[](/sites/default/files/uploads/2015/04/634885199350344688_new-israel-fund-logo.gif)A Zionist leader, Ze’ev Jabotinsky wrote an essay in 1929 called “Peace” where he wrote:
A noisy whining is now being set up by a chorus of “peace seekers” who aim to achieve (by preaching exclusively to Jews) conciliation with the Arabs. It is difficult to free oneself from a feeling of disgust. On the morrow of a slaughter so mean and so foul – let us confess our sins and ask that they not beat us again.
Along these lines, those who financially – and politically – support an organization which supports boycotts of Israel, and is hostile to the Israel Defense Forces cannot lead the Jewish community. Hence, Alisa Doctoroff, President of the UJA-Federation and Karen Adler of The Jewish Communal Fund must immediately renounce their support and significant financial donations to the New Israel Fund (NIF). If not, they must resign from leading these major Jewish-American organizations.
The NIF is so harmful to Israel that the Likud – the ruling party of Israel – called them just last month an “anti-Zionist organization,” and called it responsible for the Goldstone Report on Operation Cast Lead. A statement noted, “The Likud, as an ideological, nationalist party, will not cooperate with organizations who act non-stop to blacken Israel’s face.” Hence, UJA-Federation is standing with an organization that Israel’s government calls Anti-Zionist.
Perhaps UJA-Federation fundraisers should say “Stand With UJA & Anti-Zionism.”
A spokesperson for Israel’s economic minister in referring to New Israel Fund said, “We will not take part in a conference in which an anti-Zionist organization that invests all its time and money in harming IDF soldiers and the State of Israel as a Jewish State is involved.”
The New Israel Fund never has a nice thing to say about Israel. They claim to be Pro-Israel, but their whole purpose seems to be to hurt Israel, and their “support” only damages Israel. We hear often about “oppression” of the Palestinians, yet we do not hear them speak about the dangers of Iran.
Liberals like Doctoroff – and other Jewish communal leaders like Karen R. Adler of The Jewish Communal Fund – claim to be all about acceptance and democracy and openness – yet represent extremist viewpoints by supporting NIF. This cannot continue.
As an ardent Zionist, I am yet to encounter anyone who believes Israel is perfect. David Ben—Gurion the 1st Prime Minister said: “We will know we have become a normal country when Jewish thieves and Jewish prostitutes conduct their business in Hebrew.” Things are far from perfect in Israel – but it’s a pretty tough neighborhood, and Israel is constantly striving to improve.
Lenin called those who work against their own people’s best interests in support of their enemies “helpful idiots” – and that is what the New Israel Fund is.
Ze’ev Jabotinsky said: “What interest can the Jewish nation have in individuals whose supreme pride consists in the fact that they have renounced their own people? The bitter root of our shame and our suffering is that we do not give our own people the full love of a patriot. It would be better if we did not love our people at all, if we were unconcerned as to whether it existed or had disappeared, rather than that we should love it halfway which means to despise it.”
Those who support New Israel Fund cannot lead Jewish organizations.
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