Senator Elizabeth Warren, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and a number of other lefty Democrats have been howling that Facebook must censor conservative political ads that they disagree with. The media spun Facebook’s refusal to do this, as, “Facebook is letting politicians lie.” As if Facebook is supposed to be the arbiter of whether what politicians say is truthful or not.
Mark Zuckerberg’s simple argument on this subject was met with more howls of rage. As I imagine, Campbell Brown’s recent statement will be.
Twitter had a simpler response. Given a choice between being asked to censor political ads or ban them altogether, it banned them.
And so Twitter, probably the biggest concentration of political debate on the internet, will ban all political ads.
That’s a victory alright. Of a very twisted sort.
By taking this route, Twitter won’t face demands that it ‘fact check’ Republican ads, but the pressure to ban President Trump and other conservatives from its platform will continue.
This is the end result of the media’s lust for control of political discourse and its campaign against the First Amendment.
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