Live from Manhattan, where the World Economic Forum boasts comfortable digs in a luxurious midtown tower on Madison Avenue, the WEF’s Tackling Disinformation forum began.
“With increasing fears about the cost of living – exacerbated by the pandemic and the energy crisis – it is now more critical than ever to tackle disinformation head-on,” the WEF explained.
What do costs of living have to do with state and corporate censorship? As prices rise and standards of living drop, and the WEF’s slogan of “I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better” will only have been proven two-thirds true, the peasants may get restless.
Peasants like Uncle Bob whom the WEF is deeply concerned about. Very deeply.
“We need to take certain actions there to prevent Uncle Bob from sharing misleading information at the Thanksgiving table,” Claire Wardle (She/Her) PhD explicated in a chummy Brit accent over Zoom. Wardle sits on the WEF’s Global Agenda Council on the Future of Information and her vision of the future has little room for Uncle Bob saying whatever he likes at the Thanksgiving table. A holiday created by pilgrims fleeing England and people like Wardle.
Forget nukes, dictatorships and pandemics. All of these threats pale compared to Uncle Bob having a hearty helping of turkey and yams before repeating something not vetted by the UN.
Uncle Bob has long been the bete noire of Wardle who has become a full-time expert on speech she doesn’t like. Much of that speech is being produced by ‘Uncle Bobs’ around the country and the world. A former social media boss at the UN refugee agency, Claire, with an armful of useless degrees in things like communications, political science and a degree in American Studies from a British school in Yorkshire, found her true calling in life. Fighting Uncle Bob.
A year before Trump and Brexit panicked the elites, like those at the WEF, into realizing that unless they got on with censoring the internet people would think and do all sorts of things they don’t approve of, Claire Wardle ‘co-founded’ First Draft News to fight ‘fake news’. The actual co-founders of First Draft were George Soros, the Ford Foundation, Google, Facebook and Twitter. If you liked the idea of a handful of tech monopolies, billionaires and foundations determining what you were allowed to think and read, First Draft was absolutely for you.
From the Manhattan street whose name has been lent to advertising lies, Adrian Monck, a former British TV correspondent who heads “social engagement” for the WEF, was all in.
“We’ve learnt quite a lot, haven’t we, in the decades and hundreds of years of history of information and journalism, which is that you do need to have checks,” Monck rambled.
By “we”, Monck means Russia, China and WEF trustees like Al Gore, Christine Lagarde, head of the European Central Bank, Larry Fink, the man with the BlackRock boot on the nation’s economy, the Queen of Jordan, a senior minister of Singapore, and Zhu Min, former deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China and IMF honcho who worked on the UN’s Agenda 21.
Only tyrants need checks on speech. But these days tyrants don’t need to wear military uniforms or give speeches from balconies. They just skim some of the dregs of elite overproduction and hire them to come out and explain why tyranny is good for us.
“You know, we partnered with Google, for example, if you Google climate change, you will, at the top of your search, get all kinds of UN resources. We started this partnership when we were shocked to see that when we Googled climate change, we were getting incredibly distorted information right at the top,” Melissa Fleming, the Under-Secretary for Global Communications at the United Nations at WEF, cheerfully told Monck.
Fleming, the only attendee who deigned to come in person instead of on Zoom,.urged, “We need to find where people are searching and get there first.”
Or to update Smirnoff’s act, “Under the UN, the internet searches you.”
Then the UN official boasted, “We own the science and we think that the world should know it and the platforms themselves also do.”
Science now belongs to a woman with degrees in broadcast journalism and German Studies.
But that’s how it works now. A vast network of multinational organizations control the world. And their foot soldiers are otherwise unemployable people who have degrees in saying things now tasked with getting people to stop saying things.
Or as the Germans called it, the Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. Or, simply, Propagandaministerium. It’s a bit long, but nicely encapsulates it. When Fleming chats with WEF founder Klaus Schwab, she can put her German Studies degree to use and mention it.
Also participating in the propagandaministerium was Rachel Smolkin: a senior VP at CNN.
“Many people have no sense of all of those checks and balances in the newsroom. They have this idea that Rachel has a thought and she just puts it out. She just happens to work at CNN. And she’s a mouthpiece of the liberal elite. No,’ Wardle complained.
The idea that a WEF forum featuring a UN official, a CNN VP from Arlington, Virginia, and officials of an organization based out of Geneva broadcasting from Madison Avenue are mouthpieces of the “liberal elite” is a dangerous piece of disinformation that needs to be stamped out before Uncle Bob shares it after finishing his apple pie.
The lovefest was mutual.
