After years of denial and deplatforming of those who dared question the collusion of Big Tech with Leftist deep state officials to influence the 2020 presidential election and make sure that Donald Trump was not reelected, the facts have been revealed. Elon Musk on Friday night revealed through Matt Taibbi (who though he is a Leftist seems actually to be a genuine journalist), how Twitter spiked the story of Hunter Biden’s laptop and prevent the sordid details of his influence-peddling for The Big Guy to get out to the public, and possibly tip the election in Trump’s favor. Since the revelation, the establishment media and leading Democrats have been in furious damage control mode, insisting that the revelations don’t reveal what everyone can see they reveal, and even if they do, they don’t matter. But it’s undeniable now: the fix was in.
“In an early conception,” Taibbi wrote, “Twitter more than lived up to its mission statement, giving people ‘the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers.’ As time progressed, however, the company was slowly forced to add those barriers. Some of the first tools for controlling speech were designed to combat the likes of spam and financial fraudsters.” But then, “Slowly, over time, Twitter staff and executives began to find more and more uses for these tools. Outsiders began petitioning the company to manipulate speech as well: first a little, then more often, then constantly.”
The censorship became a political tool. “By 2020,” Taibbi continued, “requests from connected actors to delete tweets were routine. One executive would write to another: ‘More to review from the Biden team.’ The reply would come back: ‘Handled.’” Both sides had recourse to this, but one side used it much more often than the other did: “Both parties had access to these tools. For instance, in 2020, requests from both the Trump White House and the Biden campaign were received and honored. However: This system wasn’t balanced. It was based on contacts. Because Twitter was and is overwhelmingly staffed by people of one political orientation, there were more channels, more ways to complain, open to the left (well, Democrats) than the right.”
When the New York Post published the Hunter Biden laptop story, Twitter went to extraordinary lengths to suppress it. Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) was the lone Democrat who had any freedom of speech concerns about all this; most of his colleagues in the Evil Party cheered Twitter on and called for more censorship, maintaining that “the First Amendment isn’t absolute.”
In response to be revealed definitively as the authoritarians they are, Leftist “journalists” and politicians have made predictable responses: they’ve heaped scorn on patriots for caring at all about Hunter’s laptop, claiming that it’s all about their perverted, prurient interest in nude photos of the president’s crackhead son. They’ve pointed out that Biden wasn’t president in 2020, and so this wasn’t an example of the government colluding with Big Tech to censor an inconvenient story. In reality, Hunter’s laptop contains evidence that Hunter sold access to his father, which, had it been widely known before the 2020 election, might have a considerable number of people who planned to vote for Joe Biden think twice about sending to the Oval Office a man who could be and had been bought by foreign interests.
And as for the business about Biden not being president in 2020, so this isn’t a First Amendment issue, that’s just another red herring. Biden is president now, or at least he has the title, and his handlers have demonstrated no greater respect for the freedom of speech than they did in 2020. They tried to establish a Disinformation Governance Board in the Department of Homeland Security, backing down only after a barrage of negative publicity. The Biden administration continued to work with Twitter to censor dissident voices, notably that of COVID hysteria skeptic Alex Berenson.
This is the administration that trotted out Old Joe in front of an ominous, Nazi-reminiscent red-and-black backdrop, flanked by two Marines, to declare that half of the American electorate represents “an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.” The authoritarians are in charge now, and they are continuing their self-appointed role as the guardians of what you may and may not see and hear. Elon Musk, with his commitment to the freedom of speech, which is the foundation of any free society, has them frightened and enraged. Watch for determined efforts on the part of the Biden administration and its allies to crush Musk and his free Twitter. The victor will determine the direction of the United States for the entire rest of its life as a nation: freedom or slavery?
Fritz the Cat says
It will be ironic and embarrassing if our free speech hero turns out to be one not identified as a conservative.
The leftist psychosis is obvious, as is the complicit, sycophantic media pulling for socialism/communism.
This is really big, and we better not blow the opportunity.
