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Britain’s far-left government, under prime minister Keir Starmer, is preparing to introduce a blasphemy law that will criminalize criticism of Islam, following civil unrest sparked by uncontrolled illegal immigration and the Islamization of the United Kingdom.
The National Secular Society (NSS) warned Tuesday that “adopting an ‘Islamophobia’ definition will inflame, rather than dispel, community tensions and division” and “undermine the right of those oppressed by fundamentalist religion to speak out, including women, LGBT people, and those who hold different religion and beliefs.”
The NSS letter to Angela Rayner, deputy prime minister and Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, also warned that adopting the definition will “increase pressure” on the government to adopt other “religion-phobia” definitions.
Secularists are raising the alarm about the likelihood of a blasphemy law to protect Islam after a spokesman from the prime minister’s office confirmed that the government was looking “closely” at the issue of creating a “specific definition” of Islamophobia and “is engaging with stakeholders” on the issue.
The spokesman noted that the current government’s election manifesto had given a commitment to engage with stakeholders, and “strengthen protections by closely monitoring Islamophobic hate.”
“There is work ongoing on that and we will provide an update in due course,” he added, while refusing to confirm or deny whether the government was working on legislation to criminalize criticism of Islam.
Free speech campaigners fear that Starmer’s government will adopt the definition framed by Britain’s all-party parliamentary group 2019 (APPG), defining Islamophobia as “rooted in racism” and “a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness.”
“I have consistently highlighted the risk that a Labour government will legislate to ban ‘Islamophobia,’” Dr. Tim Dieppe, Islamic scholar and head of public policy at Christian Concern, told Souls and Liberty.
“The Labour Party has formally adopted the notorious APPG definition of ‘Islamophobia’ in its code of conduct, which means that no Labour politician dares to say anything that could possibly be perceived to be Islamophobic for fear of being suspended or expelled from the party,” Dieppe lamented.
“The definition is so vague that adopting it in law will in effect introduce an Islamic blasphemy code,” he warned. “This must be resisted by all means possible. If people are no longer free to criticize Islamic beliefs and practices then we will have lost the country to Islam.”
In a detailed briefing to the Free Speech Union in March, titled Banning Islamophobia: Blasphemy Law by the Backdoor, Dieppe argued that “criticism of Islam is not the same as criticism of Muslims.”
“Striking a believer, for example, is a crime; debating her beliefs is a right,” Dieppe explained. “The definition of ‘Islamophobia’ immediately conflates the religion of Islam with Muslim people and makes this into an issue of ‘Muslimness.’”
“It may have been more useful for the report to discuss the term ‘Muslimophobia,’ which would at least make clear that it did not seek to prohibit criticism of a religion, but rather irrational discrimination,” he urged.
Dieppe also criticized the “wrongheaded” attempt at equating Islamophobia with racism, writing: “Islam is not a race. It is a religion. People from all kinds of ethnic backgrounds are Muslims. Muslims do not see themselves as anything like a separate race.”
“Even if Islam was a ‘racial’ religion, restricted to a particular ethnic group, criticism of the beliefs and practices of this religion should still be allowed in a free and open society,” he insisted. “Defining ‘Islamophobia’ as a ‘type of racism’ is clearly an attempt to stigmatize any criticism of Islamic beliefs or practices as racist.”
While atheists and secularists such as Peter Tatchell, Richard Dawkins, and Pragna Patel are strongly opposing the introduction of a blasphemy law, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales (CBCEW) have equated Islamophobia and racism in their public statements.
In 2020, Bp. Paul McAleenan, the CBCEW’s lead bishop for migrants and refugees, issued a statement calling Catholics in Britain to “oppose racism in all its manifestations.” McAleenan defined “Islamophobia” as one of the “different forms” of racism.
Earlier, Bp. John Arnold of the Diocese of Salford said that Catholic schools would seek to combat “Islamophobia” as a way to help Muslims to integrate into British society.
In a paper titled “A Catholic Approach to Islamophobia,” Xavierian missionary Fr. Carl Chudy describes Islamophobia as one of the “western epistemic racisms.”
“Within a long history of Europe’s colonization in the world and post-colonization that clung to western hegemonic thinking, epistemic racism leads to the orientalization of Islam,” Chudy writes.
