There’s a reason every major Democrat, including Schumer and Pelosi, wanted to keep their distance from Bragg’s circus and now that the indictment is out, the reasons are more obvious than ever.
The only thing Bragg’s indictment shows is how far he is out of his depth. Which is not surprising. No one has ever accused DA Alvin Bragg of being a capable prosecutor. He won fame for not filling charges rather than for filling them. Relying on a DOJ prosecutor to do the work for him just produced the kind of sheet you expect from the fed crowd, but there’s a big difference between the DOJ going after somebody by inventing a crime, especially if that person isn’t a billionaire and the goal is to force him to plead to something, than going after a former president in a local office with 34 counts of… ‘falsifying business records’.
The case is a joke, which doesn’t mean that it may not succeed in the short term, but will fail in the long term. And seeing this, I’m skeptical about even the short-term success.
Bragg’s people have invented a crime with a lot of arm-waving, but even in a hyper-partisan environment, arm-waving may not be enough.
The central problem that Bragg is facing is that he’s accusing Trump of concealing a crime but there’s no actual crime here. There’s a scheme to conceal a potential political scandal, but that’s not a crime. The only real chance here was a process crime. That’s something the feds might have pulled off, but Bragg’s people never bothered to really try, so they’re stuck arguing that it’s a crime to cover up an affair.
Good luck with that.
If Bragg wants to be famous, why doesn’t he go after real criminals, his own political party.
Because he wants to live, and knows what happens to those who buck the party line.
We can discount any factual paucity. There is sufficient animosity to compensate. In fact, this seems to be the plan.
Bragg got what he wanted and that was a legal circus aimed at Trump. What happens now will mean nothing to him. He doesn’t care if he wins or not.
With the radical left it is all about feelings, not the law.
Well the leftists are attempting the “Show me the man and I will show you the crime” thing and most likely will not be successful because they are not in complete total control……..yet. Think of this spectacle as practice for what is coming in the near future. Food for thought: Who is stopping them from getting this far with what they have attempting for 7 years with a President ? No one…..
The only criminal in this case is Bragg himself.
Expect the trial to kick off sometime early next year….just in time for the R primaries. This is about the trial, not the result.
TRUMP: Alvin Bragg is ‘the criminal’
In order to charge Trump with a felony (a misdemeanor charge being barred by the statute of limitations), Bragg has to find that the misdeameanor was committed to conceal a crime. The underlying crime he’s alleging and which he would have to prove, is a federal crime in violation of federal election law over which Bragg has no juridiction and which the expert federal agency (Federal Election Commission) has already determined was not committed. This prosecution is literally a travesty of justice.
“This prosecution is literally a travesty of justice.”
And how much will it cost?
The price tag for us NYC taxpayers is already sky high, with extra security details for Bragg and every cop in the city on standby for potential violence from protestors. And that was just for the indictment! Disgusting, every bit of it!
Trump’s indictment is missing a crime, and Alvin Bragg is missing his fig leaf.
He is just too stupid to know it.
Ralph Nader: Trump Arrest Was “Massively Overdue” After Turning White House into “Daily Crime Scene”
That old fraud is still alive? Nader made his money killing the Corvair, which was a tank, compared to the beer cans with wheels that he supports now.
This soft on Crime bottom dweller would make it a crime to used a Firearm for Self Defense release the Inmates and lock up law abiding Gun Owners Its no wonder Soros the Scum choose this Creature as vile and rotten as he is
NPR this morning heard from a couple of normally anti-Trump commentators about how thin the charge was. Of course, the main complaint was that this was not going to “work” for Democrats… I mean, that is the main purpose of the US Justice system, right?
When the stunned NPR host asked if they were saying the indictment was “unfair” to Trump, you could hear them choking, unable to utter such a blasphemy as implying that someone they hate deserves justice!
I’ll bet NPR is so proud of their “open mindedness” in this piece. Little can they understand what ignorant little children they all sounded like!