Full speed ahead, torpedo these enemies of American freedoms.
Stefa says
A patriot nevertheless.
Tricia says
Republicans need to pass legislation to take down the tech tyrants down but they’re opening the borders and they’re signing up illegals they’re winning
New Irene says
They can’t get elected because of rampant election fraud.
New Irene says
I think Elon Musk had a huge wakeup call when his son became a transgender and won’t speak to him. Before that, he was a casual, uninformed California Democrat chasing all his business endeavors and inventions.
Musk is wising up FAST. He believes he is saving the world by preserving free speech. Just in the last week he said he was going to support DeSantis.
Ugly Sid says
When there are attacks upon democracy, the DNC take second place to no one.
This is a big, big story. Big enough to call for resignation. A pair of them.
And it’s in its development. I’m hoping this tweet release is a “stool softener”. And that its subsequence renders obvious that the DNC traffics in night soil.
Has House Speakership ever been more significant?
David Ray says
Every lying sack-o-shit that attached his name to declare the Hunter laptop as “Russian misinformation” knew he was lying at the time (just like D.C. knew it was a lie that officer Sicknick was killed by Trump supporters).
Each one needs to testify before a committee, then be referred for prosecution.
Republicans need to have the courage to do it.
Jeff Bargholz says
Don’t count on it. RINOs never change.
New Irene says
Nothing us going to happen to the Dems because they have THOROUGHLY corrupted the FBI.
Mo de Profit says
President Trump, being a businessman, used social media to his benefit and won his election in 2016. The government officials were a little shocked by this business like marketing campaign approach to an election. This is fairly typical of just about all government departments everywhere, they lag behind the private sector because they are obsessed with documentation and rules and regulations and standards and policies.
The major corporations suffer from the same thinking which is why we need to fight back against regulations.
The leftist political elites used regulations to suppress twatter and Fakebook and goolag under the disguise of convid.
The world needs another businessman to take back freedom.
Jeff Bargholz says
We need an experienced President who’s a businessman.
You know who that is.
New Irene says
The elections in 2020 and 2022 were STOLEN.
Jeff Bargholz says
And they all will be from now on unless Americans grow some balls and fight back.
Cat says
The laptop & censorship of it is such a story that we shouldn’t forget to analyze the meaning of the contents of the laptop. That is that Biden is beholden to foreign nations that bought him. Yikes! We should be discussing doing more than maybe holding congressional hearings.
The horrific child abuse & other sexual stuff & drug use on the laptop is truly disgusting & illegal .too. It’s also a show of weakness that reflects on our culture. Especially if no one is held accountable. .
New Irene says
The Bidens and Obama were fooling around in Ukraine way back in 2014 and probably had something to do with the overthrow of the Russian-speaking president Yanukovich. The Russian invasion of Ukraine was PROVOKED by U.S. and EU insistence that Ukraine join NATO, which is a MILITARY ALLIANCE. The aggressive expansion of NATO is all part of EU globalism. Believe me, those European globalists want to grab Russia’s oil and gas assets.
Don Davenport says
It wouldn’t have mattered. If they needed to produce 100 million votes to put the old kook ahead they would have done so. Those 3:00 AM vote counters can work magic. 😉
Steven Brizel says
This is smoking gun evidence of the conspiracy between Democrats and Twitter to suppress what Americans needed to know about the Bidens s as d China
Kasandra says
True enough but there also are a legion of co-conspirators. And they’re still publishing their newspapers, running their broadcast and cable news operations, and their internet “platforms” concealing the same sort of stuff and telling the same sort of lies every day.
David Ray says
The drama-queen media are currently looking for a connection, ANY connection real or imagined, of Elon to South African apartheid. Leftist trash have zero tolerance for fair play.
Elon better be ready to fight back. The Bush43 approach of kissing ass, has limited success.
Tionico says
All Musk would have to do is to declare “back off or I will shutter Tesla and refuse to take any space payloads funded by US Gummit.” He’s got enough wealth to survive anything they can throw at him. ‘ve no double he WILL use it to defend/protect himself.
