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And, of course, a free pass for the Muslim mobs whose presence must not even be mentioned.
This is UK Justice Minister Shabana Mahmood
Now do you understand why the UK police and the Labour regime are letting Muslim mobs freely attack British people while ruthlessly cracking down on protests against migrant violence?
— Daniel Greenfield – “Hang Together or Separately” (@Sultanknish) August 4, 2024
My message to anyone who chooses to take part in this violence and thuggery is simple: the police, courts and prisons stand ready and you will face the consequences of your appalling acts.
— Shabana Mahmood MP (@ShabanaMahmood) August 6, 2024
Mahmood obviously doesn’t refer to herself. She means those opposed to her ideology.
The Starmer regime, unable to fix the economy or anything else it campaigned on, is going Full Reichstag in response to English protests that broke out after little girls were stabbed to death by a Rwandan thug.
The protesters and anyone who supports them are to be rounded up and arrested. A ‘standing police force’ will be deployed with quick arrests and rapid trials and the regime is polling support for bringing in the military.
It has been a few years so the usual gang is really enjoying bringing back their best imitation of a totalitarian dystopia.
The latest from Supt Emlyn Richards following online rumours about protests in #Birmingham. ⬇️
If you have any information or videos that can help our investigation upload them to our online portal
— West Midlands Police (@WMPolice) August 6, 2024
This is going on in the same UK where 6 months of Jihadist riots were tolerated. And are still being tolerated because the Muslim mobs who must not be mentioned are often seen with their PLO flags.
Gangs of Muslims shouting “kill” now attacking vehicles, property and people.
What does Two Tier Keir have to say about this?
When will he address these hateful mobs & promise to protect British citizens?
— Jamie Bryson (@JamieBrysonCPNI) August 5, 2024
Islamist mobs now on the streets of the UK threatening mass violence against British citizens.
What does the liberal elite & knee taking PM have to say about that?
— Jamie Bryson (@JamieBrysonCPNI) August 3, 2024
The UK is enjoying the benevolent mercy of the convergence of leftist totalitarianism and Islamic Sharia law in which there is a two-tier system under Kier Starmer and Justice Minister Shabana Mahmood.
jeremiah says
When they take these people out, they need to lock them up without trial and charge them with everything they accuse others of. They need to supply the same gross miscarriages of justice that have been done to them and make these power pigs a cautionary tale. Not be worried about rules. Charge them with racism and gross hatred, huge fines, lawfare and in the end expulsion to a country no one wants to go to without resources.
Jeff Bargholz says
“Shabana Mahmood.” Golly. I wonder where her allegiance lies?
And she’s ugly.
Algorithmic Analyst says
I was looking for an article like this, the last few days. Thanks Daniel, and thanks Jeff !!!
THX 1138 says
“Shabana Mahmood”, oh but it falls so trippingly on the English tongue, doesn’t it.
skai says
Jeff Their allegiance lies with their religion first and foremost.
Buddy the Cat Meow says
Ever wondered what “1985” would look like?
internalexile says
Somewhere, H. G. Wells is sadly shaking his head.
THX 1138 says
Yes I have, it will look like the year 985 — the Dark Ages.
George Orwell and Aldous Huxley made the wrong assumption that advanced technology will still exist in a totalitarian world.
But advanced technology is the product of man’s mind, and the mind must be left free in order to think and produce advanced technology. The mind cannot be forced to think. Slaves do not produce space ships that go to the moon or wonder medical cures.
Ayn Rand, in her astounding genius, saw this fact. If you read her brief novelette about a totalitarian, dystopian future, “Anthem”, the modern world has collapsed back to the year 985, to a new Dark Age.
Intrepid says
What, you were around in 985? Why didn’t you fix it then? Oh yeah, your simple minded philosophy wasn’t around then. I have a feeling that, in 985, Europe was a better place when the Vikings started arriving in England and two great cultures started merging, free of the slavery of abstract Objectivism and weak people like you.
Remember, without the Middle Ages there would have been no Renaissance. So where were the Greeks and the Romans. Gone to the great dustbin of history. At least the Romans built roads, still in use today. The Greeks sat around writing books that very few people today read.
I always get a laugh when you pontificate about how great the Greeks were.
I wonder what medical cures you produced? I wonder which Saturn V rockets you helped to build. Did you walk on the moon or did you just think about it. You are right about slaves. They produce very little. Especially Objectivist slaves.
