One of the few things Obama was notable for in his 5-second Senate career was opposing the terror classification of the IRGC. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is Iran’s terror force and hub. Once in the White House, Obama even illegally funneled money to it.
Now President Trump is preparing to crack down on the IRGC by listing it as a foreign terror organization.
As the Democrats begin yowling like scalded cats, let’s take a brief look back at Senate support for classifying the IRGC as a terror group.
“In September 2007, over three quarters of the United States Senate joined together in a bipartisan fashion to designate Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization. Barack Obama opposed this legislation, deciding that playing partisan primary politics was more important than our nation’s security. Even Senators Hillary Clinton and Dick Durbin had the judgment to call our enemies by their name, especially a group responsible for the killing of American troops in Iraq. If Barack Obama does not have the judgment and experience to even identify our enemies, how can we expect him to stand up to them?”
That was a McCain campaign press release. From 2007. It’s 2019 and today’s Senator Democrats would be more likely to fete the IRGC than condemn it.
The ex-Obamaites are already going with the usual, “This endangers our troops in the region” meme that they had previously deploying for everything from moving the US embassy to Jerusalem to maintaining the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights.
And yet the apocalyptic campaign they have been predicting has yet to arrive.
The Obamaites are stuck arguing that a terror designation of the IRGC puts our troops at risk from the IRGC (even though the IRGC is already responsible for the deaths of many American soldiers by supplying IEDs) and that we shouldn’t call the terrorists, terrorists, or they might attack us.
The argument’s weakness speaks for itself.
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