It was a banner day in Britain Monday, when the West Yorkshire Police unveiled, so to speak, a new uniform for female Muslim police officers, a uniform that, according to the Mailonline, is “designed not to show the female form.” No doubt Britons throughout the jurisdiction of the West Yorkshire Police feel safer already.
The West Yorkshire Police “hopes that the looser fit will result in more ethnic minority recruits.” Nor is this the beginning of Islamopandering with police uniforms: “Many forces already allow female officers to wear the hijab, or headscarf, but the new uniform is believed to be a UK first.”
West Yorkshire Police Assistant Chief Constable Angela Williams explained that the new uniform, “designed not to show the female form,” was “suggested by a Muslim female officer and was designed by our Clothing Manager in conjunction with the officer,” and involves a tunic that is “a looser and longer fit, and has full sleeves.”
Williams thinks this is a wonderful development, and hopes it will lead to a new dawning of diversity and multiculturalism on the Sceptered Isle: “I hope this uniform will encourage people from underrepresented groups to consider a career in policing if they had previously been put off joining the force due to the uniform. We are open to suggestions from all communities on how our uniform can be styled to better suit their needs.”
This new uniform comes after “West Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel had quizzed police chiefs on Friday about what they were doing to boost the number of black and minority ethnic (BAME) recruits. Chief Constable Dee Collins said for some women, concerns about the existing uniform’s design could be preventing them from signing up.”
Well, we can’t have that. And the West Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel is doing its level best to make sure it doesn’t happen: “Panel member Roger Grasby said the force had seen some success in boosting the number of staff who were female, disabled or lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) but ‘less so with BAME’”
This is wonderfully diverse and multicultural and all that, but wait just a minute. “Disabled” police officers? Certainly disabled people can accomplish a great deal — look at Franklin Delano Roosevelt or Greg Abbott, or Jim Abbott, for that matter — but if you’re being mugged in London, do you really want the police officer chasing the perpetrators in a wheelchair? Will you feel glad in that case, as the muggers slip away out of sight, that your police department is so “diverse”?
I have a radical idea — so radical that I am sure it will not be rejected out of hand by the West Yorkshire Police, but only because it’s so radical, so extreme, that the West Yorkshire Police would never even dare to consider it. Panel member Roger Grasby, if he gets wind of this, will no doubt be scandalized beyond words. But he won’t: the British public is largely protected from radicalism such as mine these days, so Rog can sleep easy. Here is my radical, extreme idea: why not hire police officers based on merit alone, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual preference and orientation, etc.? Why not make police forces completely dedicated solely to protecting the populace, and not laboratories for social engineering?
That will never happen, but if it did, crime would actually go down, because competent, capable police officers would be on the job, rather than ones chosen because of their sex, or race, or how many times a day they say “Allahu akbar.” In such a scenario, people like Mohamed Noor would never be on a police force, anywhere. Would that be so terrible? Wouldn’t it be better at least for Justine Damond?
Instead, we will get more new uniforms. The burqa uniform is coming, and it will be a wonder to behold. And I look forward to seeing the new uniform for nudist female police officers. After all, aren’t nudists an “underrepresented group”?
Unless things turn around on a large scale, and quickly, we will soon be seeing the end of Britain as a free society.
Photo: Paul Anderson / Greater Manchester’s Finest / CC BY-SA 2.0.
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