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Every time someone tells me that Jews vote liberal, I remind them that we have no idea who Jews vote for. Almost all of the polling that claims ‘70% of Jews’ voted for Obama or Biden comes from left-wing or liberal groups with an agenda. There is virtually no independent polling of Jews with the exception of Siena College polls of New York Jews.
The latest Siena College poll is in and it shows Trump beating Kamala among Jews in the state by 50-49.
Notably, 43% of Jews have an unfavorable opinion of Kamala. 42% have an unfavorable view of Schumer.
While Kamala polls badly, 42% of Jews are also prepared to vote for Republicans in their congressional district.
These are bad numbers. And, unlike the ‘70% of Jews voted for Biden’ you see in stories, they are actual independently polled numbers rather than a push poll from a Democrat pollster.
Kamala is underwater among Jews in New York. And it’s going to get worse as she continues appeasing Hamas supporters while selling out Jews.
MAGA-Jew here. Indeed, many Jewish family and friends continue to have Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Why? Why are your family and friends so retarded? What part of make America great again do they object to?
Never mind. My own mother is the same way. Brainwashed six ways to Sunday. Dirtbagocrat party before family, friends and country.
See my longer comment, if you dare: 😉 We do NOT vote democrat. My extended family does not either. We never did. My rabbi does not vote democrat. I think there has been a change and there is currently much more support for Trump.
It is undeniable Jews vote Groomer Party at over 78%.
Stop aleardy.
This truth cannot be swept under any rug.
Look it up from ANY source not controlled by Jews.
Or better yet, ask ANY Jew who they voted for ever,
You won’t be surprised.
Look out! There may be a Jew hiding under your bed or in your closet.
i didn’t down vote you. It doesn’t work properly
That’s OK. I sometimes insult the people who down vote me deliberately but really, I don’t care. I guess I would feel bad if somebody like you down voted me, though. 😛
We do NOT vote democrat. Never did. No one in my family or friends votes democrat. 3 rabbis here haven’t been democrat voters. Who are you taking to, Kamala Harris? Whats your game? I’ll answer for you. . Rabid hate.
The majority of Jews DO vote for the Democrats. Nearly every non-Orthodox Jew I have known (except for my own family), has voted and still votes Democratic. The Orthodox Jews, however, vote overwhelmingly Republican.
Prove it. I don’t believe polls.
You’re an idiot. Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prgaer talk about it all the time. Every poll shows Jews are registered Democrats overwhelmingly
you border on ignorant slander and don’t you think us Jews are going through enough from 10-7-2023 and the resulting antisemitism that is so fashionable and in vogue to the demonic majority?
I’m in USA but those Israelis slaughtered in genocide 10-7-2023 are my people and I feel the tear of the lives ripped from their body in the most horrendous way – I keep up with the events daily from legit streaming sources in Israel — this is the war that will lead to WW3 because it was engineered and fomented by the deep state that sent the pLandemic to the world targeting USA first to bring down USA to control us and steal the 2020 election = As USA goes so goes the world. If President Trump was in office 10-7-2023 and Ukraine, open border, engineered and manipulated inflation we would not be enduring now – this is a global coup d’etat targeting USA first!!
Sorry. I’ll believe when I see it. Clueless American Jews, always vote for democrats, who despise Israel. I still can’t figure it out.
In the old days, still remembered by older American Jews, the Republicans were the party of capitalism,
big oil, oil interests and quiet but very real Saudiphilia – preposterously, the Saudis were willing
to bankroll Nixon’s re-election*.
On the other had, the Democrats identified with the industrious and sweaty post-Bronx
working-class Jews living in tents and crude shacks, heroically making the desert bloom – all the
while under fedayeen attack and Syrian artillery fire – and creating the only vibrant democracy in
the Middle East.
* Despite this, in 1973, Nixon – not an instinctive lover all all things Jewish – stood staunchly by
Israel, even redirecting military supplies already earmarked for Vietnam and for the US forces in
Europe, Korea and Japan.
This was despite Nixon’s bleak pessimism about Israel’s prospects of survival in the long term.
Greenfield is a Jew. Does he vote Dirtbagocrat?
Every “person” who down voted me eats lice balls. And I didn’t even know they had balls. Do you lick them first?
Anyone who votes for Harris is a moron.
They’re not as bright as that.
And a scumbag who hates America.
Wow lots of likes here for pure hate and blame! Shameful.
Maybe this topic should be tabled until hate and some self hate are resolved.
It’s not hateful to believe facts are facts.
It IS hateful to be an asshole.
you border on ignorant slander and don’t you think us Jews are going through enough from 10-7-2023 and the resulting antisemitism that is so fashionable and in vogue to the demonic majority?
I’m in USA but those Israelis slaughtered in genocide 10-7-2023 are my people and I feel the tear of the lives ripped from their body in the most horrendous way – I keep up with the events daily from legit streaming sources in Israel — this is the war that will lead to WW3 because it was engineered and fomented by the deep state that sent the pLandemic to the world targeting USA first to bring down USA to control us and steal the 2020 election = As USA goes so goes the world. If President Trump was in office 10-7-2023 and Ukraine, open border, engineered and manipulated inflation we would not be enduring now – this is a global coup d’etat targeting USA first!! And if you are Jewish, you are a self-loathing Jew still suffering from the diaspora which caused Jews to loose our identity!!
