On Tuesday night, the David Horowitz Freedom Center launched a campaign to combat the terrorist support groups on college campuses across the country. UCLA was chosen as the first campus for this effort where dozens of posters linking Students for Justice in Palestine to their terrorist heroes were placed on campus. “Students for Justice in Palestine functions as the most prominent pro-terrorist, anti-Jewish organization in America, and provides a key recruiting tool for terrorists in the Middle East who are seeking to obliterate the only democracy in the region,” observes Freedom Center founder David Horowitz. “This presence of a genocidal, terrorist support movement on elite campuses across America is one of the most under-reported stories of our times.”
The posters identify the pro-Hamas campus leaders by name. The names have been drawn from a database provided by the Canary Mission, an organization created to “document the people and groups that are promoting hatred of the USA, Israel and Jews on college campuses in North America.” The organization’s website is www.canarymission.org. The purpose of identifying them was explained by Horowitz in these words: “Jew haters on these campuses are going to wake up some morning soon and see their names on posters holding them responsible for their support of Jew-hating terrorists. That will change the dynamic of this battle.”
One poster features UCLA’s Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, Jerry Kang, who is SJP’s chief advocate in the UCLA Administration. Kang played a leading role in an SJP harassment campaign that forced second year law student Milan Chatterjee to leave the school in fear for his physical safety. Chatterjee ran afoul of SJP when he refused to allow the UCLA Graduate Student Association, of which he was president, to become a platform for SJP’s anti-Israel agendas, specifically the Boycott, Divest & Sanctions campaign. Kang’s response was not to support Chatterjee’s attempt to keep the Graduate Student Association neutral in this matter, but to launch a three month investigation of Chatterjee for alleged bias.
Another poster depicts a gun-toting Hamas terrorist holding the strings of a puppet labeled “American Muslims for Palestine” which in turn controls a marionette labeled “Students for Justice in Palestine.” Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is described as “The chief sponsor of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish activities on campus.” Hamas is identified as “A terror organization pledged to wipe out Israel” (a goal explicitly stated in the Hamas charter) while AMP is the “Hamas-created chief organizer and funder of SJP.” The poster also depicts shadowed bodies lying in pools of blood, illustrating the bloody deeds of Hamas’s campaign of terror against the Jews. The poster contains the hashtag #JewHatred and the Freedom Center’s website, www.HorowitzFreedomCenter.org.
The posters are part of the Freedom Center’s campaign,“Stop the Jew Hatred on Campus,” which seeks to confront the agents of campus anti-Semitism and expose the financial and organizational relationship between the terror group Hamas and Hamas support groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine. The Freedom Center’s campaign also includes the distribution of a pamphlet, “Students for Justice in Palestine: A Campus Front For Hamas Terrorists.” This pamphlet, authored by John Perazzo, documents SJP’s links to Hamas and its support for terrorist agendas – specifically the destruction of the Jewish state and its Jewish population.
Here is the documentation of UCLA’s support for terrorists and their sympathizers:
UCLA’s pro-terrorist BDS sympathizers have repeatedly made national news, most recently for forcing the resignation of the university’s graduate student president, Milan Chatterjee, who reported in his resignation letter that he had been “relentlessly attacked, bullied and harassed by BDS-affiliated organizations and students.” UCLA’s student government passed a Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) resolution in 2014. The campus has hosted Hamas-supporting and Jew-hating speakers who support the BDS movement, including BDS founder Omar Barghouti and Electronic Intifada founder Ali Abuminah. It has sponsored a “Palestine Awareness Week” during which students promoted BDS and displayed a mock “apartheid wall” in an attempt to characterize Israel as an apartheid state and justify its destruction. In addition, UCLA hosted a “Nakba Week” marking the creation of Israel as a “catastrophe” – a term used by Hamas and its supporters to promote the lie that the Jews stole Arab land (it had belonged to the Turks for 400 years and was forfeited when the Turks were defeated in World War I). Prompted by SJP and the Muslim Students Association, UCLA’s student government attempted to force candidates for its offices to pledge not to accept trips to Israel sponsored by pro-Israel organizations.
Supporting Evidence:
September 01, 2016: UCLA Graduate Student Association (GSA) President Milan Chatterjee announced in a lengthy letter that he is leaving his post and UCLA Law School as a result of the “hostile and unsafe campus climate” created by groups supporting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement on campus and the UCLA administration. Chatterjee described in his letter how he had “been relentlessly attacked, bullied and harassed by BDS-affiliated organizations and students” who objected to his attempts to distribute student fee monies in a “viewpoint neutral” manner with regard to the BDS movement.
August 22, 2016: UCLA SJP announced on its Facebook page that it is endorsing the political platform of Black Lives Matter, which includes a section of the BLM platform that embraces the Hamas propaganda lies against Israel and its terrorist cause. UCLA SJP stated: “We are moved by the platform’s recognition of Israel’s apartheid laws, illegal settlements, segregated road systems and military checkpoints, punitive home demolitions, and prison system, through which Palestinians, including children, are routinely subject to harassment and torture. As campus organizers, we also welcome [Black Lives Matter’s] endorsement of Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS), particularly given the current climate of anti-boycott legislation that we face, and we echo its acknowledgment of the US’s culpability in the Israeli occupation of Palestine, notably through military aid, diplomatic support, and investment in private prison companies.”https://www.facebook.com/SJPatUCLA/posts/1042450125823867
May 16, 2016: In a piece published in the Daily Bruin, two UCLA students and one psychology department staff member mourned the “Nakba” – the catastrophe of Israel’s creation by the United Nations – and Israel’s alleged “massive campaign of ethnic cleansing.” They demanded “the full right of return” for Palestinians – representing a plan to flood Israel with Palestinians who had never lived in Israel and obliterate the Jewish state—one of the goals of Hamas.
April 19, 2016: In response to anti-BDS posters created by the David Horowitz Freedom Center, UCLA Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Jerry Kang sent an email to the 50,000 members of the UCLA community attacking Horowitz –calling the posters “repulsive” and “personalized intimidation” and stating that they produce “chilling psychological harm” that “cannot be dismissed as over-sensitivity.” Vice Chancellor Kang also pronounced them “hateful” and “thuggish” and claimed that they utilized the “tactic of guilt by association, of using blacklists, of ethnic slander, and sensationalized images engineered to trigger racially tinged fear.”
The posters can be viewed here: http://www.stopthejewhatredoncampus.org/news/posters-target-bds-activists-five-campuses
April 14, 2016: UCLA’s Center for Near East Studies sponsored an address by Noga Kadman on her book “Erased From Space and Consciousness: Israel and the Depopulated Palestinian Villages of 1948.” During the address, Kadman accused Israel of conducting a “massacre” of the Palestinians, a claim that is historically false and a staple of anti-Israel propaganda.
February 09, 2016: SJP members published an op-ed in the _Daily Bruin_ falsely claiming that Israel treats its Palestinians as “second class citizens” and arguing that the genocidal chant “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” is not in fact a call for genocide: “A phrase used by pro-Palestinian activists is that ‘from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,’ which was referenced in last week’s article. Palestine is the name many use to refer to the geographic region that encompasses Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. The call for the entire region to be free is not a call for annihilation, but rather a call for everyone living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, be they Palestinian or Israeli, to live with the same freedoms that currently only the Jewish Israelis are granted.” Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority has declared that no Jews will be allowed in a free Palestine, while the Hamas charter clearly states that Jews will be exterminated.
January 25-28, 2016: UCLA-SJP held its annual “Palestine Awareness Week” on campus. The week featured numerous anti-Israel speakers who voiced their support for the genocidal BDS movement against Israel including Max Blumenthal, who has compared Israel to Nazi Germany, Miko Peled, and Sa’ed Atshan. The event also featured the display of a mock “apartheid wall” plastered with anti-Israel propaganda. It was billed on Facebook as “a week full of FREE events to raise awareness about the Palestinian struggle for justice and the Palestinian people’s resistance against the Israeli occupation.”
