There’s some justice after all.
The $1.7 trillion spending bill names things after the D.C. swamp creatures passing it. That includes Pelosi. From this day henceforth, the San Francisco Federal Building (that is its name) will be named the Speaker Nancy Pelosi Federal Building.
The San Francisco Federal Building is the ugly thing blotting the skyline that architects love and everyone else hates.
It was so despised that it was featured in the Trump presidential order calling for a return to classical architecture.
“For example, GSA selected an architect to design the San Francisco Federal Building who describes his designs as “art-for-art’s-sake” architecture, intended primarily for architects to appreciate. While elite architects praised the resulting building, many San Franciscans consider it one of the ugliest structures in their city.”
Which it is.
Now the ugliest building in San Francisco will be named after the ugliest politician in D.C.
ColoradoCommish says
“When you enter…You’ll also be given a FREE copy of ‘Nancy Pelosi’s Map and Instruction on How to Avoid San Francisco’s Homeless Villages and Areas & Venues Covered with Human Excrement’….. Please Enjoy Your Visit.”
Mr. Malarkey, Jr. says
Who designed this POS building? The SF Sewer Plant would have been perfect.
Pro Tip: lose the disgusting dirty soy boy beard. No real man in the 21st century sports these disgusting dirty soy boy beards. Yuk! A real turn off.
BettyO says
Asking as a female, is it that “oops-I-forgot-to-shave-for-three-days” look that Daniel is supposed to sport?
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Daniel! Grotesque.
My grandfather was chief civil engineer in SF from the late 1930s to early 1950s. He managed to keep San Francisco beautiful, fighting off corruptocrats in court, etc. Then around 1960 I first noticed some of the new grotesque style of architecture coming to San Francisco, enriching corrupt politicians in the process.
WayneBGood says
I guess it makes sense that someone is profiting from ugly buildings. There has to be some reason for them.
Raymond in DC says
There’s no accounting for taste. I, for one, don’t understand why anyone would paint a building black, yet we have them here – among them, an apartment building in DC’s Van Ness complex, and the Bethesda building housing a Trader Joe’s. And a new apartment is going up nearby (replacing a few row houses) featuring a dark grey brick face. Almost as bad.
Daniel Greenfield says
unfortunately it’s everywhere
we’ve lost touch with the great western traditions of architecture and we create buildings that feel discordant, that makes us feel helpless or enmeshed in chaos, rather than uplifting us
Stillamisfit says
Western traditions– and culture, for that matter– are under incessant assault by the Tribe and their cohorts. Make no mistake, make no apologies.
Chief Mac says
The sewer plant would have been an apt building
BLSinSC says
Dang it – my FIRST THOUGHT and just shows how this site is slipping that the FIRST person to post didn’t think of it! Is there anything more natural than pelosi – sewer plant???
Gropey Joe says
The San Francisco Federal Vodka Skeletor Building.
Daniel Greenfield says
Empty says
How many lifts and tucks and botox treatments has this building had?
John Stuart says
Not enough. It has a nasty wrinkle on the right side.
John Stuart says
Congress should ban naming anything after a serving politician or any living former politician until they have been out of office a few years. The far left would join the GOP on this and I think it would be very popular with the public.. While your at it ban naming anything for a Klansmen, like Robert Byrd or Woodrow Wilson.
Mr. Malarkey, Jr. says
Don’t forget the criminal in the WH is KKK! Criminal Biden is as racist as the idiot Woodrow Wilson. But the Democrats have Black Sonderkommandos, e.g.. Clyburn, Jeffries, helping to keep low IQ Blacks on the Democrat plantation.
Daniel Greenfield says
ditto for naval vessels
Onzeur Trante says
Could one find a smaller token of justice than that?
Aristoshark says
nee-jerk misogyny is all the political right stands for. No wonder your “red wave” never showed up. Normal people are sick of you.
Daniel Greenfield says
architectual misogyny is the worst
do you know that buildings assigned female at birth have a 40% lower tenancy rate
“normal people are sick of you”
Atikva says
‘Shark’ as a predator, maybe. But “aristo” (from the Greek ‘excellent’) not a chance!
john wilson says
how did I know it was Pelosi? How?
Viti says
Should of named the fish market after Nancy.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Fisherman’s Wharf = Nancy Pelosi Wharf?
I’ve been trying to think of a good line something like that 🙂
Spurwing Plover says
And the Denver Airport as well
Atikva says
That’s a perfect association of two pests, now no one can evoke either the building or the individual without disgust.
Mr Blonde says
I was going to guess Congresscreature Pramila Jayapal.
Algorithmic Analyst says
She’s in Seattle 🙂
JBnID says
A picture of the building would have been a nice addition to the story.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Don says
They should name a prison for her and put her in it.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Al Capone’s cell on Alcatraz is available. Could be a major tourist attraction 🙂
Bob Mack says
Hey pal. I’m not a normal person. I’m not a kneejerk misogynist. Just a California resident who wonders why the Democrat emphasis on 80something power junkies is so powerful, so self aggrandizing. You on the other hand are either a Chinese bot or some pathetic American approximation thereof. Have a happy holiday, you miserable son of a beach. Don’t forget: Marx had boils on his penis…and that’s way too ironic for primetime television