Responding to the 2015 massacre of 17 people by three jihadis in Paris following French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo’s publication of cartoons of Muhammad, the founder of Islam, Pope Francis appeared to endorse a blasphemy law protecting Islam from criticism.
Referring to Alberto Gasparri, who organizes the pontiff’s trips and was standing by his side on board the papal plane, Francis said: “If my good friend Dr. Gasparri says a curse word against my mother, he can expect a punch.”
“It’s normal. You cannot provoke. You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others,” the pope added.
In October 2020, Pope Francis’ Muslim dialogue partner, Grand Imam Ahmed al-Tayyeb, demanded an international law banning criticizing or insulting Islam, a day before three Catholics were slaughtered in Nice’s Notre-Dame Basilica.
Al-Tayyeb, who signed the Abu Dhabi Human Fraternity pact with Pope Francis, said the re-publication of Charlie Hebdo’s cartoons of Muhammad were “an explicit act of hostility” against Islam and its prophet.
“Cartoons insulting our great prophet, which are promoted by some newspapers, magazines and even some policies, are absurd. They are a break from all moral restrictions, international customs, and general law,” the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar announced at a ceremony in Egypt to celebrate Muhammad’s birthday.
Islam prescribes the death penalty for those who insult or mock the religion’s founder following Ibn Taymiyya’s landmark legal treatise Kitāb al-ṣārim al-maslūl ʿalā shātim al-Rasūl, which stipulates that anyone “who curses (sabba) the Prophet Muhammad must be killed without further recourse.”
Dr. Jules Gomes, (BA, BD, MTh, PhD), has a doctorate in biblical studies from the University of Cambridge. Currently a Vatican-accredited journalist based in Rome, he is the author of five books and several academic articles. Gomes lectured at Catholic and Protestant seminaries and universities and was canon theologian and artistic director at Liverpool Cathedral. This article is cross-posted with the author’s permission from Souls & Liberty.
The stiff upper lip has been replaced by the quivering lower.
It is unbelievable the way Britain is pissing away their country to Islam. They are probably less than a decade away from Islam turning on the suckers that will surely bring them to power and take over the country.
This is what happens when a country is disarmed.
America….do not ever give up your guns.
A gun isn’t gonna help stop you from being tried and convicted for Blasphemy Laws…
Wow! you are one stupid idiot, Intrepid…
Telling everyone they are in league with satanic Islam for being Catholics and Lutherans isn’t going to save you. Maybe you should become what is already obvious to everyone, Mohammed.
It’s obvious you don’t own a gun and are incapable of defending yourself.
Wow! You are one stupid idiot, SumsyWumsy. Take your idiotic grift and STFU
Great Britain before and after. Copy and paste whole url to see.
Unable to see the link. Search terms?
“the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales (CBCEW) have equated Islamophobia and racism in their public statements.”… Filthy sellouts!
Yes… catholicism is satanic… teaching how they worship the same fake god allah as satanic islam…
I notice you never provide any proof of your whack theories. Just Bible Babble gibberish.
Cowardly grovellers. They fear the culture of Muslim violence.
The word “Muslimness” is just creepy. But, I am probably just a horrible human being. Britain, however, is very nearly lost. The birthplace of the very idea of the worth of the individual citizen and of modern Western Civ itself is very nearly lost.
Stalinarmer doesn’t need another law, white straight men have already been arrested and jailed for criticism of islam on fakebook.
Enoch Powell tried to warn them over 60 years ago with his Rivers of Blood speech, and they cancelled him for it. Powell recounted stories constituents had told him, in person and by letter, of encounters with immigrant communities that left them intimidated and despairing.
Noting the speed of change being brought about by the sudden burst of immigration from the former Empire in the ’60s, he famously intoned:
“We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependents, who are, for the most part, the material of the future growth of the immigrant descended population. It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre. So insane are we that we actually permit unmarried persons to immigrate for the purpose of founding a family with spouses and fiancées whom they have never seen.”
He concluded the final paragraph of his address with the words that would form his political epitaph:
“As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding. Like the Roman, I seem to see the River Tiber foaming with much blood.”
Immediately there were calls from opposition MPs for the then-Shadow Secretary of Defence to be prosecuted for “incitement” in relation to his remarks.