Jeff Bargholz says
The Middle/Dark Ages produced Trebuchets that were superior to even the Roman catapults, which were the best in history up until then. Yeah, they were designed to kill people but nobody is perfect.
They never did rediscover Greek fire, though. The Roman roads are still there but the aqueducts fell into disrepair and the dumb Euros weren’t able to repair them. Travel became a nightmare too, without the laws of Rome to protect people.
It’s always give and take, I guess.
Kevin Nienhuis says
That’s odd … leftist loons like you have always told us that we were headed to a grand, glorious new age of utopian enlightenment, once the outdated Judeo-Christian western culture was finally abolished … Well, here we are, pal, the train has finally arrived at the station — enjoy your Islamo-Nazi future! … (or what’s left of it … )
Jeff Bargholz says
And you had to fuck it up by bringing up Ayn Rand.
Intrepid says
He can’t help himself. It’s all he knows.
commonsense says
I must disagree re: the paucity of technology in totalitarian societies. Many technological advances were made in Nazi Germany. Just one example: there is a 1945 high fidelity recording of Beethoven’s Emperor concerto (Walter Giesking, soloist) in true stereo, recorded on a Magnetophon magnetic tape machine. during a live concert in Berlin. We had no knowledge of such technology until after the war. I also believe that Nazi scientists devised a method for converting coal (which Germany had in abundance) into gasoline and diesel fuel, which they lacked. Nazi Germany was unspeakable barbaric, yet technologically highly advanced.
THX 1138 says
Common sense,
You are not quite understanding the process of civilizational collapse, it doesn’t happen overnight or in a few years.
It happens gradually. As it was, even within the few years that the Nazis were in charge, there was an immense “Brain Drain “ in Germany to freer countries, particularly to the USA.
But if Nazism had triumphed completely over the free world over the course of the next 80 years the Nazi terror would have gradually extinguished all the best men and the best minds.
commonsense says
THX: I concede that your reply to me has merit. Thanks.
Jeff Bargholz says
Good points. That whole man is God thing worked for the Nazis……up until it didn’t.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Germany and England were the 2 most technologically advanced countries before WW1, so Germany had a great residue of technological knowledge when the 1930s came along.
One example, the Germans already had a great interest in rocket science before the Nazi came to power, so German progress in rocket science during WW2 wasn’t entirely due to the Nazis.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes. I think the Nazis seriously fucked up when they attacked Britain. They’d already conquered pretty much the entire mainland European continent but they didn’t have enough men to hold it forever, despite their brutal tactics. They could’ve killed anybody they wanted to, though. And attacking England was sure to draw America into the war, although our forebears took their sweet time about getting into it. America was an industrial powerhouse back then and it was a forgone conclusion that the Germans and Japanese were going to lose their wars. The Japanese were particularly stupid because they attacked us, the Nazis only did so because they had to, and we both know what Yamamoto said.
The Brits sure took a lot of punishment before that pussy, Roosevelt, joined the fray though. As you know, Churchill did all he could to get America involved.
Hey, a good movie that believe it or not is based on real people and events, (It showed the real guys’ photos and mini bios at the end.) is Guy Ritchie’s “The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare.” It’s funny, thrilling and just a good adventure story. It’s a quality production. You should stream it, I’m sure you’d like it. Heck, I liked it so much I want to watch it again. Henry Cavill is a great leading man. has been faulty lately but you can still find it with a search.
“Godzilla Minus One” is also surprisingly good. It’s a Toho Studios production that won the best Oscar for special effects. Godzilla is just a big, killer monster like the original corny movies. He isn’t a protector of humanity like in the American movies lately, which were also guilty pleasures.
THX 1138 says
Thank you too Commonsense, for your intellectual seriousness.
commonsense says
My first reply to you is under moderation. This is a postscript. Hitler’s rocket scientists devastated England with V-2 rockets. Technological knowhow and innovations abounded during the Third Reich.
Jeff Bargholz says
England almost went under. Good thing they had Churchill in charge. Those Nazis weren’t kidding around.
cat says
Similar to January 6th. If you protest the left or islam, they will lock you up and throw away the key. How much more will we take?
Intrepid says
I gave you my answer a couple of weeks ago but you blew me off. I just posted the prediction and the solution again in this article but I am waiting for the mods to clear it. It should be available to read in about an hour.
Cassandra says
No doubt Kamablahblah is licking her chops thinking about what destruction she has planned for the US. Britain is small, England is the size of a medium American state: these are very dark days with Adolf Starmer and his SS Handschaar Brigade running the country….
Randy CA says
I believe this all started with Tony Blair’s “Cool Britannia”. Hey, wouldn’t it be cool if we had more people here from far off places instead of so many boring old people stuck in their ways? Cool, right?
THX 1138 says
“The UK is enjoying… the convergence of leftist totalitarianism and Islamic Sharia law”
Mr. Greenfield I know that you’re a religious man and you would therefore be very likely to be offended to hear this — but totalitarianism comes from religion.
Every religion, including Judaism and Christianity, when practiced seriously, when it is true to itself, when it is consistent, leads to theocracy, which is a form of dictatorship and totalitarianism.
The reason is this, freedom and liberty are the products of reason and logic, are the products of men accepting and living by the facts of reality. This earthly reality.
But when men abandon reason, they abandon reality. When men believe on religious faith that there is a higher reality, a supernatural reality, that is greater and superior than actual reality, they are abandoning reason and reality. And their only recourse in dealing with one another then is to use FORCE to make others believe the irrational, supernatural, nonsense that they believe on faith.
Marxism comes from religion, it is religion disguised as rational science. Marxism is a form of mysticism, of magical thinking, of faith in the unreal. Eventually the mask of rationality, of science, has to come off and Marxism has to re-integrate with true religion.
Right now Judaism and Christianity are too modern and diluted by reason, too secularized, too leashed by reason because both religions have been philosophically tamed by the Renaissance (the rebirth of reason) and the Age of Enlightenment, for Marxism to integrate with those religions.
But Islam never went through the Renaissance or the Age of Enlightenment, it still exists today in its pure form, its consistent form, its medieval form. Therefore, it is Islam that Marxism will most likely integrate with.
But make no mistake about it, Marxism can also integrate with Christianity, that’s why you see the Roman Catholic hierarchy becoming Marxist.
Intrepid says
Naturally you have no solutions. Just silly abstract observations that we have heard a million times.
It looks like the Britons have had it with your convergence of Islam and Leftism. And the PM doesn’t like it. More than likely Lefty Keir Starmer will start ordering the arrest of the English patriots for actually fighting back. Then the endgame will finally be afoot.
Personally I think it is the beginning of the end for the Left and Islam in Britain.
But don’t worry T. No one will be calling for your help. Saving a country is simply beyond your comprehension. As you said: *I don’t recognize any such absurdity as service to my country.”
The same will eventually happen here as well. And we won’t want or your need your help either, twinkle toes. Go pick up a book by one of your weakling heroes and read it.
THX 1138 says
There is only one solution — teaching Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism at the universities and the high schools.
“A philosophy by its nature speaks to all of humanity, not to a particular time or place. A certain kind of philosophy, however, cries out to be heard by a certain place first.
Objectivism is preeminently an American viewpoint, even though most people, here and abroad, know nothing about it. It is American because it identifies the implicit base of the
United States, as the country was originally conceived.
Ayn Rand’s ideas would resolve the contradiction that has been tearing apart the land of the free, the contradiction between its ethics and its politics. The result would be not America as it is or even as it once was, but the grandeur of a Romantic pinnacle: America “as it might be and ought to be.”
If one judges only by historical precedent, this kind of projection is the merest fantasy; we are arguably past the point of no return. America, however, is a country without precedent, and man has the faculty of volition.
To the end of her life, Ayn Rand upheld her distinctive “benevolent-universe” premise. The good, she maintained, can be achieved; “it is real, it is possible, it’s yours.” So long as there is no censorship, she taught, there is a chance for persuasion to succeed.
If no definite prediction can be made, she taught, then in reason only one action is proper: to go on fighting for reason.
• • • •
“All things excellent,” said Spinoza, “are as difficult as they are rare.” Since human values are not automatic, his statement is undeniable.
In another respect, however—and this is Ayn Rand’s unique perspective—the task ahead is not difficult. To save the world is the simplest thing in the world. All one has to do is think.” –
Leonard Peikoff, New York City—South Laguna, CA
Intrepid says
We have trains, planes and automobiles. We have computers. Send out some letters explaining who you are. Get on a plane or a train or a car, if you have one, see the university Presidents and department heads and demand interviews.
I guarantee two things. 1) They won’t see you, because you have no credentials. 2) They will throw you off campus because you are an obnoxious jerk.
See what happens when you are too lazy to get a diploma. Nobody is going to hire you if you sit on your ass, whining and moaning about your stupid philosophy.
