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When you constantly have to rename and rebrand whatever scam you’re pushing this week, it’s a scam.
Corporations constantly rename certain products to upsell them or make them sound new and exciting. It’s not junk anymore, it’s e-junk or smart junk, and it’s not global warming anymore, it’s climate change. No wait, that sounds boring.
Let’s switch to Global Boiling, that sounds new and exciting.
UN News: Hottest July ever signals ‘era of global boiling has arrived’ says UN chief
“Climate change is here. It is terrifying. And it is just the beginning,” said the UN chief, warning that the consequences are as clear as they are tragic: “children swept away by monsoon rains, families running from the flames (and) workers collapsing in scorching heat.”
“Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies. Rivers and seas boiling. Forty years of darkness. Earthquakes, volcanoes. The dead rising from the grave. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together – mass hysteria.”
“Humanity is in the hot seat,” Guterres told a press conference on Thursday. “For vast parts of North America, Asia, Africa and Europe, it is a cruel summer. For the entire planet, it is a disaster. And for scientists, it is unequivocal – humans are to blame.
“All this is entirely consistent with predictions and repeated warnings. The only surprise is the speed of the change. Climate change is here, it is terrifying, and it is just the beginning. The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.”
Get the memo folks, it’s GLOBAL BOILING. Everyone will die. At the proper time. Especially in Florida.
The formula is simple: Take an extreme temperature limited to a period of a few days from only one extremely tiny location, then encourage click-bait media to push the narrative that it represents the climate crisis caused by CO2 and threatening the whole earth.
A buoy in Manatee Bay managed by the Everglades National Park, is located north of Key Largo and indicated by the 2 red arrows in illustrations below. The official buoy data (upper left graph) shows water temperatures bounced between ~90°F and ~101 on consecutive two days then plummeted to 85-86°F over the following days! Clearly those water temperatures were being driven by dynamics other than rising CO2.
Nonetheless, the PBS News Hour pushed notorious alarmist-journalist Seth Borenstein’s report pushing the hoax with the title South Florida water temperature hits triple digits, may have set world record for warmest seawater. And New York Times pushes, “101°F in the Ocean Off Florida: Was It a World Record?”
Another scientist, despite attempting to sound an alarm, was unintentionally quite perceptive saying, “If you climbed in the water there, I’m pretty darn sure it would have felt like you’re in a hot tub.”
And so GLOBAL BOILING had arrived.
Florida seawater hits hot tub level and may have set world records – AP
Seawater temperatures in Florida at hot tub levels, experts say – BBC
South Florida’s Oceans are the Same Temp as a Hot Tub Due to Climate Change – One Green Planet
Water at Florida’s Tip May Set Record For Hottest Seawater – Time
Water Temperatures Hit ‘Hot Tub’ Levels in the Florida Keys – Smithsonian
Are Florida oceans too hot to swim in? – Palm Beach Post
Everyone has boiled to death in Florida. See you same time, same place next week.
Yeah, it’s hot in summer.
It’s actually hilarious listening to Europeans complaining about the heat. In Colonial days European Empires always wanted a place in the sun. While in India, where Global Roasting has been a reality since time immemorial, the saying was “even the sun has its uses” 🙂
Only Mad Dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.
I was reading earlier Sir Francis Burton describing the heat in Muslim areas during the 1850s. Now that is heat!!!
The UN are right about one thing though, that scientists believe it’s human caused. It is, they are geo engineering all you need to do is look up and see the unnatural cloud formations.
They have been able to mess with the weather since the Second World War and now they have the proof that justifies their global governance is so desperately needed.
When is this old piece of international high-stepping self-important piece of yard dung going to finally have his stroke and kick off and stop bothering people. Global warming has been disproven. Defund the UN, and let it die.
62 at 9:30 am here in western ny
Here in Michigan’s Western Upper Peninsula the temperature this summer has been above 80 around half a dozen times this summer,. Only once did it hit 90. Frequently the temperature has gotten into the 40s at night.
Meanwhile Lake Superior says what global warming? The big lake’s temperature during the summer averages 45.. I’ve lived in this area since 1987 still waiting for my global warming. Did get four feet of global warming on Christmas eve last year though.
Seriously though the hottest temperatures I’ve experienced up here was in 1988 when the temperature got above 100 for a week and we went swimming May 28 instead of waiting until the end of June.
PS. This winter is expected to be the coldest in twenty years..
Communists will destroy everything in their path to achieve power. In the case of man made climate change, this is their opportunity to destroy our economy.
The climate narrative is imploding, and their desperation is manifest.
