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We are living at a truly momentous time in history. Donald Trump illustrated that yet again on Tuesday evening during his press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “You have to learn from history,” Trump declared and proceeded to upend the political order that has prevailed in the Middle East for decades. It is a multiply failed order and new approaches are very, very long overdue, but no one has dared to question it and suggest new solutions. Until now.
The most momentous announcement of this most momentous of press conferences was Trump’s declaration that Hamas would not be permitted to regain control of Gaza and that, in fact, the U.S. “will take over the Gaza Strip… we will own it.” He also reiterated his insistence that 1.7 million Palestinians would be relocated to Egypt and Jordan, explaining several times that this was necessary because the failed policies of the past should not and must not be applied yet again.
Hamas, Trump said, had ruled Gaza for years and offered no options for the Palestinian people beyond bloodshed and death. He sketched out a vision of a restored Gaza that would be an international area, populated not just by Palestinian Arabs but by people from all over the world who would be able to enjoy its renaissance as the “Riviera of the Middle East.”
BREAKING: President Trump just announced: “The US will take over the Gaza Strip, and we will do a job with it, too. We’ll own it and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous unexploded bombs and other weapons on the site. Level the site and get rid of the destroyed… pic.twitter.com/dnoMKDSQFA
— George (@BehizyTweets) February 5, 2025
When asked if this meant that he was rejecting the possibility of a “two-state solution,” Trump said that he wasn’t addressing that at all, but merely saying that the old policies of the past had failed and that new solutions needed to be tried. He and Netanyahu also both expressed confidence that Saudi Arabia would soon normalize relations with Israel, which would have a seismic effect upon the Muslim Middle East, as it has shown unremitting hostility to Israel ever since the founding of the modern Jewish state in 1948.
Trump’s plan may sound crazy, and the establishment media and establishment policy analysts are already purporting to explain just how crazy it is. But in reality, the crazy plan is the one that has been in place since the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993 and which has remained the view of the conflict that virtually everyone has taken for granted for over three decades now.
The idea of the Oslo Accords was that Israel would relinquish sovereignty over certain areas of Judea and Samaria (that is, the West Bank, as the Jordanian government renamed the region in 1950 in order to obscure its ancient ties to the Jewish people), as well as of Gaza, and that the Palestinian Authority would be established to govern those territories. Israel and the Palestinian Authority would then work with the Palestinians toward the establishment of a fully independent Palestinian state. The two states would then, as the rhetoric of a thousand establishment politicians has affirmed since then, live side by side in peace.
There were numerous problems with this plan from the beginning. One is that the Palestinians are not in reality a distinct ethnicity or nationality; they are identical culturally, religiously, linguistically, and ethnically to the Arabs of Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon. Giving them the Palestinian Authority, and ultimately a state, would simply be establishing a twenty-third Arab state at the expense of the world’s lone Jewish state and would be rewarding the propaganda campaign that has convinced much of the world that the Palestinians are actually the indigenous people of the area.
Even worse, the fundamental reason why all peace efforts between Israel and the Palestinians have failed is because of the imperative in the Qur’an, “Drive them out from where they drove you out” (2:191). That passage is the basis for the Islamic idea that any land once ruled under Islamic law belongs by right to Islam forever and that Muslims have a responsibility before Allah to remove any people from what they think is Islamic land.
Thus, the two people would never live side by side. That has been proven abundantly, not least by what happened after Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza in 2005. Instead of resuming normal lives, the Palestinians turned Gaza into a new jihad base. They will never accept an Israel even the size of a postage stamp; the Qur’anic imperative to drive them out will remain. This is why Hamas always breaks every truce, every peace accord, every ceasefire.
So Trump is right. A radical new approach is needed. And he is right also that Egypt and Jordan should take in the Gazans. They have refused to do so for decades because they wanted to keep the Palestinian issue alive as a weapon to use against the Jewish state that they also hated for Islamic reasons. Now, in view of the fact that they are one people, they should accept their brethren just as Germany accepted the displaced Eastern Germans after Germany rightly lost territory following World War II.
