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Nothing will stop people from repeating the usual internet cliches about “70% of Jews voting for Democrats” never mind that numbers like that tend to come from either lefty polls or exit polls in a handful of areas.
Siena College polls, the only serious polls that capture much of the Jewish population (which is based around New York) have reflected different numbers. They showed that Jewish support was split between Romney and Obama. And that Jews were the group least likely to vote for Bernie Sanders.
They’ve also shown a good deal of support for Trump.
In the latest Siena College poll, Jews show up as the religious group with the highest favorable rating for Trump (46%) vs 45% for Catholics and 34% for Protestants and 30% for Other.
Jews also have the lowest unfavorable rating of any religious group (47%) vs 51% for Catholics and 58% for Protestants.
Notably, Jews have a higher approval rating for Trump than white people in general (41%) or suburbanites (35%) or even upstate (37%) which are all seen as more conservative.
Also, strikingly Latinos have a 46% approval rating of Trump, up there with Jews.
It’s a very distinctive shift from the traditional Republican vote (white suburbanites) to a new working class minority anti-woke coalition.
I’ve written articles and posts like this in the past, but I know that the tyranny of cliches is such that people are never going to stop looking at a “national poll” from a leftist group and citing the 70% of Jews vote for Democrats cliche again.
But if you can, pass this along to someone to educate them.
Yeah well, I suppose that makes sense in some deranged way I suppose doesn’t it huh?
Because 5 minutes is too much for Trump.
I don;t think Trump begrudges any time he;s given to McConnell
If so there’s scant indication.
Nothing will stop people from repeating the usual internet cliches about “70% of Jews voting for Democrats” never mind that numbers like that tend to come from either lefty polls or exit polls in a handful of areas.
What we refer to are the polls after the voting. Blacks don’t change 92% vote dim and Jews vote 70-80% dim. One of the biggest disappointments of thinking Trump moved the dial.
Perhaps Trump didn’t move the dial, as you put, that much. But Biden did. Most of the more liberal Jews in my circle have begun to realise which end is up. The more religious folk, it seems, always knew. But liberal or not, israel is very important to many more Jews than some might think. And President Trump is arguably the best friend Israel ever had in the White House.
“What we refer to are the polls after the voting.”
Those are called exit polls.
They’re okay for gauging the general vote, they’re mostly useless for capturing the overall Jewish vote .
Exit polls have too small of a Jewish sample size to say anything meaningful about the Jewish vote.
It’s a lot more useful to look at precincts than to look at exit polls.
But, as I said, nothing will stop people from repeating the same dumb clichés that are drip-fed to them by the media.
That’s one reason the country is in the mess that it is.
I’ve never believed that 70% of Jews vote Dirtbagocrat. How could that many be that dumb?
Thank you. I have been like a broken record on this. Of course American Jews like Trump. Like Christians, some Jewish people remain leftwing but many are not or not any longer. I also believe there’s ignorance and malice in some people who keep blaming Jews for what the msm says their political leanings and votes are.
No one in my family or circle votes Democrat. We are all President Trump supporters.
Once upon a time, I would have shared this article through social media and it would have gotten a lot of attention and discussion. Today, that is limited.
Ignorance and malice indeed.
There are different Jewish demographics. Jews are not an undifferentiated group. In Orthodox Jewish districts, Republican presidential candidates have won 90% of the vote.
You might send this to your friend, Andrea Widberg, over at American Thinker. She seems misinformed, at least by the story:
Tell her to link to FPM when she issues a retraction/apology.