“Claire did such a good job with the framing of this as polluted information,” Smolkin gushed. “It becomes very complicated when there is not an agreed upon set of facts and a single narrative.” Complexity is the premise of free speech. Totalitarian societies have a set of “agreed upon facts” and anyone who doesn’t agree with them goes to prison.
Or is forced to watch CNN. Which is much the same thing.
“It can be quite dangerous to people who are taking in that polluted information,” Smolkin evinced concern for people hearing that the 2020 election was rigged or abortion is bad.
That Smolkin’s examples of “polluted information” that pose a danger to people are all partisan lefty talking points should in no way lead you to think that she’s a mouthpiece of the liberal elite.
What are you an ‘Uncle Bob’ or something?
How do we “detoxify, or de-pollute, this kind of information sphere?” Monck asked.
Having coined the metaphor of “polluted” speech that is actively “dangerous” to those who take it in, the next step is to clean up all that bad speech and prevent it from harming anyone.
Don’t call it censorship, it’s environmental management.
Trying to get into the heads of the ‘Uncle Bobs’ out there, the Exeter College grad tries to envision “some people watching this” and saying, “You’re part of these institutions that I didn’t vote for. I didn’t choose. I didn’t pick. I didn’t have a say in the editorial policy at CNN. I didn’t get to pick the faculty at Brown or vote for the UN leadership or the World Economic Forum.”
It’s a good question with no meaningful answer. The familiar cycle of tyranny cracks down harder on public opposition, generating more resistance which leads to more ruthless tactics. Occasionally regime lackeys get together to discuss how they can win over the people they’re shooting in the streets while piously repeating that their mission is to make the world a better place. We’re just a bunch of unelected elites trying to run people’s lives? Why won’t they let us?
If you have a question you can’t answer, there’s either something wrong with it or with you.
The UN, the WEF and all the other failed multinational institutions that ultimately offer little more than Communism without the uniforms and flags, but with sizable investment portfolios can’t answer their question because there’s something wrong with them, but they keep on asking.
The multis believe that Uncle Bob poses a threat to them. They want to know how to stop him. But the only reason Uncle Bob is a threat is because they want to run the world and his life.
Maybe they should rethink that.
Or they could continue holding Madison Avenue conferences on disinformation which essentially ask, “Will no one rid us of this meddlesome Bob”?
Andrea says
They will not stop the human spirit no matter how hard they try. God wins.
New Irene says
You have great faith.
New Irene says
Another homerun, Daniel. I can tell you as an evangelical Christian, we see what is happening and it is shockingly similiar to end times theology. Christians tend to think like this during bad times, but this time it seems for real as the Western world is spinning out of control and globalism is becoming more and more dominant and powerful.
I really wish we could have the equivalent of a Night of the Long Knives to avoid a civil war. Because most of this trouble is coming from a relatively small number of people that have millions and billions to spend. I would gladly sacrifice my life to put a bu l let through Soros’ head. He’s been the most destructive force during the past 30 years of my life. Another good place to eliminate this evil is to seriously bomb Davos where these thugs gather annually. It has come to this and we all know it. Doing nothing means future generations will be enslaved. It really is time to take action. I know most of us are hoping things will turn around with the midterms. It’s really naive. We are past turning things around with elections.
Cat says
“We” ?!?!?!
Someone call the men in the white coats or give us a block button
Noah Andeark says
Discussing anything with a liberal is much like explaining a train schedule to a dog. It may sit there, wagging its tail, lolling its tongue, and appearing to be paying attention. But at the end of the day, the capacity for cogent thought just doesn’t exist. It’s not its fault. It’s just the way its brain is wired. Then it will go off into a corner and lick its own rear end.
It’s no different with the dog.
Andrew Blackadder says
Irene… Davos is a really lovely mountain Town and only once a year do these morons come in with their high horse mentality but the people of the town are not like that though they fill up the Hotels and spend lots of money and then they leave just as other groups do, so no need to bomb lovely wee Davos as I have friends there.
Cassandra says
Proud Tea bag lover from U.K. here. Yes, right IS right: dexter and left is sinister, even the Romans knew that. Back to your bunker then, for another 24 hours on computer games and tik tok porn.
Algorithmic Analyst says
That’s no joke. Experienced it first-hand.
Kasandra says
“”We’ve learnt quite a lot, haven’t we, in the decades and hundreds of years of history of information and journalism, which is that you do need to have checks,” Monck rambled.” I don’t know where he learned that. Seems to me this is, to coin a phrase, dangerous disinformation. Human progress comes from the free interchange of ideas, not “checks” (i.e., “censorship”).
Stephen Triesch says
Yep. