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The Democrats are still in shell shock after the election and thus far they haven’t done much to get their act together. And the media, currently still in the schadenfreude phase, is covering the fallout at the DNC where the race to head the vanguard of the party become a woke clown show.
The candidates had just gotten through their opening statements when the disruptions began. A young woman in a Sunrise Movement T-shirt stood up and began shouting, “I am terrified!” as she was dragged out by security. Numerous other protests followed, with shouts of “climate emergency!” and “fossil fuel money!” culminating in a group trying to unfurl a banner in front of the stage.
Rather than rebuff the interruptions, those onstage largely celebrated them, straining to assure the activists they were actually on the same side and eagerly giving them the platform they broke the rules to demand. “These are important questions, and we want to get to them,” MSNBC’s Jen Psaki, the former Biden press secretary, intoned.
“The youth of this nation are crying for their voices to be heard,” said chair candidate Quintessa Hathaway, a former Arkansas congressional candidate who had chosen to sing rather than speak her opening statement.
Only Jason Paul, a Massachusetts-based attorney, took issue with the tactic, accusing the activists of turning the event into “scream night at the DNC”—and pointing out that he’d already signed a pledge agreeing to their demands.
With the protests finally exhausted, the forum got under way in earnest. MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart asked those who believed racism and misogyny contributed to Harris’s defeat to raise their hands; all the hands on the stage, as well as most in the audience, shot up. “That’s good,” Capehart said, “you all pass.”
Later in the program, an audience member stood up to lament that there was only one at-large seat set aside for a transgender person, and called on the candidates to add another seat and for “making sure those appointments reflect the gender and ethnic diversity of the transgender community.” Only one candidate raised his hand to indicate he would not make such a commitment.
Democrats keep talking about moving on from their struggle session politics, but can’t figure out how to make a break. The handful of people capable of convincingly telling the student council act to go to hell, like Sen. Fetterman, aren’t front and center, and everyone else seems terrified of being Mau Maued.
Which is another way of saying that the Dems were hacked by the Left and still fear cancel culture.
Americans are treating the Dems as irrelevant because of it.
All the candidates could agree that the situation facing the party is dire. The Democratic brand is in the toilet, with a recent Wall Street Journal poll showing 60% of Americans view the party unfavorably while only 36% see it favorably. Democrats lost ground with nearly every demographic group last November, including minorities, women, low-income voters and those without college degrees.
“Twenty big cities, Aspen and Martha’s Vineyard—that’s what’s left of the Democratic Party,” lamented former congressional candidate Adam Frisch. “And I’m not exactly sure those 20 big cities are getting the best version of the Democratic Party.”
True, but that’s been the party for a while. Those 20 cities have growing populations and exert a massive grip on the party. The Democrats are a top-down movement dominated by small groups of activists funded by even smaller groups of billionaires. They have a lock on academia, the entertainment industry, and numerous professions, not to mention much of Corporate America. So I wouldn’t sell them short.
The Dems were here before in ’85, ’89. ‘ 05 and ’17 and they bounced back. The question is how much conservatives will get done by ’26 and ’28.
The schadenfreude is fun, but the Dems are not a party, they’re the tip of a leftist spear that commands the allegiance of much of this country’s elites. They will be back.
Looks like they overreached, similar to the French Revolution, where a lot of incompetents were put in charge (particularly in the French Navy).
Yeah, that’s what happens when people are promoted or commissioned for political allegiance rather than ability, isn’t it. The D-Bags never learn and the public has to pay the price for their incompetence and contempt for us.
They have a ways to go. They could barely win having complete control of the media, administrative state(whther an R or D was president), education system, and almost the entirety of corporate America. The media is gone, there is a shift in corporate America which I think will continue, the administrative state is being dismantled, and the last to will fall be education, and it will. The only chance they have is to bring the “working man” back into their fold. Judging by the DNC that won’t be anytime soon. That being said, I would never underestimate the power of the republican party to screw things up.
