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An antisemitic letter, posted by the Latina/Latino Studies Department at the University of Illinois, accuses Israel of “genocide.” The funniest line, however, in this anti-Israel screed, was this: “we know a free Palestine is only possible through queer, racial, gender, reproductive, and environmental justice.”
The people who wrote this are apparently unaware that in Palestinian society, as in many Muslim Arab societies, there is no “queer justice.” Homosexuals are persecuted and murdered — shot, hung from cranes, pushed from rooftops. The only place in the Middle East where homosexuals are safe is Israel. As to “gender justice,” Muslim societies are misogynistic, with honor killings of females who are said to have “dishonored the family” (by everything from not wearing a hijab properly to having a Christian boyfriend). Muslim women are inferior to men in every way. Their testimonies are worth half those of men; daughters inherit half of what sons inherit. A Muslim man can take up to four wives but a woman is limited to one husband; finally, a Muslim husband can divorce a wife merely by reciting the triple talaq, while a wife seeking a divorce must go through an expensive court procedure.
As for “racial justice,” Arab societies remain deeply racist. A hadith (Ibn Musa al-Yahsubi, Qadi ‘Iyad, p.375) says that “if anyone calls Muhammad a black man, kill him.” Muhammad himself bought and sold slaves. The Arabs conducted the longest-lasting, and largest, of all the African slave trades, with tens of millions of victims, a trade that was only stopped by the British. Arabs continued to hold black slaves until well into the 20th century: Saudi Arabia finally outlawed slavery, under tremendous international pressure, in 1962; Oman and Yemen outlawed slavery only in 1970. Even today, hundreds of thousands of black slaves are held by Arab owners in the Sudan, Mali, Niger, and Mauritania. The Arabs feel keenly their superiority to blacks. Yet here are some faculty members sitting in Champaign, Illinois, who presume to tell us that Palestine “will be free” when there is “racial justice.” There won’t ever be “racial justice” in Muslim lands.
And as a last desideratum, which will help to bring about the goal expressed as “From the river to the sea/Palestine will be free” — which means the destruction of the only Jewish state and its replacement by a twenty-third Arab state — these academics add “environmental justice.” How exactly would “environmental justice” help to bring about a “free Palestine” that is Judenrein “from the river to the sea”?
Indeed, there is no connection between this laundry list of modish desiderata that are described as making possible “justice in Palestine” — but let it stand as a monument to the malign idiocy of its authors in the Latina-Latino Studies Department at the University of Illinois: “we know a free Palestine is only possible through queer, racial, gender, reproductive, and environmental justice.” For more on this, see here: “University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Academic Department Deletes Letter to Students Accusing Israel of ‘Genocide,’” by Dion J. Pierre, Algemeiner, January 5, 2024:
The letter, which was addressed to the departments’ students, has since been taken down from the university website.
The letter was taken down by the Latina/Latino Studies Department, at the direction of the Administration, because the UIUC administrators were no longer willing to tolerate such anti-Israel nonsense, with such charges as “genocide” and “ethnic cleansing.” They were well aware of what happened to Presidents Gay of Harvard and Magill of UPenn.
This is not the first time that academic departments at UIUC have waded into politics. Amid the 2021 conflict in Gaza between Israel and Hamas, four departments at the school — Gender and Women’s Studies, Urban and Regional Planning, Asian American Studies, and History — issued statements pledging “solidarity” with Palestinians and variously accused Israel of apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and settler colonialism. After over 40 faculty members lodged a complaint about the statements, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign (UIUC) administrators said that the school would not ask academic departments to abstain from political advocacy….
In other words, the UIUC administrators in 2021 rebuffed the faculty members who complained about the anti-Israel statement put out that year by four departments, in which Israel was accused of “apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and settler colonialism.” Why should academic departments be allowed to publish their public statements — to go on the record — with deeply divisive, not to mention meretricious, remarks about people and events that have nothing to do with their academic duties? In taking a public stand as a department, its members will certainly intimidate students, and untenured faculty, from expressing views if they differ from those expressed by the department. Politics should be left at the classroom door.
And besides, the accusations made by four departments, Gender and Women’s Studies, Urban and Regional Planning, Asian American Studies, and History, in letters expressing “solidarity” with Palestinians and against Israel, were preposterous —that the Jewish state was guilty of “apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and settler colonialism.” There is no apartheid in Israel. Arabs sit on the Supreme Court, sit in the Knesset, go abroad as ambassadors. The chairman of Israel’s largest bank, Bank Leumi, is an Arab. Jews and Arabs work in the same offices and factories, are treated by the same medical personnel — consisting of both Jews and Arabs, play on the same sports teams and in the same orchestras, own businesses together, everything from restaurants to high-tech start-ups. Israeli Arabs have every civil right that Israeli Jews have. In only one respect do they differ: Jews must, while Arabs may, serve in the military.
Queers for Palatine Sheep for Wolves these pinheads would sell their souls to the Devil but it seems they already have
Secret Squirrel says
Turkeys for Christmas.
Algorithmic Analyst says
The Arab slave trade was mainly stopped by the British Navy.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
Slave auctions still take place regularly in North Africa. Weekly.
Send the fools there with coupons attached.
Algorithmic Analyst says
I mentioned the British Navy to try to emphasize the Navy’s semi-autonomous nature at that time, as distinguished from the British government.
Richard Johnston says
I highly recommend the book “White Gold,” which is about the enslavement of white people by Muslims.
How many Americans understand the famous quote “Not one penny for tribute??.
I’ve looked at the “Women’s Studies” bulletin boards at many colleges and never have I seen a posting condemning the misogynistic nature of Islam. Then again, many push the nonsense that in the U.S. women earn only 82 cents for the same work for which a man receives one dollar.