If they threaten Twitter in any way he could always take that offshore too. The lost tax revenue and capital from those three operations would probably come close to the total take by IRS over the nxt year or three. I think it would be a wonderful move the leverage a buyout of the Grey Lady and straighten THAT bird cage floor out sort of like is is trying to do with Twitter.
New Irene says
Thank heavens he’s a fighter.
John Bumpus says
One of the tangential issues to the story topic–but important nevertheless–concerns our Federal Judiciary which IMO has been a colossal disappointment (i.e., its/their refusal to become involved and stop the ‘steals’) concerning the election fraud that we have all now seen in the 2020 and the 2022 elections for both high Federal and State Office. In the U. S. Constitution, Federal Judges were given lifetime tenure so that they could honestly apply the law without fear of retribution if they did/do. This has with some Federal Judges degenerated into out and out political partisanship and corruption, and the problem is that the crooked judges likely cannot be removed from their offices and the attendant great powers that they exercise. IMO something must be done to deal with this problem. I will only suggest a solution to this problem broadly. Instead of, in effect, Federal Judges having lifetime tenure, I suggest that the U. S. Constitution be amended to require that Federal Judges be appointed only to terms of office (i.e., as to the length of that term, this separate issue is debatable). Whether Federal Judges could be reappointed to their offices is also a separate issue in my mind, but if this is to be allowed, unquestionably each one of the sitting Federal Judges should have to undergo another investigatory confirmation process and the need to be reconfirmed by the U. S. Senate.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, except the Senate is corrupt and always has been.
New Irene says
How are we going to amend the Constitution when Dems have election fraud down to a science and theiy know that RINOs are really on their side?
Kasandra says
True enough but there also are a legion of co-conspirators. And they’re still publishing their newspapers, running their broadcast and cable news operations, and their internet “platforms” concealing the same sort of stuff and telling the same sort of lies every day.
Dr2xFour says
I am 64. I am ashamed to admit much if not all of this lunacy we are experiencing happened on my watch.
I believed, I left in others hands to do for me what I knew to be right. That was my (our?) mistake that others we elected would do right by me, us.
That was my bold move…. my vote. Then I went on about my business watching the ideals of God, family, Country slowly being eroded. And yet I pulled the lever again and again and again.
I now realize what a fool I’ve and we have been.
It is now obvious to even the most casual observer we are being consumed by demonic forces.
If you share my ideals you know we are battling to get back upstream against vicious currents.
My fight now centers on my 5 year old granddaughter. This girl. This woman, this daughter, grandmother to be.
I have been railing for a decade that education is the true battlefield.
I am standing up for her now.
If you are not standing up now…… When will you!
Make no mistake about it this is war.
Get off your whatever color your ass is and get into the fray!
My 2 cents for the day with Bidennomics is not worth a plugged nickel.
New Irene says
End times are coming, and yes, evil is ALWAYS the work of Satan, who is real. He appears in Chapter 3 of the book of Genesis.
Simon says
Yeah, cause a story about Joe Biden’s son was gonna swing the election. Especially after Hunter had already been discussed ad nauseum during the campaign? Bringing it up during the debate with Joe didn’t seem to help Donald any – quite the contrary in fact. Don’t you phony ‘conservatives’ get it? People hate Trump, and for very, very good reason. We’d have crawled across hot coals (in Jesse Waters’ words recently) to vote against him provided his opponent wasn’t Genghis Khan. I doubt a single Joe voter cared about about his troubled son one iota.
David Ray says
A poll taken after the election says otherwise – loudly.
Liberal Democrats will hate moderate sell-outs like Romney, hate nice guys like Bush43, hate stalwarts like Ron DeSantis, it doesn’t matter. They’ll hate with passion whoever they’re told to hate.
Trump won both elections regardless of the laptop.
But whereas Hillary assumed she had it in the bag, after 2016, the DNC took no chances – they rigged the election in swing states, and outright cheated by stuffing drop-boxes.
So in a small way, you have a point.