You are even too lazy to get on a plane and come to my state to harass me at my church. Please do. Me and my friends would shove your copy of Atlas Shrugged down your throat. We would coat the book in chicken grease to make it go down more easily. After all, we aren’t savages.
manicmikey says
What are you some sort of dumbass young dickhead?
Sword of The Spirit says
Well now the only two choices left are obvious. English must pack up their shit and leave, or get their guns, load them up, and fight in the God damned streets to the death. There, blunt enough for us?
Intrepid says
The English Leftists in government confiscated many of the guns a while back. But I hope there a lot of WWII Enfield rifles and ammo hidden away. The problem is the Muslims have been importing automatic weapons through Turkey and storing them in Mosques. There is a shyte show coming there soon. And here as well.
Every Muslim a terrorist. Every Mosque a weapons cache.
One more reason to not let the Left in this country take your guns.
internalexile says
One useful consequence of all this might be the absolute end of tourism in Britain, which would really be a blow to their economy. For myself, it has long been on my bucket list to re-visit Westminster just to see the astonishing number of historic graves there. Now, sadly, I doubt that will happen. Freedom is dying in the very land where the concept really started, in earnest.
Sword of The Spirit says
English men, what are left of them, should right now this minute pack their wives and children up and ship them off shore while they still can. Then turn it into a war.
Domenic Pepe says
England and America and Europe and the West in general are at the point where
depraved psychopathic murderous berserk freedom crushing violent Islam
must be eliminated completely before it destroys our own societies cultures and nations.
Make Islam illegal and deport all Moo–Slums, and ban without exception all Islamic immigration.
It must be recognized that Islam is a scourge on humanity.
Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
America, England, Europe, the West in general must extirpate the Islamic scourge if we are to
Protect Preserve and Defend ourselves. ….. in order to survive.
Intrepid says
A Leftist enabled domestic Islamic disaster is coming. They are already here via the Biden open border policy and the idiotic Obama policy of letting Muslims in from Somalia. Weapons have been smuggled in and are cached in the mosques. God knows what is going in Dearbornistan MI as most of the area is a Jihadi no go zone.
Everyone should read Townhall contributor Kurt Schlichter’s book called “The Attack”. In this book he details a possible coordinated jihad attack in the U.S. over three days by small groups of armed Muslims and cosplaying white wannabe terrorists, first against businesses, second against Americans in their homes, and finally against infrastructure. The attacks take place mostly in the unarmed blue state cities and suburbs. The jihadis do not want to be confronted by armed Americans
Kurt Schlichter said it best in his TownHall articles:
townhall com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2024/03/25/america-is-going-to-be-targeted-for-a-massive-terrorist-attack-will-you-be-ready-n2636901
Bottom line, buy guns and ammo in the areas of the country where you still can. You guys who live in blue cities and blue states, MOVE NOW! You are sitting ducks. Democrats want you unarmed.
Whiskey Jack says
Great Britian as well as Ireland is now paying the price in blood for allowing open Islamic immigration and its Salafist fundamentalism to get a foothold in their Western secular cultures and societies. British citizens have now been literally reduced to a nation of debased slaves and defenseless setting ducks as their sociopathic Euro-trash politicians and self-loathing leftist government police state not only outlawed their right to self-defense, but now demonizes them for protesting against the murder of their children and raping of their women by Muslim fundamentalist (jihadist) psychopaths and rape gangs…as their worthless quisling “Stasi” police and morally bankrupt government, especially their public toilet MSM side with the unholy alliance of first and second generation Muslim Jihadist rape cults and domestic terrorist.
Jack Diamond says
The cognitive dissonance of the Brits is disheartening. Even Tommy R. has to say he has no problem with Islam, it is a fine religion. Well, you cannot defeat an enemy when you cannot speak truly about it, It is a death cult, and the death it intends is yours.
There is no free speech in Britain, Britain is an Islamic State. Britain is now a police state.
Brits, your government and your police are on THEIR side. They’d rather pummel and prosecute you than risk a civil war with THEM. You now have Shariah law prevailing, where no kaffir is allowed to offend Islam. You are between a rock and a hard place, throughly disarmed, and going to jail for thought crimes, for Facebook posts, While the Slaves of Allah go free after raping and murdering your children (several recent examples).
You have been warned for decades about what was coming,
What will you do about it now?
They should have locked up their Borders and stocked Sharks in the Rnglidsh Channel before any Muslims got to come over