Although such threats were largely hyperbole, the broad fury among the political class — over what was seen as unprecedentedly inflammatory rhetoric — ultimately had career ending consequences. The then-head of the Conservative parliamentary party, Edward Heath, sacked Powell under threat of resignations from several Shadow Cabinet colleagues, describing his comments as “racialist in tone and liable to exacerbate racial tensions.”
And today, as a result, Britain is a caliphate.
Every free man eventually tires of “Letting the Wookiee Win”.
When enough do, war becomes inevitable: either the Wookiee becomes an endangered species, or the free man does.
I know with which side I will cast my lot.
The actions in today’s UK don’t exactly invoke memories of Dad’s Army.
US Men and Women fought and DIED to protect the UK from her ENEMIES who were seeking to CONQUER her. WHO would we have to FIGHT now??? It appears we’d have to FIGHT the English to SAVE ENGLAND!! I know what is happening is NOT exactly popular or even LEGAL in the minds of REAL English people, but they have been CONQUERED by their OWN!! (See any similarities to the US?) Not only do NORMAL, DECENT English people have to contend with rampant crime and hatred from their “guests”, but now their OVERLORDS seem to be against them as well! Even their nitwit “King” seems to be ANTI-UK!! There was a guy who had emigrated FROM England to the US and worked in our plant. He is a nice guy, AMERICAN CITIZEN now, and had some interesting thoughts about how “his” England is no more and that was over ten years ago! It’s not too late – yet – but it’s close to being the END of England! I wouldn’t want any more US blood shed to save them the THIRD time. They need to do this one on their own and then maybe they’ll VALUE THEIR NATION a wee bit more! No offense to any decent English people reading this since WE might just be in the same horrible state if the DEMOcrats manage to STEALL another election!
“Xavierian missionary?” Being a missionary formerly meant traveling to a foreign land to minister to the inhabitants and convert them to Christ. Now it means staying home and converting the locals to a foreign and hostile faith.
But then again being Prime Minister of the U.K. formerly meant defending your own country against invaders. Now the days of Churchill and Britain’s “finest hour” are long dead.
This all started with the election of 1945. The moment the European War was ended the people of Britain unceremoniously dumped Winston Churchill to the curb because the Labour Party was promising them freebees.
“Won’t end well?”
It hasn’t.
Well, since their King, their Prime Minister & government, and the British police have all voluntarily embraced Dhimmi status, why don’t they just embrace Sharia outright? It would save a lot of time.
Briton has lost its mind.
Depraved psychopathic murderous berserk freedom crushing Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years..
Enough already.
Moo–Slums pray to Allah by prostrating themselves, banging their foreheads into the ground repeatedly, and then elevating their rumps high into the air to Allah and Moo Ham Mud.
Outrageous and blasphemous filthy dirty swine at best.
We know why their rumps are up in the air and we know what they’re going to receive.
Can no one protect the Uk from these barbarian invaders?
The elite ruling oligarchic traitorous class has nothing to lose.
As long as they control and money and power structure, they could care less if depraved psychopathic murderous berserk freedom crushing Islam and illegal alien INVASIONS and fentanyl/drugs overwhelm and transform their nations societies and cultures.
So they make their deals with the various Islamic ” Royal ” families .. the Saudis, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and others.
Hell, Jarad Kushner, Trumps Jewish son-in-law recently nailed a three billion dollar deal the Saudi and Qatar and UAE “Royal ” families to ” manage” their blackmailing OPEC oil wealth.
With scum like this, what do you expect for the future of working and middle class US citizens ?
Or from their Leftist politicians?? (whom they elected, by the way)
There is no god named allah and mohammad is not a prophet.
Come and get me two tier kier.
When the Saudi-sponsored LIV golf tour opened about three years ago, a sports radio commentator in my area denounced it because in Saudi Arabia “only straight white males have rights.” As a good “liberal,” it would have been unthinkable for him to denounce Islam, so suddenly Arabs became “white” men, and he was able mask the fact that he was really criticizing Islam.