As for American administration of Gaza, it could work as a temporary measure, but only if leftist nation-builders are kept far away from the project and the whole area is approached in a manner that has not been attempted before: not to teach the natives who hate the West and democracy to love both but to free the area of jihadis and then build a new life with those who remain.
In any case, there is still a long way to go and many hurdles to clear before Trump’s plan can even come close to being implemented. In discarding the old failed policies, however, he is very much on the right track. All free people should be praying for his success.
Don’t like the idea. Why not focus on clearing everyone out and relocating them to other countries (good luck with that) and then letting Israel do with the land as they please? I suppose one challenge in all of this is that that piece of geography is not a nation so not sure how that would be navigated. Who own’s that piece of land?
Also, the timing to suggest we get embroiled in a way flies in the face of the current push to pull back on foreign aid and get out of dicey conflict zones. So I fear this suggestion will fuel more Jew hatred.
And lastly, it’s heartbreaking that in all of this discussion online and in comments around the blogosphere, there has not been a single mention of the remaining hostages.
(PS Mr. Spencer’s comment about what Egypt and Jordan SHOULD so is a far cry from what they will or will not do per their recent words and deeds. If only we could say what should be done and it would be so.)
Yeah. Something like what Trump is doing with the Panama Canal. Carter made a bad deal. The terms and the intent of the deal are being violated. Trump wants that deal to be reversed.
Same with Gaza. Isreal made a bad deal to trust Palestinian Muslims to control it. The terms and intent of that deal have been continuosly violated. Reverse that deal.
And return to Israel what she lost in making the deal.
“Clearing everyone out and relocating them to other countries” does not consider the gentiles (among whom are Jewish Christians) who have lived there for hundreds, even thousands of years. You recognize this when you say “geography is not a nation.”
A nation is a people of common language, culture, ancestry, religion, heroes, holidays and life. Religion and language are foremost of these commonalities. Without them, no common purpose exists.
The Holy Land is home to three major religions and cultures – Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Only Islam is an inveterate enemy of Israel, but I know some Jews also include Christians in the enemy category – and not without a scintilla of evidence. Many Jews love their Christian nation, friends and neighbors — and their love is justified by more than a scintilla of evidence.
Would Christians, many of whom are Jews whose families converted long ago, be allowed to stay in their ancestral homeland? According to my own definition of nation, the answer would be no.
Would international governance with its polyglot of tongues, nations and gods (mostly demonic) do better than Israeli governance? I don’t think so. But if Israel governs Judea, will she have peace given the cultural climate? No. Not unless the LORD gives her peace – something that will not come from international governance or strong allies, even though the LORD can use these to accomplish His purposes.
I think the best plan is Israeli governance and control. If that happens, I hope Israel would recognize the goyim who are devoted to her good and not merely occupying the space. She should be able to determine friend and enemy and deal with them as she sees fit. If she throws out the Christians, I would hope they could find a new home and refuge with us in the west.
Trump needs to be encouraged to continue upon what is undeniably a better path. We should not despise these small things, baby steps in the right direction (Zechariah 4: 10).
The Gaza Strip belongs toI srael…always has. YHWH says no one is to divide Israel. It never should have been given away in the first place.
What happens after Trump’s 4 years are up and there us the possibility of another Antisemetic govn. in the U. S? Israel could end up in a war against the U.S. if Gaza belongs to a Commie run U.S. Govn. I don’t think that would be good.
Give Gaza back to Israel!
What’s not to like about it? Nothing will likely come of this but it’s a kick in the nuts of those illiterate jihadist monkeys over there who need it and deserve it.
Moreover, given that it’s president Trump, dismissing his “proposal” could potentially be perilous for them. Is he bluffing or is he serious? Which group of those filthy ignorant savages wants to test if Trump is bluffing? Go ahead, make Trump’s day!
Indigenous Coptic Egyptians are a despised and oppressed minority in their ancestral homeland. Increasing the Muslim population would only exacerbate their persecution.
Yeah, think you’re right there, I like what another guy said in a post below, let Trump kick the people that took over out, that belongs to Israel, then help them develop it as they see fit, and go from there. It should not be ‘owned’ by the U.S. or anyone else but Israel…
Israel owns the land. It always has.
Everything fuels Jew hatred. IMO Submission and. compromise fuels weakness in Jews, a weak Israel and that is the most fertile ground to grow Jew hate. Victory, prowess, success, and independence may not fuel love for Jews but at least it can give pause to Europe, Islam and some Christians who love to hate and love to hate Jews the most.
Screw them. in other words.
Trump’s inner Developer sees that if Muslims continue to behave in ways that force Israel to kick them out of Gaza, the resultant Gaza will be prime property for a luxury resort.
Let’s see ..
• a hospital for U.S. and Israeli soldiers who need recovery
• outposts along the Philidelphi corridor for protection
• a HUGE luxury hotel and golf course for Trump to enjoy
• Israeli developers get to build on as THEY see fit
• and guests at the resorts pay fees to support that hospital
Sounds good. ~
The scheming pricks enacted a murder spree to satisfy their bloodlust & hatred.
But, now those low-lifes no longer have enablers in the White House.
Bulldoze every reminder of what once housed that murder culture, and build on top of it.
Dump the islamist thugs in Egypt, Jordan, Martha’s Vineyard, or the ocean.
They focked around; now they’re gonna find out.
In reality, the crazy plan was Oslo.
That’s a good line.
I read that at the beginning of the war against Hamas after 10/7, IDF troops wrote some slogans on walls denouncing Oslo. And some other denouncements.
So, the Israeli heart knows who screwed them, why, and when. We all know whether we say so out loud or not.
All well and good on President Trump. But the real problem is, as you know sir is: ISLAM itself. Unless and until the majority of Muslims openly reject the main tenets of this so-called religion, that is the submission and or death of unbelievers, then while we may have gained some time and some measure of security, I’m afraid the past 1,500 years or so of history means we will have more innocent blood spilled in the name of Mohammedanism.
To mangle the lyrics of Rogers and Hammerstein, “Call Me a cockeyed Pessimist,’ or perhaps realist.
An astute observation. Trump shrewdly avoids the ‘I’ word when making his audacious proposal, but it is the central issue, not a peripheral issue. To me, it is nonsensical to spend upwards of a trillion dollars to turn a war zone into a resort, and then let in the group of people caused the destruction, whose primary purpose in life is to hate Israel.
Maybe Trump’s plan is to pretend that Muslims can go back there to gain support for his plan, with the actual idea that Israel can determine who is allowed to live there, and Israel will be very careful.
The governing classes of the moderate Arab countries are ready to adopt Western values at least for dealing with the Western world. It would be good to work with them. The lower classes live only for Islam and Islamic Paradise, so there is no hope in anything regarding them. Maybe their rulers can think of a solution.
So basically Gaza becomes a U.S. protectorate, a vacation spot for Israelis, no Muslims allowed.
Sounds good to me.
But I still won’t go there.
It could become the Las Vegas of the Middle East. Sin City here we come.
The constant funding by the US that is pocketed by the local leaders is the source of quite a bit of the problem. Since uprisings benefit the leaders with more money, they continue. No money means no riots.
The problem is still not being directly addressed, the problem is ISLAM.
Please kick the Muslims out of Gaza, meanwhile, America and the West are accepting Muslim immigration which will do to America and the West what the “Palestinians” have done to Gaza and Israel.
The Muslims are also terrorizing India and Myanmar, Sweden and Germany, and America, remember 9/11? It’s time for President Trump to publicly declare that Islam is as evil as Nazism and read from Koranic scripture all the evil and hateful things in that evil book that makes the Koran as evil as Mein Kampf.
It thankfully appears they are gonna be tossed out.
Hopefully, it’ll set an example for Europe to follow.