A beheaded chicken can still show signs of life. “Woke” Democ-rats are like that: Dead but don’t know it yet.
Yes, America HATES them. “Woke” hatred and insanity is in a moribund state. The normal people who comprise the overwhelming majority of the population have had enough. There’s a reason Trump is President and a yuge winner despite the usual mass Dirtbagocrat vote fraud in the 2024 election.
It leaves out one huge constituency…government employees. Federal and state employees are overwhelmingly democrat even in red states.
I think you mean government parasites. 🙂
I don’t believe everyone who voted for Trump is racist or sexist.
I think a lot of people voted for Trump because they were tired of being told they had to vote for Harris or they were racist or sexist.
Harris did not lose because Americans are racist or sexist.
Harris lost because she was a flat out terrible candidate who could not answer any question coherently and kept repeating this stupid phrase about a “future, unburdened by the past.”
What does that even mean?
The Democrats have no one to blame but themselves for the fact that Trump is the President.
Real America’s Voice and Newsmax have been playing MSDNC’s hand raising stunt by Jonathan Capehart as mockery for viewers to laugh at. It IS funny that the D-Bags are so clueless, racist, sexist and stupid. Those ignoble losers just can’t admit they lost spectacularly.
The Dirtbagocrat party, which includes the Minitrue Media, is not only evil but stupid. America hates the “woke” movement and it’s dying. As usual, they’re doubling down on dumb. It’s funny in a nauseating way.
The Woketards are terrified of peace, prosperity, a fictional climate emergency and the deportation of the vilest and most dangerous criminal illegal aliens in the country. And the D-Bags are pandering to that tiny minority of American retards at the expense of their knee-jerk supporters who likewise hate the “woke” movement. Not exactly a winning strategy.
By the way, average global temperature hasn’t deviated by a single degree fahrenheit in 27 years and 1997 was a stand alone year that was one or two degrees warmer than the years which preceded it and succeeded it. America hasn’t been truly hot since the 1930s.
Before climate science became politicized, warm periods were referred to as “climate optima” because they benefited Earth’s ecosystems and humanity. They still are referred to that way by the few honest climatologists out there and anybody who values facts. These warm periods led to dramatic advances in civilization.
The Mycenaean optimum produced a civilization of titans in truly ancient Greece, the titular Mycenaeans.
The Roman optimum vitalized an already vital Roman Empire. It benefited civilization all around the Mediterranean, Europe, Anatolia and Near East. The Romans were growing citrus in Northern England, for God’s sake. Try that now.
During the Medieval optimum, churches, monasteries, and other monumental structures were built as a result of the more pleasant climate. “The warmer weather in Europe allowed for agricultural expansion and population growth – such as how in Northern Norway, wheat and oats were grown around the city of Trondheim, which is on the Baltic Sea, and how Vikings took the warmer climate as an opportunity to colonize Greenland.”
If only global temperatures really were warming. We could use another climate optima. Agricultural seasons and conditions would improve across the Earth, the temperate zones would become more temperate and the Canadians would be able to come out of their igloos without having to wear parkas.
Woketards and other warmunists are retarded. So is the DNC. No wonder they take nasty, stupid bitches like Jonathan Cunthart and Jen Psucki seriously.
The DNC dorks were just on TV dancing like spastics on the floor in whatever hall they rented out with taxpayer money. Oh, and they elected two white guys to lead their sordid organization. So much for the DEI they push on the rest of us. You can’t make this stuff up. And there are actually people who vote for those ridiculous anti-Americans. They claim it’s their “job to fight” President Trump rather than work to make America a better place.
The DNC, the Dirtbagocrat party and the Dirtbagocrat Minitrue Media are the scum of the Earth. They make RINOs seem noble, and the RINOs are trash.
The election just proved that the American People don’t trust the M.S. Media anymore and don’t believe the M.S. Media especially with their ideas about Trump and Di Nero the Zero rant about Trump and who his movies Bombed