The UK does not need any more laws or definitions – what we need, is a robust approach to genuine slander and libel (not to mention harassment, assault, rape etc), and once it has been established that a real substantive crime has been committed, then consideration should be given to whether or not it should be deemed to be aggravated by unjust discrimination based on a protected characteristic. And note “unjust” discrimination – it is not racist or Islamophobic to say that most of the Northern grooming gangs were comprised of Muslim men from a Pakistani background, because it happens to be true.
Farewell Great Britain, you were a noble experiment but you self destructed. You have become a Muslim caliphate in our lifetime and the sad thing is that it’s of your own doing!
I too feel no compulsion to feel the tiniest bit sorry for the British and their treachery towards our great Western Civilization but here in Canada it’s going the very same way. I’m grieved.
Moose limbs need to understand. . if they don’t like foreigners in a foreign land talking badly about their prophet, they are free to leave and return home where no one would ever say a mean thing about old Mo and his holy quran.
Not everyone in England loves the man though.
But if the holy quran is the final uncorruptable word of Gawd, one has to ask…are you so sure?
Consider, the Jews supposedly pulled the wool over his eyes and corrupted their “Holy texts” so Gawd sent Jesus but this pesky Christians also pulled the wool over Gawd eyes and corrupted their who.y texts.
So Gawd sent his FINAL REVELATION to Old Mo. .
But mo was “unlettered” and never wrote anything down. . .and the quran is a perfect t revelation.
Now remind me. . what happened to that pesky verse of the stoning??
Oh yeah, a goat ate it and mo never fixed it. .
What was that bit about the unalterable word of Gawd??
Are you sure? Gawd does not take lightly those who fail to uphold his covenant!!
No belief system, whether it is political in nature or religious, is entirely compatible with any other. In fact, different belief systems can sometimes contradict one another in an absolute and irreconcilable way. Therefore, we all have to choose between different belief systems. Each of us is a rational being, with the capacity to use our own minds to evaluate the different truth claims made by all of the religions and the political ideologies that have existed in the past, or still exist today. And each of us has the freedom to make that choice. At the most profound level, that is what it means to be a human being.
John Stuart Mill wrote in “On Liberty” that
he who lets the world, or his own portion of it, choose his plan of life for him, has no need of any other faculty than the ape-like one of imitation. He who chooses his plan for himself, employs all his faculties. He must use observation to see, reasoning and judgement to foresee, activity to gather materials for decision, discrimination to decide, and when he has decided, firmness and self-control to hold on to his deliberate decision.
If you give up your right to think for yourself and to make an informed choice about what you believe to be true, and if you refuse to use your own beliefs about the nature of reality to assign meaning to your own life, then you are refusing to take responsibility for who you truly are, and you are betraying your own humanity.
Sittason, Andrew. Living In A Salt Land (pp. 8-9). Andrew Sittason. Kindle Edition.
If it is made illegal for individuals to think clearly about the truth claims that have been made by different religions, then it will be very difficult for each of us, as individual moral agents who will be held responsible for what we believed and how we acted on the day we meet our Maker, to think clearly about what we choose to believe (or to reject).
This is not simply a question of making the truth claims of one particular religion beyond criticism (and therefore, critical thought) – this is an attack on the very thing that makes us human – the ability to assign meaning to our own lives. The proposed actions of the British government are not only anti-human, they are, in fact, evil.
The assumptions that the doctrine of multiculturalism rest upon are refuted by reality. The consciousness of every human being contains incompatible software routines, some of which lead to an individual acting in ways that not only harms others, but can lead to their own degradation and ruin. When it comes to groups of people, the individuals who make up those groups disagree with each other about all sorts of things every minute of the day.
“The inclinations of human beings are diverse, in accordance with their diverse temperaments, beliefs and opinions,” wrote the philosopher Thomas Hobbes. According to Hobbes, the phenomenon is evident in the moral realm, “where what one person calls good, another calls evil. In fact, it is not uncommon for the same person, at different times in their life, to praise and condemn the same thing. So long as human beings behave in this way, it necessarily follows that there will be discord and strife.”