Tori says
Satire, hon? Trump was right then, lacking only the solid proof of a smoking gun. If your intellect and phony *reasoning* is an example of that of the broad electorate, no wonder millions like you cowardly and sadistically elder-abused a known dementia patient into an office you knew he could not execute, all out of a snivelling all-encompassing unhinged hatred, n wonder we are where we are at. You should be ashamed to out yourself.
Jeff Bargholz says
I doubt a single TDS Dementia Joe voter has an iota of integrity or honor. Only filthy subhuman scum hate Donald Trump, and that’s a fact.
Ugly Sid says
Swing the election?
The laptop was not a smoking gun. It was a chest of warm smoking guns, covered in finger prints.
The laptop contained evidence of crime. Not shinanagins. Not dirty tricks. Crimes of financial corruption by a sitting Vice President.
This hasn’t played out at all.
There is not yet an adequate criminal investigation!!
Will there be one? Not if Joe can prevent it.
And now you have the whole point of why the adults are concerned.
You can stow the pom-poms. The country’s in peril.
New Irene says
The 2020 election was STOLEN and I am speaking as a Certified Public Accountant with audit experience. You just don’t know the details because the media has covered that up, too.
Christopher Riddle says
While I’m Certain that the “Suppression”of Hunter Biden’s laptop had a great deal to do with the outcome of the 2020 election,there is NO WAY that Joe”Bite Me”got 81,000,000 Votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeff Bargholz says
No way in Hell. Basement Biden? Shit.
Paul says
Even with the cover up, there is no way Joe got 80 million legitimate votes after campaigning from his basement.
David Ray says
He didn’t have to campaign; he knew the fix was in. He had the freudian slip admitting to it. (After that, he was tucked away a few days.)
Justin Swingle says
American people deserve to know what China was up to with Joe Biden, especially when Beijing had already shelled out millions of dollars to Biden family members — including millions in set-asides for “the big guy.” What else is on that infamous Hunter Biden laptop? The conflicted Biden Justice Department cannot be trusted to engage in any meaningful oversight on this issue. We need a special counsel now.
KenPF says
It’s not as if spiking the laptop story was the only path for the theft of the 2020 election. COVID, the made in China voting machines all over the country, millions of mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, night time drops of bushels of ballots, not to mention corruption in Maricopa County which is still unaddressed. It the laptop story had run in the open the Democrats would have still had plenty of means to betray at the American people.
What I fail to understand is how any conservative can be in any doubt at all that the 2020 election was stolen.
It was.
Hunter has reportedly sold five paintings worth $75,000 each to an anonymous buyer. Hunter’s art dealer, Georges Bergès, has previously boasted he had strong ties to businessmen in Communist China, which has concerned many due to the Biden family’s business ventures abroad.
“We are 95% sure that that artwork went to China,” Comer said. “We don’t know where exactly that went to in China, but we’re going to try to find out when we get subpoena power.”
Jeff Bargholz says
NOW we know? We always knew. Musk has just proved we were right.
New Irene says
Well, “the fix was in” not only with Twitter and other media outlets, the fix was in during both the 2020 and 2022 elections using fifty ways to Sunday to enable Democrats to outright steal. I know FPM doesn’t report or research the election fraud that occurred in 2020 and 2022, but I can tell you as a Certified Public Accountant with audit experience, it happened.
The Gateway Pundit, run by two solid Midwestern twins, Jim and Joe Hoft (Joe is an international auditor) have done EXCELLENT work running down all the details state by state of the way the steals occurred, everything from ballot harvesting, illegal in most states and caught on video, mail-in ballots, floating ballots, no signature verification, van loads of ballots dropped in the middle of the night (also on video), ballot counters hooked up to the internet, and much, much, much more. Much more.
It was DISASTROUS that Bill Barr refused to investigate the 2020 election fraud. DISASTROUS.
Melon Usk says
“Now” “we” know?
I don’t know who the “we” is that you’re referring to, but over 80 million of us knew this knew this in early 2020..