B visas are for educated or highly
skilled foreign workers – that there are not enough such American
workers because of the failed U.S. education system – and that
businesses want it that way because they can pay foreign workers
so much less than Americans and even exploit them.
What is not clear is who will involve Trump and Musk and Miller
(and MAGA) in the impending storm over H1B visas. “. . . it is the
fight over the legal immigrants these Democrats will not fire for
making eye contact or speaking to the: people coming to the
United States on an H1B visa.” What does that even mean?
Donald Trump stepped in it. He has only himself to blame. Before making pronouncements on H1B, he should have consulted his immigration team. As things stand now, Donald Trump’s message—whether he like is or not—is that supports replacing Americans with cheap foreigners. That is what the H1-B program does. If you support H1-B you support all of it. If it had anything to do with bringing in the top 0.00000001%, it would not be legal to replace Americans. It would behove Trump to tell Elon to shut the f-up and stick to DOGE and to bring in people like Michelle Malkin to get a message on H1-B. Otherwise, Trump has screwed up his second term as well.
Donald Trump, this is H1-B, what you say you support:
You are exactly right.
His first term allowed H1-B’s with ‘exceptions’ which were only legalize that allowed in exactly what McConnell wanted; more, and Trump gave it to him.
I expect no less this time around. Bills will be worded so as to hide the end result best they can but in the end those wanting Trump to increase quotas will again get what they want.
He did it before and will do it again, guaranteed.
The companies that pay cash to illegal immigrants have to pay taxes on the cash they draw out of the company account to pay them . The biggest problem is that the companies that pay the illegals cash ,supply no documentation of the transaction to the worker . The company simply regards it as ” draw ” from the account , leaving the undocumented worker with no record of earnings, so they qualify for every welfare giveaway possible .
ELON MUSK is a robber baron,exploiter of labor and in 2024 or 2023 hired almost 800 foreign professionals under the H1 B Visa program.
First there are many,many,many EXPERIENCED American professionals in high tech who have been FIRED for no good reason and replaced by others who came under the H1 B Visa program..Replaced because they would be paid LESS, even if they were just as experienced.
Second, there ALREADY exists a visa program,different from the H1 B one, that would allow geniuses like Einstein or Newton or Archimedes to enter. But the high tech companies never try to hire using that way. Because they would be required to pay the foreign professional the SAME salary as an American.
Third, Elon Musk donated 250 million dollars to Trump’s campaign.The BIGGEST donation of any donor,plus an additional 20 million by other Silicon Valley ”tech bros”.
Fourth,that is why today Musk has become moralistic and religious-like, supporting TOMMY ROBINSON. Robinson is now in jail for opposing Muslim rape gangs in the UK. A noble cause and he is vilified. The reason Musk is now supporting him publicly is not because he cares about the rape victims, who were white,non-Muslim girls, but to make people forget and forgive him about his support for the H1 B program.
Will it work? Yes,it will. People have short memories.
You forgot about VIVEK RAMASWAMY .Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy will lead new ”Department of Government Efficiency” in the Trump administration.
Vivek is another TECH BRO. Supporter of H1 B Visas.
1. He is famous for having bought and sold a company that was selling a medication said to CURE a person of ALZHEIMER. Literally,and he got as much money as he could, a liar and scammer,using the ”pump and dump” method. Which is ILLEGAL.
Pump-and-dump is a manipulative scheme that boosts the price of a stock or security through fake recommendations. And Trump chose this guy to be a CHIEF of a department.
2. Vivek has said American culture is at fault, for not producing enough scientists and engineers. So that is why they have to hire Indian and Chinese foreigners However there are lots and lots and lots of INDIAN-AMERICAN and CHINESE-AMERICAN professionals, with the best grades, Born in the US, speak perfect English,
who come from traditional Indian culture homes and Chinese culture homes, who can be hired by Silicon Valley. What Vivek affirms is a lie.
We must also end the feature of “dual intent” that allows an H-1B visa applicant (non-immigrant visa) to later file to change status and apply to become a lawful permanent resident (green card holder).
This system opens an entire other vehicle of fraud and exploitation..
Stop “Dual Intent.”
Trump says he is America first. Well, Americans did not vote him into office so he can play paddy-cake with Elon and Vivek at the expense of our highly educated Americans who have been cut at the knees by the H1B visa program.
We’re watching and very closely. Though he has 4 years in office, he’d also better be looking to the longterm viability of the MAGA movement in us turning the ship America back to her Constitutional foundation.
He can create an adverse atmosphere and destroy the loyalty and commitment of Americans who have vigorously supported him and will remain the outspoken voices throughout our country!
Here is a suggestion. Make these large corporations pay a tax for each worker equal to the market-based salary for the position they will fill. That will remove the incentive to abuse H1B for cheap labor, but it will still allow them to attract the top talent if that is their true objective, which is not likely.
When a company lays off it’s AMERICAN workers and imports h1b’s and then REQUIRES the AMERICAN worker to TRAIN the h1b there should be an investigation and prosecution of the company! It should be a CRIME to do that and we’ve all seen report after report of it happening! Those h1b’s should not be renewed and the people can go home. The company must then RE-HIRE the American workers at their previous wages. I’m sure this might hit a few stock prices, but it will strengthen OUR NATION! Is INDIA bending over backwards to hire any – ANY – AMERICANS? NO! How about the Chinese? NO! Mexico?? NO! So WHY does the WORLD think the US should be OPEN for ABUSE?? IT has to end!!