The arguments, conflicts and wars that constitute so much of human history are empirical evidence that the multiculturalists’ view of the world is disconnected from reality. No intellectually honest person can deny that the values people from one culture believe in can be incompatible with the values of another culture. […]
As we will see later in this book, John Stuart Mill argued that the rational consideration of different points of view can be of considerable benefit to “human beings in the maturity of their faculties.” However, it does not follow that allowing people from different cultures to enter another country and to live according to their own lights will always be of benefit to everyone in a host society whose political leaders have decided to embrace the doctrine of multiculturalism. The people who are running our country have taken something that could be in the best interests of the populace some of the time, and demanded that everyone denies their own experience of reality, forgets all of human history, and believes that “multiculturalism” will benefit every member of our society at all times, and under all circumstances. No one is allowed to question this.
Sittason, Andrew. Living In A Salt Land (pp. 36-38). Andrew Sittason. Kindle Edition.
So, the UK is set to become the Pakistan of the West, because of Keir Starmer, rampant cheating by Labour, and unrestrictied Muslim immigration. And it doesn’t help that most of England has been disarmed.
Now we know the Muslims have not been disarmed. In fact they have been importing weapons through Turkey via Germany for years. Let’s hope the brits were smart enough to bury those WWII Enfield rifles and ammo.
Meanwhile, in this country we have been importing our own Jihadis over the southern border, along with their weapons. They are here. The Harris Wolz is the most pro-Islamic anti-semitic ticket ever.
A Leftist enabled domestic Islamic disaster is coming. They are already here via the Biden open border policy and the idiotic Obama policy of letting Muslims in from Somalia. Weapons have been smuggled in and are cached in the mosques. God knows what is going in Dearbornistan MI as most of the area is a Jihadi no go zone.
Everyone should read Townhall contributor Kurt Schlichter’s book called “The Attack”. In this book he details a possible coordinated jihad attack in the U.S. over three days by small groups of armed Muslims and cosplaying white wannabe terrorists, first against businesses, second against Americans in their homes, and finally against infrastructure. The attacks take place mostly in the unarmed blue state cities and suburbs. The jihadis do not want to be confronted by armed Americans
Kurt Schlichter said it best in his TownHall articles:
townhall com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2024/03/25/america-is-going-to-be-targeted-for-a-massive-terrorist-attack-will-you-be-ready-n2636901
Bottom line, buy guns and ammo in the areas of the country where you still can. You guys who live in blue cities and blue states, MOVE NOW! You are sitting ducks. Democrats want you unarmed.
Do not give up your guns…..ever.
Every school boy knows that the last time Britain was conquered was not 1066.
So much for free speech or as they see it in Britain, expression of opposing views. Bye bye, England. They “groomed” Prince Charles when he was younger so he is solid with them. So sad, too bad. I am deep[y grieved and pray for Tommy Robinson our only person speaking truth and thus being labeled as far right by their news media. What a travesty.
Within one generation, Britain will be under full Islamic control. And I hope I’m still around to see it happen. They deserve it.
The Jewish canary in the coal mine has been chirping its warning to the world of Islam’s intention to dictate by an Islamic Caliphate and Sharia law.
Islam’s patient, multi-pronged strategy, using leftist, open-borders multiculturalism and flooding countries in Europe Canada, and the USA, with so-called “refugees” has effectively become the venerated, championed group bearing the leftist-approved designation of racist Islamophobic victims. In their truest, violent, Koran-laced instructions, the Imams screech their odious instructions for all Muslims to deliberately refuse any integration into the cultures of these countries by slowly increasing the temperature of chaos and mayhem for the host country. Ungraciously punctuating their victim status, they openly disparage each country’s laws and moral foundations while essentially raping, pillaging and plundering the cultural norms of civilized behavior and extracting every kind of social service booty in their goals of undermining and then taking over counties, cities, realms of the country or states until their final surreptitious, takeover of Western law with Sharia. And so it has been accomplished in Britain as the new Prime Minister and his “as a Jew” wife have adeptly nailed their citizens’ freedoms and dignity, fought for and upheld for millennia, into subjugated, dhimmitude status.
The canary continues chirping as the cost for ignoring it moves exponentially toward the death of Western civilization.
You’re so ignorant that you were unaware that the attack on Charlie Hebdo killed 12 people, not 17 and that 2 jihadists took part in it, not 3. It goes to show that you do not care about facts as long as you can push your agenda.
Hello. splendid job. I did not anticipate this. This is a impressive story. Thanks!