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I’ve never really been in favor of the idea of endless investigations into people just because they are your political opponent. I didn’t like it when Democrats did it to Donald Trump, and I wasn’t keen on the idea of Republicans doing it to Democrats. But notice how that sentence is in the past tense. Screw those
I have known Joe Biden was a vindictive, corrupt little man. On his last day in office he showed just how far down the toilet he now lives.
My former boss, the late Montana Senator Conrad Burns, was not a big fan of some Democrats who were around in my time. His least favorite, and the man he told me was absolutely corrupt, was Harry Reid. While the list of people he’d have choice words for in private was not all that long, it did include Joe Biden.
Biden was “not a bright man” and full of pieces of post digested food quite often, to put it in family friendly terms. But no one really thought of him as corrupt. He rode the train, talked about how modestly he lived, etc. That should have been the first red flag.
Smart people don’t talk about how smart they are, funny people don’t waste your time telling you they’re funny, you just notice. Joe Biden has spent years telling everyone how “normal” he was – claiming the nicknames “middle class Joe” and “lunch bucket Joe,” neither of which anyone other than Biden has ever called Joe Biden.
He’s been so full of that post-digested food his whole life it’s a wonder his hair ever went grey, until you realize what happens to that “dog dirt” if it sits in the yard for a couple of weeks.
To hell with him and his wife. When Joe pardoned his family it was an attempt to cover up a conspiracy in this Joe was not only a participant, but the hub.
I don’t know the answer to this, but I believe there is a legal challenge that should clarify the answer to: Can a President pardon members of a criminal conspiracy that he is a party to?
Without Joe Biden’s position in government, his son, his brother and the rest of the clan have nothing to sell. Literally. They all, collectively, bring nothing to the table. They’ve never worked in the various industries that suddenly decided to pay them fortunes, they never been to many of the countries they got money from and they didn’t even speak the language of those countries. The only way to bring less to the table is to take things away from the table.
What did they do?
They’ve now all been pardoned, which means they have absolutely zero grounds for pleading the 5th Amendment if they were called to testify before Congress or any other criminal proceeding. That protects against self-incrimination, which the pardon makes impossible.
Congress should immediately launch an investigation into this, both the House and Senate. Subpoena everyone. Joe can shield his documents in the decision-making process, he can’t claim executive privilege over people who had zero role in the Executive Branch or were not government employees.
While the pardons may hold, they will not protect anyone from a perjury charge should they lie under oath; or a contempt of Congress charge, should they refuse to answer questions.
Veterans of the first Trump administration went to prison for this, and no one is above the law, right?
We need to know just how corrupt the Biden family was. Even if most of them are protected from prosecution by these pardons – and I think it’s an open question, depending upon if those pardons came to be as part of a criminal conspiracy – the country needs to know for posterity and to protect against future corruption.
Get on this Mike Johnson and John Thune. I know neither of you want to, it’s just not who you are or how either of you operate, but this is too important to be held to old standards of the Marquis of Queensbury Rules in a guerilla war.
The country not only needs to know just how deep the corruption of the Biden family goes but how it worked so that nothing like the Biden Crime Family ever again even sniffs the levers of power in the United States of America. Let that be Joe Biden’s legacy. Shame on them.
What if a foreign country filed charges against the Biden’s? We’d have to extradite them since we demand the same.
Call them to testify?
CONTEST: “WHO WILL SAY ‘I DON’T RECALL’ THE MOST TIMES? It worked for Hillary and so many others. They’re laughing!
Add investigations against all the Coup plotters.
You’re correct.
The caveat so many seem to miss is that these Democrats are actually guilty as hell.
The rules-of-engagement that Democrats bask in are they get to investigate/prosecute Republicans on a whim – engaging in uncanny projection of their own malevolence.
[Ex.] Biden threatened to withhold “a billion bucks” if Ukraine didn’t fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma. Hence, one of the impeachment charges against Trump was threatening to withhold a billion in aid from Ukraine. (Leftists lack intelligence & by extension; imagination.)
As for Hillary, Comey gave immunity to her tech enablers BEFORE they testified, so they simply cashed in & claimed the 5th.
Hence, Hillary could “I can’t recall” with confidence. The FBI came to the bitch’s rescue.