Fuck, those Israeli Jews are in for it. They’re about to have to fight Hizb’allah at the same time as Hamas and Iran is threatening to attack.
My money is on the Jews but they have the situation stacked against them, much as I hate metaphors. They’ve already proved they can reach Iran with death any time they want, so I figure Iran is boasting above its ability. Maybe the mullahs will finally be greased, the way they should’ve been 45 years ago.
America needs Trump more than ever now. After fout years of Obamadin the country is on the verge of destruction.
Trump loves his country and wants to see it thrive once more.
They will return to their old ways….
I don’t believe these identity polls.
Jews know like Hitler Hair A** would disarm them just remember Schilder’s List
After watching Kamala humiliate Shapiro publicly, I would hope that Jews wake up and see that they are not welcome in the modern democrat party.
New York Jews aren’t representative of America’s broader community. NYC includes a much higher percentage of ultra-Orthodox and Hasidic Jews than found more broadly. They tend to vote conservative. Its Syrian Jews have a historic distrust of government, so prefer governments that mostly leave them alone. And the large community of Jews from the former Soviet Republics had their fill of socialism, so… meanwhile, the broader community mostly goes back to earlier immigration, so they’re more assimilated into America, more secular, less Jewishly knowledgeable, and definitely more inclined to liberal and progressive causes.
Orthodox Jews overwhelmingly vote for Trump, as so Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews. You’ll be hard-pressed to go to Los Angeles or Monsey and poll a frum Jew, especially one with an olive complexion, who will ever entertain a Democrat vote. Especially since it’s not uncommon to see brothers AND SISTERS at shul packing heat with the hope there’s never another Hyper Cacher or Mumbai Chabad incident.
I hope you are correct!
unfortunately jews are their own worst enemy . why any jew would vote for the party of the KKK , racism and the greatest holocaust since ww2 namely abortion is a mystery . but then they chose barabbas over christ so i guess it makes sense . perhaps it has something to do with the evangelical influence in the republicans . whatever it is jews will continue to vote for the party of antisemites and the robert byrds and clintons of this world . they will continue to pour their hard earned cash into colleges which churn out the same people who lit the gas ovens in germany and support the party which supports the terrorists which want the same thing as germany did and still wants . jews in america are similar to the kapos of the death camps . happy to feed the ovens as long as their name isnt on the list . the left are an equal opportunity employer as long as you give unfailing obeisance to the rules .
Their own children, cornered, harassed, or brutally assaulted while crowds chant and cheer at the most prestigious schools on the East Coast . . . wtf more does anyone need to know, and then there’s New York.
Over and over i post the same type of comment. We were not raised orthodox. My siblings and I had to access jewish religious education on our own as adults (despite lots of yiddishkeit growing up in NYC). You msm imbibers and anti-Semites out there on social media love to quote how you think Jews vote and then “blame the `Jooz” for voting wrong.
No one in my family, extended family, or circle votes democrat. Our current and two prior rabbis do not vote democrat. Yes, there are lefty Jews as there are lefty Christians. In the immigrants days of the 20th century, some Jews joined unions and unions supported democrats. I have met older folks of any background who watch network TV all day or still read the `New York `Times who continue to be leftwing based on believing the media.
There is undo focus on how Jews vote. And the few bad apples this administration loves to promote.
Maybe we should all have addressed vote fraud, election integrity, and getting out the entire voting public, instead of hammering Jews.
Citing facts is not blame, it’s the start of an informed conversation. We should be discussing why the overwhelming majority of non-Orthodox Jews vote Democratic and try to find ways to persuade those who can be persuaded that voting for Trump and the Republicans is better for America and for Israel.
Trump has been a friend of the NYC Jewish community and is a local guy with Jews as part of his family. The NY/NJ Jewish community would vote for and support loudly an empty can of dog food if the Democrats ran it. A New York-born and bred Jew explained to me that they are taught to follow the narrative of the Democrats no matter what. This is a man who survived 9/11 with bodies hitting the pavement and turning into liquid as he exited the tower. They know better.
Oh, please. Jewish liberals would willingly board trains headed for death camps–if they were told abortion on demand would be available when they got there.
“Notably, 43% of Jews have an unfavorable opinion of Kamala. 42% have an unfavorable view of Schumer.”
Ahem… how many have an unfavorable view of Trump? How many have an unfavorable view of Vance? Well, how would we ever find out? Oh, wait! Just press the link Greenfield provided and see for yourself!
How many Gaylords does it take to make a faggot fest?
God Jehovah/Yahweh, Willing, the author is correct.
Oh please.
I come from a Jewish family. I don’t , but all the polls show Jews vote and are registered democrats
Polls are retarded and gay.
Great articulate comeback, moron