What do credible surveys of those in Islamic Republics tell us about the support for the death penalty for apostates?
Even Cat Stevens, aka Yusuf Islam, had zero problem with the fatwa issued against Salman Rushdie, who has had to live with disfigurement and being blind in one eye as a result of a vicious assault,
I’m ordering a copy of Satanic Verses today. Lan Astaslem.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Any public figure has to beware of Muslim Assassins sneaking up on him with a knife.
cedar9 says
Yeah that’ll work out real well. Islam has 10 story buildings designated for the worship of the queer life.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
Imagine the look on their faces when reality finally hits them.
dani says
The second paragraph should include that hubbies can beat the s#%t out of their wives anytime they feel like it, and FGM is performed on many unfortunate girls and women in the moslem world.
merkova says
reprobate minds
Thelma P Peckerwood says
exactly- given over to there perversion- the God of Aberham and Issac will come soon to destroy the evil ones
Ed Snider says
This amalgamation of Illini losers thinks that if they come out of the closet as antisemites, they will, at last, have someone they can look down their nose at. Reality, of course, is that they’re the same bunch of jerks they always were.
Atikva says
Nothing more than this hyper-ridiculous “Queers for Palestine” mantra illustrates the ideological subversion of the USA by Russia, whether pre or post communist, denounced by Yuri Bezmenov some 40 years ago. No one paid attention then, now its effects are here, right in front of us, and still people are wondering about such lethal nonsense. It’s called subversion, folks!
Jonathan S. says
Queers for Palestine makes as much sense as mice for cats. In both cases, the LGBTQ+ people and mice will be eaten live by the party they so proudly support.
Miranda Rose Smith says
“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it,” but not on my dime. Anyone who thinks it’s genocide to shoot back when Arabs are shooting at you should feel free to say so, as long as nobody stops me from pointing out how full of horse manure he is.
Daniel says
I agree, send all the queers to Palestine. I’m sure they’ll appreciate it. Send them en mass today.
Alkflaeda says
I’m sure Hamas will be really grateful for a fresh supply of human shields.
jcr says
These Non-STEM students are receiving useless “degrees” in topics no employer cares about or needs. These “grads” are tomorrows baristas and wait staff. And they want YOU to pay off their “college” loans.
They need some worldly experience. I suggest they take their rainbows and unicorns, nose rings, tattoos and skinny jeans and go to any middle-eastern country (save Israel) and upon arrival, tell them you are there because you care.
Your folks can list your bedroom on VRBO. You won’t need it.
John Sweet says
When universities, governments, and corporations get rid of DIE departments your first statement will be true, but I am still not convinced that will happen.
Jonathan S. says
These stupid jackasses – did you flunk 19th century history? Europeans were colonial powers, they had their own countries, armies and navies who marched into other people’s countries to control the resources. Pray tell how did the framing of Alfred Dreyfus lead to Jews looking for their own homeland? Just as Europe is filled to the brim with a resurgence of toxic anti-Semitism today thanks to Hamas attacking Israel and the Jewish state defending itself. Back at the cusp of Europe saying goodbye to the 19th century and welcoming the hopeful enlightenment of the promise of the 20th century, came the Dreyfus Affair.
Jews living in Western Europe weren’t experiencing the types of threats that Jews living in Eastern Europe still faced, which included pogroms. The Jews of Western Europe thought they’d seen the end of Middle Ages type of hatred focused on them. Well that all came tumbling down and reality hit them in the face when the mainstream media of its day became the mouth pieces of anti-Semitism. A Jewish journalist was so horrified by Western Europe’s descent into Medieval anti-Semitism that he came to the conclusion that Jews would never be accepted as citizens of Christian European nations. Thus Zionism was born, the movement of Jews to move back to their historic biblical homeland.
Zionist weren’t colonist, they didn’t have their own country or standing army; they were just civilians without weapons that sought to build their own homeland. This was born out of Europeans’ venomous hatred of the Jews that was laying dominant until the Dreyfus Affair. Then it became safe once again to hate the Jews and print blood libels!
Opposed to the Arab Muslims that originated from the north west region of the Arabian Peninsula. After Muhammad’s death they conquered and ethnically cleansed North Africa. The Muslims Arabized the land to the north (what’s Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria today) and Mesopotamia (what’s Iraq today). The Arab Muslims also invaded Persia and made inroads to the western portion of India. The Arabs have a homeland, anywhere else Arabs have taken over outside of the Arabian Peninsula meets the definition of them being colonizers.
I know…historical facts are hard to swallow, it’s much easier to scream blood libels at Jews.
Ed says
“only possible through queer, racial, gender, reproductive, and environmental justice.” Do these simpletons not realize that these will be the first heads on the chopping block?
John Sweet says
As the old saying goes, b—s–t baffles brains.
From this same UofI department:
Faculty Candidate Job Talk: Sony Coráñez Bolton, “Dos X: On the Crip Ethics of the ‘Misrecognitive’ in Latinx and Filipinx American Culture”
Abstract: In this talk, I will briefly outline the interventions of my first book Crip Colony (Duke 2023) which attempts to give an account mestizo politics in the Philippines and how the discourse of mestizaje offers a framework to understand the colonial afterlives of disablement. In doing so, the book contributes to a burgeoning field of diasporic crip critique which confronts the intersections of migration, colonialism, and the strategic in/capacitation that shapes the histories of the major settler colonies of the world. The bulk of the talk will then transition to thinking about the theoretical and historiographic contributions of ethnic studies in problematizing the in/capacitations and disablements central to the project of colonial racial capitalism. I will do so through an analysis of the philosophical and affective dynamics of racial misrecognition as a precondition for political coalition, which I explore in my forthcoming book Dos X: Disability and Racial Dysphoria in Latinx and Filipinx American Cultures (Texas UP).