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It’s the second week of the hostages-for-criminals exchange. Four Israeli girls have been swapped for 200 Palestinian prisoners, including some convicted of terrorist murders. More on this lopsided deal, and a list of the “Palestinians” to be freed, can be found here: “Who are the Palestinian terrorist prisoners released as part of Gaza hostage deal?,” by Noa Feigenbaum, Jerusalem Post, January 25, 2025:
As part of the agreed hostage-prisoner exchange deal, Israel released 200 terrorist prisoners on Saturday, according to Arab media reports.
This included more than half who were serving life sentences for terror attacks that killed dozens….
Here is a list of the prisoners who were released on Saturday:
- Ibrahim Khalil Ahmad Salah
- Mahmoud Isa / Mahmoud Ahmad As’ad
- Abdul Latif Muhammad Lutfi Ahmad Hamada
- Ahmad Mustafa Ahmad Al-Shibani
- Muhammad Awda Is’hak Shuhada Awda
- Nasr Muhammad Yusuf Naji
- Sharif Muhammad Yusuf Naji
- Wa’il Na’im Ahmad Al-Jaghoub
- Wissam Sa’id Musa Al-Abbasi
- Saleh Subhi Dawood Dar Musa
- Muhammad Nasr al-Din Saleh Al-Malah
- Salim Muhammad Salim Hajj
- Thabit Azmi Suleiman Mardawi
- Muhammad Nabil Amir Muhammad Arqan
- Imad Rashid Abdul Rahman Kamil
- Rabi’ Rafeeq Sharif Abu Al-Rub
- Jad Ibrahim Musa Mu’alla
- Ibrahim Muhammad Ahmad Halabiya
- Mahmoud Sadeqi Suleiman Radwan
- Sa’id Abdul Allah Sa’id Al-Banna
- Ramadan Eid Ramdhan Mishahra
- Khalil Muslim Muhammad Barq’ah
- Iyad Yaser Mahmoud Masalmah
- Tha’er Khalid Omar Oweidat
- Layla Ayoub Muhammad Abu Arjaliyah
- Yaser Muhammad Obaid Rabayah
- Jihad Yusuf Isma’il Al-Najjar
- Jasser Afif Muhammad Raddad
- Samir Abdul Fattah Rida Tubasi
- Basel Atef Muhammad Makhlouf
- Zaid Ibrahim Ahmad Beseisi
- Yaser Mahmoud Abu Bakr
- Mahmoud Ali Abdul Radaida
- Nafith Naif Salim Al-Hajj Hussein
- Naji Ibrahim Hassan Basharat
- As’ad Yusuf Hamid Za’arab
- Ra’if Ramez Helmi Al-Farra
- Muhammad Qasim Ahmad Aradah
- Muhammad Muhammad Yusuf Naji
- Munif Muhammad Mahmoud Janadiyah
- Shadi Abdul Samih Suleiman Zaid
- Wa’il Mahmoud Muhammad Ali Qasim
- Fahmi Eid Ramadan Mishahra
- Khalid Sabir Muhammad Abu Amsha
- Salah al-Din Muhammad Ibrahim Abu Jalbush
- Mahmoud Hamad Mahmoud Sharaytah
- Iyad Ziad Abdul Fattah Al-Shurfa
- Ibrahim Isa Khalil Ibrahim
- Iyad Mahmoud Abdul Rahim Nassar
- Ali Hassan Abdul Allah Al-Rajbi
- Muhammad Shakir Alaan Mu’alla
- Ahmad Mustafa Yasin Fanni
- Fahd Abdul Allah Muhammad Sawalhi
- Mahmoud Atiyah Hassan Kleibi
- Nour Muhammad Shukri Jaber
- Iyad Ibrahim Hassan Jaradat
- Yahya Hashim Abdul Fattah Al-Haymuni
- Samer Abdul Samih Ahmad Al-Atresh
- Muhammad Na’im Salman Qawasmeh
- Muhammad Hussein Fayez Jaradat
- Ahmad Dheeb Abdul Rahman Daheedi
- Abdul Rahman Ghassan Mahmoud Washah
- Yusuf Abdul Latif Khidr Mahdawi
- Khalid Dheeb Hassan Abu Hamd
- Ammar Ahed Badi’ Al-Shoubki
- Ibrahim Yusuf Ibrahim Atiyah
- Yusuf Ata Dheab Ahmad Al-Hajj Muhammad Hamdan
- Hussam Adnan Tawfiq Abed
- Sa’id Abdul Samih Suleiman Zaid (Al-Kilani)
- Fayez Abdul Majid Jaber Hamid
- Nasr Muhammad Yusuf Dawood
- Muhammad Hussein Awda Al-Barghouthi
- Muhammad Samir Ahmad Rajbi
- Muhammad Omar Abdul Allah Ahmad Zaid
