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It’s getting serious.
U.S. Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations Robert Wood on Sunday strongly condemned the Iranian attack on Israel and warned that Iran will be held responsible for any further actions taken against the United States, Israel or their allies.
“Let me be clear — if Iran or its proxies take actions against the United States or further action against Israel, Iran will be held responsible,” Wood said, in his remarks at a U.N. Security Council briefing on the situation in the Middle East.
Let’s see
Recently, Iran has…
1. Killed 3 American servicemembers (adding to the hundreds killed during the Iraq War and other larger conflicts.)
2. Attempted to assassinate former Trump admin officials
3. Conducted a proxy running battle with the U.S. Navy in the Red Sea
4. Planned the Oct 7 attacks in which numerous Americans were killed
But now, we’re expected to believe, if Iran does anything else naughty, it will be “held responsible.”
By that, I presume the Biden administration means that some toothless sanctions targeting specific Iranian officials will be imposed.
Iran has gone as far as it has because it’s entirely aware that there are no consequences. Next time what will happen is another lecture and some scolding along with the warning that next time, things really will be serious.
Or maybe next, next time.
Give Iran some credit, when it says “Death to America”, it means it. When our leaders say Iran will be held responsible, they don’t.
Since Iran is a Member of t he United Nations we should just totally pull out of t he United Nations Period lets move out this Globalists mob of the top enemy of America and Americans why should be continue to finance these Tyrants and Despots
I’m sure the mad mullahs and IRG leaders are quaking in their sandals. They’re in danger of laughing their heads off at the biden administration. Biden’s morons won’t hold Iran’s weakest proxies responsible, they certainly won’t hold Iran responsible for anything.
Any moron knows that the Islamic Iranian regime must be decapitated and ended permanently.
Biden and his administration are as depraved psychopathic berserk and delusional as the Iranian Ayatollahs.
The Islamic Mullah Iranian regime should have been decapitated by President Carter in 1979 when the Islamic depraved psychopaths overturned the Shah, and took 52 US hostages for 444 days in Tehran.
But Carter was too much of a chicken — sh!!!!t coward to have the wisdom or the courage to do it.
Carter, like Biden now, had no idea of what the correct and right and moral and effective thing to do was.
So for almost 50 years now the depraved psychopathic murderous Islamic blackmailing and terrorism has just continued with no effective response from America and the West.
What a disgrace.
Decapitate Iran you morons !!! … The Iranian people will love you for it.
What the hell are you idiot blowhard politicians waiting for ??? !!!!
If we would have dealt with these guys in 1980-things would different today. Why should IRAN be afraid of us? They get away with anything they do.
Whose to say that they won’t be held accountable this time? Israel isn’t talking
America is doing the Kabuki theatre schtick with Iran, Hamas, Islam, etc.etc.etc.
Nothing more.
People don’t get it, these liberals and their muslim friends are NOT your friends. Once they can take over, they will annihilate Americans and Jews.
Our military deterrence is about as effective as someone’s dad yelling at his unruly kids in the back seat of his car. and shouting “Don’t make me come back there!” I doubt that ever worked. So Iran is probably laughing while planning their next act of aggression.
I have a confidential source within easy driving distance of the White House and they say that the NEXT ATTACK by Iran will be met with SERIOUS consequences totally unlike the previous “Don’t”! My source said that they heard their neighbors’ cousin suggesting that their ex-wife knows someone who has had business with a guy – not just ANY guy – but a GUY who hangs out on an important street in DC!! This guy said he thought – THOUGHT – he heard two winos discussing stratergory with Jake the Snake about what to do next – over a paper sacked litre of MD20/20 – and JTS insists that the NEXT time will result in a very stern “Cut it out”!! Reports from the two wino’s who have distant relatives in Iran say the mullahs are shaking and shimmering in their flowing robes!!! They said TWO of the mullahs even had to bend at the waist to get it out!