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The question of whom archeological finds belong to can be a fraught one. It may be reasonable for the Greeks to demand Greek artifacts from other European countries. It’s not however remotely reasonable for the Turks to expect Roman artifacts that they have no connection with beyond invading, conquering, and then looting the territory where they could be found. That’s the equivalent of a car thief demanding the impound lot return the car he stole. And yet, the Islamic colonizers in Turkey are demanding the head of a Roman statue.
A bronze head of Emperor Septimius Severus on display at a Copenhagen museum has become a bone of contention between the Danish museum and Turkey, which claims it was looted during an archaeological dig in the 1960s and wants it back.
After decades in the United States as part of a private collection that loaned it to New York’s Metropolitan Museum, a statue of the Roman emperor, who lived from AD 145 to 211, was recently sent back to Turkey — minus the head.
Give us back the thing you stole from us after we stole it from its original owners.
The statue isn’t Turkish. It’s a European artifact located on territory seized by Turkey. The Danes have more of a right to it than the Turks do since at least there’s some cultural overlap. Still I can understand why they sent back the statue minus the head. Beheading things is after all rather popular in Islam.
For Turkish authorities on the other hand, the origin of the head is not in dispute, and in particular, they quote the work of the late Turkish archaeologist, Jale Inan, who took measurements of the head and body.
“The bronze comes from Bubon in Turkey. And like all objects from Turkey, we are asking for it to be returned,” said Mehmet Bulut, the Turkish charge d’affaires in Denmark.
The correct response would be that Turkey can get the head when they return the Hagia Sophia.
Also, what exactly is a country ruled by an Islamist tyrant supposed to do with a nude male statue anyway? How long is it going to survive in an Islamist hellhole whose leaders have links to the Islamist vandals who wrecked priceless artifacts in Syria? Perhaps the Danes can trade a few boxes of Korans for some art.
Or maybe someone can make a Mohammed head out of mashed potatoes and grease. Surely they’d negotiate for that.
Algorithmic Analyst says
I think I read about him somewhere. The revisionists are saying he was the first black Roman emperor because he was born in North Africa. But actually he was of half Italian and half Carthaginian ancestry. That would be like saying Hannibal, one of the greatest generals, was black. The Carthaginians were diabolically clever militarily, at least some of them, and Septimius seems to have been a good military leader.
A couple of surfers of Carthaginian ancestry once made a fool of me as a teenager, so I have been especially wary of them ever since. Very clever people 🙂
Ugly Sid says
Very clever indeed.
Apparently, that they were the civilization with the most advanced agriculture, in an age where the ultimate weapon was famine, induced the Romans to plow salt into Carthaginian fields upon their fall, in order to keep it permanent.
You don’t get to rule the world by being nice guys. Rome built a lot. Rome erased a lot.
David Mu says
Out of Africa fans make many similar claims. What he what he was someone of had Italic and Punic ancestry; Born in what is now modern day Libya. His father was the Punic ancestry, and his Italic ancestry was from his mother. Her family was of a equestrian rank. The Severan dynasty is considered to have come with his rise to the emperorship. The last dynasty founded before the Third Century crisis that almost ended the Empire. But hey, the dynasty did give Rome Elagabalus, and that might be considered an emperor after the general Islamic sense of things…
Likely – after much debate – the statue will be returned, and possibly lost later…
Thankfully, for the sake of future history, it is recorded, measured and studied with materials being stored.
Ugly Sid says
When we liberate Constantinople, what do we do with Muhammad’s sword?
Daniel Greenfield says
Makes a nice bagel slicer
TruthLaser says
If it has a history of slicing without discretion, it must be treyf.
Måns Nilsson Kling says
What kind of liberal left-wing garbage is this? Erdogan should be praised for standing up against the anti-Russian, degenerate, globohomo assault by the North Atlantic Tranny Organisation of which Denmark is a member. I guess you can get this kind of slant from Amerimutts who have no culture at all – neither European or Muslim – except transsexualism and drugs. Shameful.
Ugly Sid says
NATO is three decades past legitimacy.
We can leave praising Ergodan to you.
Justify Islamic immigration. The only country I know of with proper policy in this regard is Somoa.
Old Fogey says
Good morning, ChatGPT. Have a lovely day.
Ugly Sid says
Great. I’ve been outsmarted by a light switch with a pedigree. It’s not bad enough I’m unable to open child proof bottles.
Daniel Greenfield says
Have you moved to Turkey yet?
Or try Somalia. You’ll have to memorize the Koran and grow a beard, but it bets being dragged behind a Datsun pickup.
CowboyUp says
Erdogan’s just a jihadi crook running a crooked third world sh*thole. If we want sh*t from you, we’ll squeeze your fat head. Now go play in the road.
TruthLaser says
o you get residuals from MASH?
Jeff Bargholz says
American culture is the world’s culture. We’re the best and that obviously annoys you.
Tough shit, bitch.
Chief Mac says
Melt it down and make into something useful
Angel Jacob says
Turks are invaders, thieves, murderers and savages. That’s the only title they’ve earned in the history. Islam is a very suiting ideology for them.
Old Fogey says
It’s certainly possible that the original home of the statue was Asia Minor, as the Roman empire extended well East of the land the Turkic invaders stole in the 15th century from Christendom. (Note that the Christians did not despoil Roman remains in the lands where they were the cultural and social majority. In fact, Christians adopted the basilica as a suitable form for places of worship.) The greater point is that Christianity won the hearts of men from Britain to Ethiopia and from Spain to India. The Mongol Turks won their lands by the sword, and were co-opted by and eventually led by Muslims whose land they captured. The Greco-Roman culture that was officially Christian in Asia Minor for more than 1,000 years fell after centuries of attack by the “religion of peace.”
John says
Turkish Muslims invaded the lands of Anatoly and wiped out, as in killed the peoples in residence.
Why are they in NATO…”the enemy of my enemy is my friend”…Hogwash!