During his address, Blumenthal stated that suicide bombing against Jews is justified by “the occupation” and described Palestinian terrorists as “young men who took up arms to fight their occupier.” He also promoted the BDS movement and compared Israel to the Islamic state, calling it “‘JSIL,’ the Jewish State in Israel and the Levant” and stating his belief that Israel collaborates with ISIS “to collapse Jewish life in the diaspora.” Miko Peled also defended terrorism, stating that it is “a struggle for freedom and justice and equality,” and describing terrorists as “very brave Palestinians who are engaged in fighting this brutal occupation.” He also declared that “any resistance, even armed resistance is legally and morally justifiable and perfectly understandable.” Peled also described Jews as analogous to Hitler, calling Jewish soldiers “young little Jewish gestapos,” and further accused Israel of “massive, violent, brutal oppression,” “genocide,” “ethnic cleansing,” and of being “a colonialist, apartheid, racist system.” He also endorsed the BDS movement.
December 09, 2015: A UCLA student who was also employed at a UCLA-affiliated medical center posted a vicious, hate-filled, anti-Semitic rant on social media which stated in part: “Fucking Jews. GTFOH with all your Zionist bullshit. Crazy ass fucking troglodyte albino monsters of cultural destruction. Fucking Jews. GTFOH with your whiny bullshit. Give the Palestinians back their land, go back to Poland or whatever freezer-state you’re from, and realize that faith does not constitute race.”
November 06, 2015: UCLA’s Center for Near Eastern Studies held a conference on “Palestine and Pedagogy” during which speakers compared Israel to the Nazis, praised anti-Israel terrorism and supported the BDS movement against Israel. UC Irvine Professor and Director of the UC Institute for Humanities Research Theo Goldberg accused Israel of practicing “eliminationist racism” such as used by the Nazis and claimed Israelis view Palestinians as “vermin, cockroaches, rats, snakes…that take boots on the ground to get rid of,” and of possessing “a commitment to purification.” Goldberg’s libels also included the false accusation that Israelis make “snuff films” featuring the deaths of innocent Palestinians which go viral resulting in “an orgasm of feeling” for Israelis. UC Riverside Professor David Lloyd called Israel “a colonial Zionist project that has become a…nightmare, ever more rigid and oppressive.” He endorsed the right of Palestinians to take up arms against Israel and also promoted the BDS movement.http://www.international.ucla.edu/cnes/event/11440
October 29, 2015: UCLA-SJP created a blog post listing the names of 44 Palestinians who were allegedly “killed by Israelis and the Israeli Defense Forces since Oct. 1, the beginning of the third Intifada.” According to the Amcha Initiative, the list “included numerous terrorists who had murdered or injured Jews.”
July 8, 2015: UCLA-SJP reposted an article on their Facebook page mourning the one-year anniversary of the Israeli response to thousands of unprovoked Hamas rocket attacks on civilian areas – “Operation Protective Edge.” SJP parroted Hamas claims that this was a “brutal military attack.” Students for Justice in Palestine have supported the Hamas terrorists in all their aggressions against the Jews during the Gaza conflicts. Israel withdrew its military forces from Gaza in 2005 as a gesture of peace. SJP: “One year ago today, Israel launched a brutal military attack on the Palestinian population of the occupied and besieged Gaza Strip. More than 2,200 Palestinians were killed, including 551 children, and more than 10,000 people were seriously injured and hundreds of thousands were made homeless, forcibly displaced and trapped inside Gaza. Deliberate attacks on Palestinian civilians of this kind are part and parcel of an Israeli policy that aims to force Palestinians into submission and to thwart the Palestinian people’s exercise of its right to self-determination.” Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005 after being invaded by Egyptian armies three times through the strip. Israel’s military precautions were taken because of 7,000 unprovoked Hamas rocket attacks following the withdrawal.
Another SJP article posted on this date regurgitates preposterous Hamas propaganda about the Gaza conflict: “The war in the summer of 2014 was not about rocket fire, Israeli security or Hamas: it was about subduing and disabling Gaza, something Israel has consistently been trying to do ever since it occupied the territory together with the West Bank nearly fifty years ago.” Israel’s original occupation of Gaza and the West Bank was the result of unprovoked aggressive wars by five Arab states in 1948 and 1967 and the refusal of the Arab states to sign a peace treaty. SJP’s sole purpose is to promote Hamas war propaganda designed to demonize the Jews of Israel, support the aggressions of their terrorist enemies, and destroy the Jewish state.