Yet, a significant percentage of Israelis are Muslim, and the overwhelming majority of them appear to enjoy living in a free state. How do we get more Muslims to behave like that majority of Israeli Muslims? I doubt it is possible for those who have been taught the hadiths when they were learning to speak.
One step at a time. There are more Muslims in the world than Christians. You can’t just declare a huge population of the world evil. You have to show them prosperity. Most Muslims have no idea what that is. They still may never know but you can try.
Yes, you can. If you’re honest. Not to admit it is submission to their hateful BS.
I don’t care about the numbers either.
Theres that list of extinct ancient and not so ancient civilizations that are no longer with us. The tiny Jewish people go on and on and on.
Nah, it’s no better than Bush’s Neo-con dream. But the point is made, Gazans have to go.
Israel can’t allow a jihadist army within its borders to launch another attack. Judea and Samaria have to be thinned out as well. Past wars prove these must remain part of Israel.
THE MULLAHS OF IRAN have set the world on fire and until they are snuffed out, FOREVER, there will be no peace, even in The Riviera.
The reporters also asked about attacking Iran and its nuclear facilities. Where’s the IAEA and their alarms because if Iran builds, buys, or is given, nukes, they will used them which will cause a World War fought with Nukes. That melted green sand would be visible from Space. (At Trinity Site, the sand melted into green blobs.)
It’s also hard to imagine sidewalk cafes, a Starbucks on every corner next to the Golden Arches, in any Palestinian area, since AMERICANS will still incite hatred resulting in suicide bombers. Only when SANE PALESTINIANS control their societies, stop the teaching of young children from chanting, “kill the Jew pigs!”, which will take decades to deprogram, will there be a normal society open to the world. It’s possible with the likes of Bukele of El Salvador who has made his country the safest in the Western Hemisphere.
Let’s recall that the Democrats and the CPUSA supported the Communist FMLN rebels while at the same time, screaming “NO CONTRA AID” for Nicaragua which is still ruled by Daniel Ortega who arrests all political opponents, “As a threat to our Democracy!” Sound familiar? Democrats and the CPUSA support for the FMLN caused the rise of the gangs and lawlessness. In 2009, the FMLN won the Presidency and Hillary was the highest-ranking U.S. official at the inauguration. Obama’s visit started the massive exodus of ILLEGALS from El Salvador including the MS-13!
THEREFORE… COMMUNISTS… AKA DEMOCRATS, MUST BE STOPPED with their promotion of Communism in Latin America, AND THE “RIVER TO THE SEA!”
The message is very clear: Hamas and similar groups will no longer be in Gaza! If they want a future of peace and prosperity for their children and grandchildren, Gazan Palestinians must isolate and eliminate every active member of Hamas; otherwise, they should go to Jordan.
Relocating the so-called Palestinians to other Muslim countries will be a problem. Have you ever seen photos of the border wall between Gaza and Egypt? It is impenetrable. It makes our southern border wall look like a little picket fence. The greater Muslim world wants the Palestinians in Gaza to stay put. They serve as a permanent hornet’s nest on Israels doorstep, and from time-to-time cannon fodder. It will take some extraordinary statecraft to get around this.
There is always the sea…. the wide wide open sea.
There was no famine in Gaza. Can we revisit Biden’s (Obama’s) bizarre collapsing, sinking pier to stop a non existent famine. Think of the armaments that could have arrived if the pier been well engineered and well built! And so finally, we have a reason to give a big cheer for DEI military who are incompetent
(sadly I think one American died in this effort if i remember correctly). .
So the sadistic terrorists who raped, decapitated, burned babies alive, etc DO NOT get punished. Rather, they get escorted to a new place where they will be “taken care of” as refuges. And probably commit the same kind of mayhem, breaking through the trance of forgetting what they did. I can’t accept that, even though I was initially a bit excited because of the complexity of the plan as attritubed to Bibi, involving a trade route linking India to Europe through Israel. https://www.israpundit.org/63729395-2/
Also, God gets pushed aside one more time. It is God’s plan, as written in the books of Deuteronomy and Joshua, that Gaza is part of Israel. So sad. So alarming.