We sane people, always welcoming a shot in the arm in our fight against these criminals, got one:
“Nobel physics prize winner John Clauser rips climate idiocy, No ‘climate crisis’ and IPCC ‘one of the worst sources of dangerous misinformation’”
No surprise, the censoring has begun:
“Report: Nobel Prize-winning scientist Dr. John Clauser — who recently declared climate science a ‘pseudoscience’ — has his IMF talk abruptly canceled”
Reference: WhatsUpWithThat dot com.
If The People Buy Into this RANT,They will have NO RIGHTS Whatsoever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They dont want any rights whatsoever. So they should be happy. So they think at this moment.
Time would give them second thoughts, but so what? They wont be allow second thoughts. And they will miss the right to have a second thought.
I listened to Public Radio this weekend. It is a climate change full court press.
No trouble on earth is unrelated to global warming. So they say.
If they believed the crap they sling, suicide would be a better option for them.
A full court press by the left on all fronts.
The UN has become nothing but Global Government wanting to control all our lives and America needs to totally withdraw from the UN and move the whole wretched bunch to Moscow but without America to push around we can turn the facility into a Homeless Shelter
why are these people still allowed to be here?
Sounds as idiotic as Robert Redford’s claiming that Fossil Fuels was Cooking the Earth which is just another load of total Malarkey and he has sone TV ads for United Airlines ITS TIME TO FLY
Another factor that the Warmunists don’t want to acknowledge is that a massive volcano erupted in the South Pacific a few months ago, throwing a record amount of water vapor into the stratosphere. Water vapor is also a “greenhouse gas” (silly term, as probably any gas has some greenhouse effect) and in fact a more effective one than carbon dioxide. So unseasonably warm temperatures this summer, to the extent they’re real and not fabricated, are probably due to the volcano and El Niño.
That was a pretty big volcano and nobody seems to talk about it, in spite of its rather catchy name, Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai. Can’t imagine why it’s not all over the airwaves.
Earth’s weather is driven by the sun. Variability called seasons are cyclical and result from the earth’s oscillating, axial tilt towards the sun and the earth’s elliptical orbit around the sun. If, as the UN Chief threatens, we’re in for global boiling, then it means that either the sun has gotten larger or that earth has moved closer to the sun, in which case the UN and its anthropogenic global warming sociopaths will not be able to do anything to save us. Upping the ante to threats of global boiling because of supposed human induced increases the trace gas CO₂ is fear mongering for the purposes of making lots of money out of gullible rubes who are too lazy to think critically and logically. Nevertheless, this is exploitation based on sociopathic greed, in which regard UN chief Antonio Guterres and his UN cronies are criminals and should be tried and imprisoned for perpetrating a deception on a global scale for the purpose of financial gain.
They’re also frightening the children. Which is, I suppose what they want to do, so that they can ride up on their white horses (metaphorically) and save them, thus engendering the lifetime allegiance of a generation.
More reports from the Institute of Alarmist Bull Crap.
thanks for info
The same UN that proclaimed the hottest day in Death Valley was in 2020 at a temp of 130°. What about that day in 1919 when Death Valley’s temp was 134°? (Oops.)
The boiling point of water is about 212 f so Florida has a long ways to go yet.
No, thanks. I prefer to call it solar warming. The sun has periodic flare ups, you know.
Bulldoze the UN into the East River after you board it up and burn it.
It’s not “global warming” that makes my blood boil…
Sadly, a great number of people actually believe this nonsense.
Mother nature has a way of balancing itself, it always has it always will.
It’s just the greedy politicians who want to make more money out of it.
This is terrifying!!!! We need a bonfire of the vanities to avoid the coming end days!!! Away with our air conditioners, our cars, our TV, computers and refrigerators and most of all, our single family homes!!! Do it NOW comrades!
“Only humans are to blame”
Can you believe that utterance? It’s absurdly funny and nauseating at the same time.
Only humans ….Is that all humans?
Is this what unites all of the humans? Blame?
Or, maybe only some humans are to blame…
Ooh..ooh…I know!
They’re Guterres and his cohorts at the UN, all exemplars of justice, truth and peace.
But moving on…
The term “global boiling”, unless it’s a really choice piece of flanked, does not allow for nuance.
Flat uniformity is implied by boiling.
Pardon the pun, but there should be “degrees” of heat, certainly at this stage of the game, when our goose is not yet cooked.
Fortunately, besides global boiling, there are so many apt variants to gradate and refine the process of global slow cooking:
Global searing
Global sautéing
Global roasting
Global broasting
Global broiling
Global frying
Global deep frying
Global baking,
And my favorite:
Global carmelizing
Who’s getting hungry?
That should be FLANKEN!!!!