May 21, 2015: UCLA-SJP designated the week of May 21 – the anniversary of Israel’s creation – “Nakba Week.” Events included a teach-in on “Refugees and the Right of Return,” so-called, and a panel titled “Hear Us Speak: Stories on the Nakba and Exile.” The word “Nakba” means “catastrophe” in Arabic and is used by Hamas and its supporters to describe the creation of Israel and to promote the lie that Israel was created on Arab land. It was not. It was created by the UN on land that had belonged to the Turks, who are not Arabs, for 400 years previously. Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Jordan were created in the same way.
May 16, 2015: UCLA SJP posted a statement on its Facebook page mourning “al-Nakba,” and insisted that it be thought of as “a present reality rather than a past event.” The statement read in part: “Many of us don’t realize that every Palestinian we meet, regardless of where they are from, has had their life profoundly shaped by the ethnic cleansing of Palestine on May 15, 1948. This event, known as al-Nakba (“the catastrophe”), was not just a one-time event but is ongoing, as Palestinians are continuously displaced by illegal Israeli settlements, and by devastating attacks. The Palestinian diaspora is faced with ongoing exile and statelessness, and by an erasure of their histories. It is our hope that these photos will help shed some light on how our fellow students at UCLA find the Nakba to be a present reality rather than a past event.” This is a tissue of lies. The displacement of some Palestinian Arabs was the result of the unprovoked aggressive war launched in 1948 by five Arab dictatorships against the tiny Israeli democracy. More than one million Palestinian Arabs live in Israel today and enjoy more civil rights and protections than the Arabs of any Middle Eastern state, including especially the totalitarian theocracies in the West Bank and Gaza.
April 2015: UCLA’s Center for Jewish Studies invited vehement anti-Israel professor Cornel West to speak on a panel honoring the late Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel.
March 2015: When the Stop Jew Hatred on Campus campaign (an action of the David Horowitz Freedom Center) conducted a postering campaign depicting SJP as “#JewHaters,” UCLA Chancellor Gene Block called the posters “another example of intolerance” and compared them to swastikas found on Jewish fraternity buildings.
March 06, 2015: Four UCLA professors were among the signatories of an op-ed appearing in the _Daily Californian_ urging the administrators of the UC system to support the BDS Movement against Israel. Those professors are Nouri Gana, Sondra Hale, Chris Tilly, and Marie Kennedy.
March 4, 2015: UCLA-SJP held an event with two speakers in favor of the “Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel.”
February 2015: Members of UCLA’s student government repeated age-old anti-Semitic accusations of “divided loyalties” to question whether judicial board candidate Rachel Beyda’s status as a Jew would affect her objectivity in disciplinary decisions.
February 24, 2015: UCLA-SJP held an event to support the Hamas-inspired and funded BDS campaign to strangle the Jewish state – “BDS in Action.”
November 5, 2014: UCLA held a speaker event with Steven Salaita who was fired from the University of Illinois for his numerous bigoted statements about Jews and Israelis.
November 2014: UCLA’s student government passed a BDS resolution by an 8-2-2 vote.
November 3-7, 2014: UCLA-SJP hosted a Palestine Awareness Week featuring a mock apartheid wall praising terrorists and demonizing Jews, and also an event called “Roadmap to Divestment: a screening and discussion.”
May 14, 2014: SJP brought Communist party spokesperson and BDS proponent Angela Davis to campus. She told the crowd that Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians is worse than the treatment of blacks under apartheid in South Africa. Davis was awarded the Lenin Peace Prize by the East German police state during the Cold War.
April 2014: Event with Ali Abuminah titled “No Rest Until We Divest.” Abuminah has accused Israel of practicing “apartheid,” “ethnic cleansing,” and “attempted genocide” against the Palestinians, as well as trying “to bomb its way to legitimacy.”
May 2014: SJP introduced an initiative that would require candidates for student government to sign a pledge to not take trips to Israel sponsored by the pro-Israel organizations, AIPAC, ADL, or Hasbara Fellowships. Candidates were not asked to refuse trips from other organizations to other countries.
January 2014: Speaker event with the Hamas-inspired and funded BDS movement founder Omar Barghouti. Barghouti opposed the existence of a Jewish state and Jewish rights to self-determination in Israel, and slandered Israel repeatedly.
The complete report on the “Top Ten Schools Supporting Terrorists” along with the SJP pamphlet and other documents can be found on the campaign website, www.StoptheJewHatredonCampus.org.
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