- Muhammad Sami Abdul Hamid Al-Izza
- Ahmad Saleh Ahmad Musa
- Sa’id Nasr Mahmoud Ar’ar
- Mu’tasim Muhammad Salim Salim
- Ata Sa’id Ya’qub Abu Ramouz
- Hamza Salama Suleiman Abu Sawawin
- Ahmad Badi’ Mustafa Hussein
- Nu’man Ali Ahmad Rayhan
- Muhammad Zuhair Salim Abu Draz
- Mahmoud Kamil Muhammad Ataunah
- Muhammad Abdul Khaleq Ahmad Abu Sa’dah
- Mu’taz Subhi Hassan Za’rour
- Iyad Hosni Al-Sayed Al-Jazzar
- Salah Riyadh Muhammad Magadaba
- Riyadh Abdul Qader Radi’ Arafat
- Ibrahim Salim Musa Abu Sineenah
- Tamer Rajeh Isa Rajbi
- Muhammad Jamil Hassan Kafayah
- Shadi Samir Abdul Wahab Halawah
- Muhammad Mahmoud Tabab
- Mansour Wajih Faris Basharah
- Bakr Muhammad Suleiman Khrouish
- Nasr Faisal Muhammad Badawi
- Muhammad Ismail Hassan Al-Hroub
- Ahmad Ibrahim Muhammad Abu Hamda
- Muhammad Yunus Ali Abu Hanke
- Mahmoud Samer Tawfiq Jabarin
- Az-Zayd Musa Dariya
- Abdul Allah Muhammad Ahmad Hadiya
- Tha’er Jamal Muhammad Ta’amrah
- Muhammad Murad Yaser Farhat
- Hussam Muhammad Jum’a Khalil Za’nin
- Omar Ismail Omar Wadi
- Baha’ Dawood Ibrahim Awaisat
- Sa’id Osama Isa Harmas
- Mahdi Iyad Talib Akash
- Musa Fawaz Musa Qubaitat
- Muhammad Zuwid Hamdi Al-Agha
- Abdul Rahman Taha Abdul Rahman Ba’loushah
- Ayman Muhammad Ali Fawajrah
- Muhammad Ahmad Abdul Hamid Al-Tous
- Ra’ed Muhammad Sharif Al-Sa’adi\
- Ali Suleiman Sa’id Al-Sa’adi
- Hamza Muhammad Hassan Matrouk
- Sadeqi Samer Sadeqi Jabr
- Rami Ibrahim Na’im Najjar
- Yunus Ali Abdul Munim Al-Jabari
- Muhammad Isa Mahmoud Al-Barbari
- Anas Qasim Falah Aqra’
- Zaid Ziyad Jamil Amir
- Abdul Aziz Hamad Mahmoud Mar’i
- Ahmad Muhammad Abdullah Hadrj
- Jawad Ziyad Abdul Ma’ti Shalkhti
- A’rafah Abdul Rahman Rashid Abu Sarour
- Tamer Yunus Ahmad Wrideh
- Muqaddad Muhammad Ibrahim Al-Hayeh
- Muhammad Musa Muhammad Badr
- Yaser Yaseen Musa Al-Turwah
- Suhaib Jabbar Ahmad Al-Faqih
- Ashraf Jamal Abdul Qader Ammar
- Muhammad Fahim Mahmoud Shalalda
- Hammam Jamal Badawi
- Masalmah Akram Faisal Muhammad Badawi
- Akram Faisal Muhammad Badawi
- Alaa Ra’ed Saleh Zaghir
- Bilal Ahmad Adeeb Abu Zaid
- Mahmoud Sa’id Muhammad Abu Asbah
- Madhat Fawzi Musa Abu Sinimah
- Tarek Abdul Fattah Khalid Yahya
- Tamer Shawkat Ahmad Khdeir
- Ra’ed Muhammad Ibrahim Badwan
- Tahir Khamees Ahmad Matar
- Ibrahim Jamal Mahmoud Hamad
- Abdul Aziz Yahya Hamid Masa’id
- Omar Muhammad Shawkat Mahajneh
- Ali Abdul Nasir Ahmad Mahameed
- Wa’il Hassan Fahed Abu Rida
- Ashraf Munir Hamid Al-Zaghayir
- Yunes Ali Muhammad Masa’ad
- Ahmad Khalid Dawood Hamid
- Omar Saleh Muhammad Faiq Al-Sharif
- Naseem Rashid Abdul Wadud Al-Zaatri
- Abdul Allah Adnan Yahya Al-Sharbati
- Murad Walid Khalid Al-Barghouthi
- Mu’ayed Shukri Abdul Hamid Hamad
- Hashim Nasr Ahmad Al-Sous
- Ammar Sadeqi Suleiman Abu Ghalous
- Sajad Ahmad Sadeqi Abu Ghalous
- Ja’far Fawzi Qasim Abu Hanani
- Bahjat Mahmoud Jamil Shaqirat
- Abdul Ma’iz Dheeb Ibrahim Al-Jaba’
- Louay Sha’ir Shakib
