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What would a city be like if the teachers’ unions didn’t just run the educational system, but the entire place top to bottom? To find out just pay a visit to the streets of Chicago. If you dare.
When Mayor Brandon Johnson ran for office, the Chicago Teachers Union had made its pitch for its former “legislative coordinator” after putting millions into his campaign by promising that “if a teacher became mayor, we could build the city we all deserve.”
It’s only May and 800 people have already been shot. The violence is so ubiquitous that the Cinco de Mayo parade had to be canceled due to gang violence along its route.
But CTU members are building the city that they think they deserve with a demand for a $50 billion contract, the total tax receipts for the entire state, calls for average teacher salaries of $144,620, free abortions and thousands in funding for every illegal alien.
With 45 days off the parts of the year they actually work, 9 forms of leave added to the 15 they already have, and an annual maximum of 244 sick days, the plan is to allow CTU’s teachers to work for less than half the year. And that’s assuming you can even call what they do “work”.
But the truly explosive part of the CTU’s demands though isn’t demanding six figure salaries for its union hacks while barely 1 in 5 of their teenage students can properly read, it’s a ploy to turn schools into voter recruitment centers.
Chicago schools are already among the most politicized in the country, but CTU wants to go beyond ideological indoctrination and directly into community organizing and voter outreach.
Illinois Policy reported that “CTU’s 142-page list of demands includes that schools ‘shall designate a day of civic action to assist students who are of age to register to vote and cast votes.’”
CTU, which is already a massive taxpayer-subsidized voter turnout and electoral operation for Democrats, leftists and its own people, like Mayor Johnson, now wants to exploit the students who are the captive audiences in its classrooms to rig elections.
High school students may not seem like especially fertile territory for voter outreach, but Illinois already allows 17-year-olds to vote in primaries and 16-year-olds can pre-register to vote.
During Mayor Johnson’s push for a tax hike referendum, teachers took students out of class and marched them off to vote. Not only wasn’t this done in secret, but CTU’s vice president announced a “Parade to the Polls, where students will march to an early voting site” and urged teachers to “organize a group of voting age students.”
While the tax hike referendum backed by CTU failed, the union still wants to keep on organizing students and in the process it reveals how teachers’ unions really see the children under their care.
The Chicago Teachers Union, like most teachers’ unions, is a political organization, not an educational body, and does not see students as anything except means to political power.
CTU has used children to take control of Chicago and now it’s trying to exploit them to further expand its political sway by using them directly, not just indirectly, in elections. The union believes that it’s a sad waste for students to be sitting in classrooms when teachers could be parading them down the street chanting political slogans and then having them cast votes.
By any educational metric, Chicago public schools are a sad failure, but by the political standards of CTU, they’re a huge success. Chicago students may struggle to read, but Chicago teachers are making many times the average salary and one of their own is running things.
And that is the real purpose of unions.
Unions don’t exist to provide services but to prevent anyone else from providing them. That is why teachers’ unions furiously battle to suppress private schools and charter schools.
It’s a myth that unions derive their power from doing their jobs. It’s just the opposite.
The power of unions rests solely in their ability to not do their jobs. The weakest unions are private sector unions whose workers actually work, while the strongest unions are municipal unions which don’t work. The less a union works, the stronger its members become.
Teachers’ unions, including CTU, which led the way in refusing to work during the pandemic, emerged from the lockdowns stronger than ever after having inflicted catastrophic damage on a generation of students. And now as CTU prepares to play hardball in a new set of negotiations, there are two things that are certain: the union will win and students as well as parents will lose.
But CTU is also unsatisfied with just making money. The already obscene salary demands are being bolstered by more calls for political control. Unions are political organizations. They offer members money only in order to pretend to be representing their interests. But teachers’ unions are political organizations and their actual mission is to take power to impose a leftist agenda.
And after consolidating control over teachers, why not then make the kids into CTU voters too?
Cook County Democrats have been known to vote in the name of the senile and the dead, why not children too? Teachers’ unions pushing kids to vote for their agendas is on the same level as hospitals and nursing homes getting people who barely know where they are to the polls.
Why go to all that trouble? Consider CTU’s own mayor.
Mayor Brandon Johnson has an approval rating of only 21%. How is he going to win another election when everyone in Chicago hates him even worse than they did Lori Lightfoot?
CTU is going to need a bunch of money and a bunch of voters. Its demands will provide both.
Do they need anymore reason for Home Education then this? Get them out of those Globalist Indoctrination Centers we once called Schools
The Chicago schools are so bad that even the true believers who are good teachers quit.
This is what one party rule looks like
I am not sure that is right.
China is run by one party and the educational standards of Chinese students is far higher than many of those being churned out in the West, even in one-party communist Cuba has had a highly ranked education system for many years! I am not suggesting support for either regimes other than maybe they believe education quality and attainment is a higher priority. Just like it used to be a generation or two ago in the West.
I am pretty sure also that a Conservative one-party state would not be the same as these unionized radical-leftist educational system currently in control.
For sure the China education system produces much better graduates than most schools in America. Once they realize the feckless college graduate system’s real worth here, their 330,000 foreign students here will stay in China. They already know, comment on it, and hold us in disdain.
Chinese (and Asian) students in the US are mainly in hard sciences and technology engineering rather than Humanities and the various Studies courses. These hard sciences are not as woke as yet. The Chinese students are obviously also there to have access to US innovation and take this back to China. That is of real value to China so they will keep sending students to the US regardless of the woke crap going on in the universities.
During the 1960 Presidential race, my elementary school English teacher acted as a cheerleader for JFK’s campaign, in class! By coincidence (Ha!), her husband was a major local leader in the same campaign.
Step 1 – repeal the 19th amendment.
Step 2 – raise the minimum voting age to 35.
And, #3 show “some” responsibility like honorably holding a productive job and or providing a community service and honorably owning property or honorably, responsibly renting a home.
And, #4 require picture, government i.d. and a level of comprehension of American English.
And, #5, allot ONE day for voting and a deadline for receipt of mail-in ballots.
Biden will not need college students. There are probably 80 million illegal aliens that have arrived during this administration. No one knows the number for sure, but it is YUGE.
Many of these illegals are photographed with Biden T-shirts and their “welcome packets” include instructions about how to access free civil services and how to register to vote.
And if that is not enough, Federal Criminal Code Section 180 MAKES IT LEGAL FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS TO VOTE. Look here at a transcript of an interview of Catherine Engelbrecht, President of True the Vote. A very quick read: