It will come as no surprise to patriots, but it may surprise the Leftists who are sure that they can keep using Americans who love this country as their drones and cannon fodder on an indefinite basis: hardly anyone wants to join Old Joe Biden’s woke military. That’s perfectly understandable. Why go through all the trouble of going through training and risk getting sent to some unnecessary war when you can learn about Critical Race Theory and get vaccinated right at home? Recruitment levels are lower than they’ve been in decades, and instead of doing something about it, Biden’s handlers are working to drive the morale of military personnel even lower.
According to a Sunday report from WTOV in Steubenville, Ohio, “in 2022, the U.S. Army fell 15,000 recruits short of its goal.” Francis Nwiah, captain and commander, U.S. Army Bridgeport Recruiting, said, “It’s a national security concern. We are struggling to get folks into the Army right now.” Nwiah blamed the Shanghai Sniffles: “We got hit by COVID, that affected our modus operandi and how we operate as recruiters.” He didn’t say anything about relentless Leftist indoctrination and the politicization of the military, however, and that’s more likely to be the problem.
To try to get the recruitment numbers back up, the Army is spending $117 million to dust off its 1980s slogan, “Be All You Can Be,” and that’s terrific, because the slogan has so much more resonance now than it did in the Reagan era. Now a male recruit may decide that he wants to be all that he can be by becoming a female recruit, and the Army (using your money, of course) will pay for surgery to reinforce his delusion.
A catchy jingle, however, is not going to be enough. And so, in its characteristic tone-deaf and ham-handed manner, the Biden regime has made another move that is meant to improve Army morale and even foster a pursuit of excellence, but which in practice is likely only to cause resentment and division in the ranks. reported Wednesday that “the III Armored Corps, headquartered at Fort Hood, Texas, released a new policy earlier this year restricting which tank crews can name their vehicles.” The new rule “limits the ability to name tanks to crews who score in the highest bracket during gunnery — a qualification meant to measure how effective a crew is in combat.”
We’ve all seen this. The practice is better known in connection with aircraft, dating back to World War II, but during that war, soldiers also gave their tanks nicknames, and this practice has continued. Lt. Col. Tania Donovan, a spokesperson for the III Armored Corps, stated, “Naming a fighting platform is a long-standing tradition that we value.” If that’s the case, then why restrict the practice? explains that “the change in policy is the result of a desire to incentivize crews to perform better during gunnery.” Donovan added, “The III Armored Corps has [an] obligation to our nation to be prepared to fight and win anywhere in the world at any time. Accordingly, we must demand excellence of ourselves in order to meet that obligation, particularly in our competitive and unpredictable world.” That’s great, but not as great as it seems at first glance. also quoted a “currently serving field-grade armor officer” who wished to remain anonymous. This officer observed, “My immediate reaction is that this will alienate junior crews while ensuring that officers get to name their tanks,” because “leaders in officer positions like platoon leader through battalion commander are often given the best gunners. That leaves other, typically junior troops, working with less experienced gunners who are less likely to score highly during gunnery, although the officer said that they still have a responsibility to do well.” This officer added, “But to deny them the ability to name their tanks while almost ensuring that [officers] will, due to the experience of their gunner, creates a dichotomous culture that doesn’t breed competition, but animosity.”
Wonderful. Animosity is all we need in Old Joe Biden’s army. The troops have already been browbeaten with Critical Race Theory, vaccine mandates, and pandering to the fashionable gender madness. To institute a policy now that will just breed animosity is absurdly counterproductive, especially during this period of low-to-nonexistent recruitment. Do Biden’s handlers want to sabotage the United States military? If they really did, what would they be doing differently?
Cicero says
Every generation of my family has worn the uniform of this country since the Revolution. Family members have fought in every major conflict, even on both sides of the Civil War, right down to the most recent dustups and fiascos. I can attest that this longstanding tradition is over and done. No youngster in my family, on either side, has any desire to carry a rifle to defend this monstrous thing that the former good ol’ US of A has transmogrified itself into. Like the Roman Empire of old that saw its victorius armies of citizen farmers change to foreign mercenaries that lost every major engagement, this country is going down. It cannot be stopped. Prepare accordingly.
David Ray says
Having an honorable track record of bravery & dedication run amok in your gene-pool isn’t something the left admires.
People like us are being purged in the armed forces & replaced with suck-ups who only excel at the cocktail circuit.
(I swear that I’ll lay out the 1st prlck that tells me I have “privilege”.)
Keep your weapons ready & near by.
You never know when a mob of “mostly peaceful” scumbags are gonna try to burn/loot your home or tip over your truck.
Kasandra says
Ah, Covid 19, our political class’s excuse for everything bad. Skyrocketing crime after St. George Floyd? Covid. Disastrously low recruiting numbers? Covid. Election of a brain-dead, dishonest, corruptocrat as President? Covid. Forty-year record inflation? Covid. It’s Covid all the way down.