How limited are the choices for Muslim parents. Every third person on the list above is named Muhammad or a variant thereof— Mahmoud, Ahmed, Ahmad, Mohamed. Many of the remaining two-thirds have Abdul, or Khalid, or Yasir as part of their names. Could it be that such a paucity of possibilities tends to depress the sense of individuality? Do the Gedankenexperiment (Thought Experiment): imagine a world in which every non-Muslim male could have only one of three possible names —John, Robert, George.. No more quirky names, or family names, or names made up for the occasion. No Harrison Gray Otis, no William Tecumseh Sherman, no Ulysses S. Grant, no DeCourcy McIntosh, no Ralph Waldo Emerson, no Ebenezer Scrooge, no Cary Grant, no Gregory Peck. Just John Grant, John Peck, John Scrooge, George Emerson, George McIntosh, George Grant, Robert Sherman, Robert Musk, Robert Zuckenberg…You get the picture.
One more thing: am I too thin-skinned, or does that endless list of Arabic names above give you the creeps, too?
It is an awful deal and we can all thank the biden administrative bureaucracy for it. But, it happened during transition therefore it is Trumps fault too.
Watch out for a Jew hater say that the terrorists were being held as political prisoners and that the Israeli girls were IDF genocidal soldiers.
These girls must have been IDF genocidal soldiers. While attending a concert they attacked innocent Arabs out for a morning stroll along the border fence who happened to be carrying loaded AK’s, and other peaceful Gazans pursuing their hobby of early morning hang gliding with automatic weapons, when they were brutally attacked with cupcakes, baklava and warm pretzels.
There will be a lot of whining about what a terrible deal this is.
It’s OK. The IDF will kill them all at some point. And with Trump in office those B.S. flights to the states have come to an end.
As for the names, Mahmoud Ahmed Ahmad Mohamed Abdul Khalid Yasir can be followed up with a generic YabbaDabbadoo. The Muj are not the brightest folks on the planet.
Don’t be so sure about that. The last time a prisoner exchange between Israel and Hamas happened, we gave them Sinwar. And we all know what happened with him after that.
The only way this never-ending cycle of terrorist violence will end is if Netanyahu puts his foot down forcefully and says “No, we will not entertain your demands. You will follow our demands because, as President Trump would say, FAFO.”
It’s better deal that the one thousand and something traded for one Israeli soldier. I don’t remember the details, but it was probably an Israeli Labor Party, and Democrat USA government, who made that “deal?”
And meanwhile Soros and the CFR/UN rub their hands together with glee
I hope that Israel abides by the so called “agreement.” Once all the hostages are released, I hope Israel declares the agreement null & void and goes back into Gaza and wreaks such death and destruction that the Palestinians will think twice of ever f**king with Israel again. The left and it’s useful idiot MSM says that Israel is a Nazi like genocidal state and yet the Palestinian “authorities” have stated that only some 45K or so Gazans have been killed. Make the genocidal canard a reality: perhaps 450K+ dead would validate the claim of genocide. Besides, never forget that dead Palestinians are instant heroes & beloved martyrs and get 72 virgins that look like Rashida Tlaib. A win for them & Israel. The world would be better off without this race of untermenschen.