The majority of UN members are dictatorships.
The majority of UN members are systemically racist in the classic sense that they are dominated by a single ethnic group, tribe, religion that runs the country and its institutions for the benefit of that group. This system is only interrupted by the occasional genocidal civil war.
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, formerly the leader of Peru, which has plenty of racial issues, decided to single out, not China, which is run for the benefit of Han Chinese, or any Arab Muslim country, including Qatar, which uses and kills foreign non-Muslim slave laborers on a massive scale, but the United States of America.
“The status quo is untenable,” High Commissioner Bachelet said. “Systemic racism needs a systemic response. There needs to be a comprehensive rather than a piecemeal approach to dismantling systems entrenched in centuries of discrimination and violence. We need a transformative approach that tackles the interconnected areas that drive racism, and lead to repeated, wholly avoidable, tragedies like the death of George Floyd.”
The UN is the status quo. America is one of the few countries to overturn the status quo.
“The Black Lives Matter movement and other civil society groups led by people of African descent have provided grassroots leadership through listening to communities,” Bachelet said. “They are also providing people with the necessary agency and empowerment that enables them to claim their human rights. Such efforts should receive funding, public recognition and support.”
Is the UN about to start funding BLM’s race riots?
So the next set of race riots burning down American cities will be brought to you by the United Nations.
While the UN continues to support dictatorships, terrorists, and racists, it ignores the actual murder of a black person by BLM rioters, which unlike the drug overdose death of George Floyd was an actual murder, and that was the murder of Captain David Dorn.
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