As many liberals, libertarians and conservatives continue to point out, the new leftist consensus has completely eroded any distinction between, “I disagree with you”, “You’re a bad person”, and “You must be silenced.”
The second and third are automatically assumed to flow from the first. And yet it’s possible for the first and even second to be true, without the third. That’s a largely extinct liberal position and proposition when the media gins up hysteria by declaring something to be extremist and demanding immediate action to ban it. The moral panic has lately targeted QAnon, which is one of those things that you either know what it is or you don’t, but is, obviously, more prevalent on the right and thus a legitimate target for Twitter.
Twitter’s bans of QAnon accounts are premised on the claims that members are engaging in organized harassment. To whatever extent this is true, it’s also laughably hypocritical because Twitter routinely serves as an organizing point for cancel culture social mobbing with no response ro intervention, let alone large scale bans and reach suppression by the leftist Big Tech corporation.
Not all that long ago a social justice activist posted a video of himself following a white woman to her home while she cried and begged him to stop to Twitter.
And Twitter found various excuses not to delete the video.
The obvious answer is that it supports harassment when it fits its politics. Its rules are a laughable joke that are selectively enforced for political reasons. Twitter doesn’t just discriminate politically in suppressing some views and favoring others. Instead it actively serves as a forum for harassment.
The QAnon crackdown just calls attention to a hypocritical political social justice elite that deems some forms of speech to be violence and some threatening behaviors to be free speech. It’s the same formula that defends the free speech rights of Black Lives Matter mobs to invade people’s private property and set buildings on fire, while describing the speech of BLM critics as violence.
And without some kind of legal or legislative intervention, this crackup is only going to get uglier.
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