Congress should get the Ukranian prosecutor in front of them and ask about what he was investigating,
There’ll be people everywhere that will put huge questions into the mix, employees on the plane Joe flew in, there must be lots of people not under the law about talking ,,,,
Not all countries have extradition treaties with the US but it’s easy for us to turn criminals over to them. Having criminals sent here from those countries is harder but most of them cooperate even though they don’t have to.
Not just the Bidens(Father & Son) but also Soros(Father & Son)and all those involved in this Witch Hunt
Yes. All the people in the FBI, the January 6th prosecutors and Jack Smith and his prosecutors need to be indicted and prosecuted. The four Capitol Hill cops who murdered four innocent people on January 6th, too. And plenty more government criminals. They were coming out of the woodwork under Alzheimer Joe’s term in office. And don’t forget his handlers.
Yeah! Good call.
Do we have an extradition treaty with Hungary? I understand that country would LOVE to get its hands on Soros!
We don’t need to have an extradition treaty to SEND a criminal to another country.
As Jeff Greenfield wrote here about six years ago, Soros can be deported under the Holtzman amendment as a Nazi collaborator in Budapest in 1944. When the Nazis invaded Hungary in 1944 the teen Soros identified Jews who were rounded up and sent to the Auschwitz gas chambers. (Of course, Soros himself is a Jew.) Later, when he emigrated to the US in the 1950s he would have completed a form inquiring into his activities during the war; he must have lied or else he would not have been allowed in.
Indonesia too Mark. Capital offense and they are highly likely to carry it out.
Not sure it is an effective use of the DOJs time to do so but I would like to see them behind bars along with some of the others Biden pardoned. We do need to get all the judges and district attorneys that Soros supported out of office. Frnakly, if a man can’t stand trial due to his mental capabilities, then how can anything he signs, pardons, laws and medals of honnors be valid.?
What should the DOJ be doing? Indicting petty criminals? Nothing should be more important for the DOJ than going after political criminals..
Exactly. The pardons can be invalidated on this basis. DOJ legal action can compel a psychiatric exam of B to prove he was not competent. See how the fiend likes this; it will be humiliating, though he is so depraved I doubt anything could humiliate him. Further, this should lead to an investigation of the aides who wielded the presidential powers unlawfully, if not treasonously,
BRAVO & ANEN! These vile lying lowlifes need to be investigated & hung out to fry & dry & be exposed to the Public in detail, once & for all so that this can never happen agsin
…so, Joe pardoned his cabal of family and friends. Wouldn’t it be a hoot if the Trump administration could get an extraditing country to indict them on corruption charges, then send them to those countries for justice.
I would hoot laughter.
I think the preemptive pardons are unconstitutional. The Constitution says pardons are for “offenses against the United States — named crimes. The DOJ should go after the recipients for things not specified in the pardons. They’ll sue, and ultimately lose.
Indeed. A blanket pardon, covering unspecified and uncharged crimes, over extended periods of time, strikes me as a violation of Equal Protection, where some are “above the law” and unaccountable, and the rest of us are not. The DoJ should charge and prosecute one of the pardoned. Their defense will claim unjust prosecution based on the pardon. Push back and appeal, all the way to the Supremes if necessary. And if they’re judged immune, then haul them before Congress to testify.
You’re right. The Biden crime family is fair game.
It’s not possible to charge any agent of the Democrat Communist Criminal Terrorist Organization.
Great article Derek Hunter! THANK YOU!
I heard the relevant law concerning presidential pardons read on Newsmax and Real America’s Voice. Only somebody convicted of a crime can be pardoned by a President. That’s why they’re called pardons. Preemptive pardons aren’t legally binding and they’re nonsense.
Ford’s pardon of Nixon wasn’t legally binding either but few people cared because Nixon resigned. The pardon was brought up when Ford ran for President against Carter in ’76 but that was just the usual D-Bag smear. They didn’t really care, they just knew they could use it against Ford.
Beijing Biden and his crime family are irrefutably guilty and yes, the DOJ should go after them full bore. Mayorkis, Garland and Wray, too.
Jeff my reading of it is the opposite as well as the intent. It was to rectify a wrong with the experience of the founders being how difficult it is to protect someone from the machinery of the state and how relentless the government and its officials are in prosecuting someone unfairly. The individual and individual rights were often an overriding concern for them. The founders wanted a remedy for even the most extreme cases because they feared the state so much. And the more I understand, the more brilliant their wisdom seems to be. In this case, you notice, if not rectified by them, a pardon puts the xhiden crime family in severe danger of jail and national shame.