Intrepid says
Last night’s Tucker featured a segment that said Lindsay Graham and his neoCon buddies are openly calling for a war with the Russians. Nuclear or not how will we fight that war if recruitment is way down and our Generals are more concerned with pronouns and P.C. wokism.
And if we do end up in a war with Russia what is to stop China from invading Taiwan and N.K. from invading S.K..
And of course, there is Iran. What will they do?
We are in deep doo-doo and right now there is no way out.
Ian says
Which side will be fighting for economic freedom, freedom from onerous state control, freedom of thought and religion. Certainly not ours. Putin at least, though probably not a believer, is not hostile to the Russian Orthodox church. Can any church in North America say the same about its government.
So if you are going to fight for your country what on earth or in heaven does it stand for and if you don’t know why fight?
Intrepid says
I guess it depends on what kind of country have. Under the current regime there is really nothing to fight for.
I suggest contacting a resistance movement when the SHTF. Then you will have something to fight for.
Daniel says
Maybe it the high incidence of men getting raped by other men in the woke military. Could that have something to do with it?
TomKat Books says
Bottom line: What guy would want to shower with some looney-tune dame who believes she is a man?
Fred says
Ninety percent of the wars America was involved in were not necessary and that includes two World Wars, the Korean war, and the Vietnam war. I always wondered why so many gullible young people put their lives at risk to help the elites to become rich and powerful. The American Empire with more than 800 bases all around the world to keep other nations in place except Russia, China and India.
Cicero says
I agree that most wars this country engaged in were not necessary, but at least the wars were declared by Congress in accordance with the terms of the Constitution that this country was putatively operating under and were duly debated and properly voted on before the commitment of US troops was made. That all ended with the Korean Conflict, which was the first war fought outside the law. From that point forward the Constitution became a dead letter that was continually undermined by successive illegal acts of Congress that has resulted in an overextended US Empire that can’t achieve victory abroad and can’t provide security at home. There is no way to stop this utterly criminal US Government from destroying whatever liberty remains except state-by-state secession.
bls says
“Be all you CAN be”! Yeah, and US TAXPAYERS is foot the bill for YOU to be THE WOMYN you WANT TO BE!! Let US TAXPAYERS work those safe jobs and pay the taxes that you can benefit from to humor your mental illness! AND if there’s enough time left over from all your surgeries and treatments, we’ll let you SHOOT A GUN!!!
Who wouldn’t want to jump right in???
tu250x says
I was a ROTC commissioned USAR Signal Corps officer from 1968 to 1982. I would NOT encourage any family member or friend to join the WOKE military either at commissioned or enlisted status these days.
But I TOTALLY disagree with the OBJECTION to merit based tank naming. I was not aware that every officer from Platoon Leader, Company CO, and Battalion CO, had their own tank… But maybe that’s true.
If true and I was a Company CO, I would assigned the worst performing crew to myself or my best Platoon Leader and NOT the least experienced NCO.
The contention that the officer would then get to “name the tank” is ridiculous and infuriating. Officers do NOT directly engage in aiming and firing tank guns. A competent officer would know that usurping the naming privilege from his mens achievement would just cause NEEDLESS resentment. I would have said “Great job men! I want you to get together and propose a name to me in 3 days.. Please remember that any name that can be even remotely considered to express racism, sexism, homophobia, islamophobia, transphobia, or white supremacy will be rejected by the brass and would put us all in the dog house.. I will request a new choice.
Douglas Hay says
I can tell everyone EXACTLY what the “problem” is.
And its too late.
In 2008 i was alone in my kids 4th grade classroom waiting for an afterschool meeting with a teacher to begin. On a desk small monthly magazine distributed to U.S. public schools.
Scholastic Scope.
The cover a humvee in flames upside down having just contacted an IED. The article was anti amercan in spirit but even that did not matter compared to the full page color close up of one the occupants, a young soldier, WITH NO SKIN ON HIS SKULL.
That little mag was seen my milkions of kids.
I tried and tried to bring my concern to other parents, social media etc to absolutely no avail.
It is no accident. Its not complicated.
That generation of primary school kids is the very same that would normally be those enlisting this last year or two.
Any child reading that magazine would have been frighted INDELIBLY SO of ever becoming a member of our Armed Forces.
And it being a publication of Scholastic Inc. IT WAS IN FACT READ BY MILLIONS OF US STUDENTS.
Spurwing Plover says
Liberalism and Multiculturalism’s wrecking our Military and our National Defense while China prepares for War
anolesman says
Let then be all they can be and then DRAFT “UM
Kepha says
Young, patriotic males will not join an outfit that is more concerned about promoting enough LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ”s than it is about national defense and war-readiness.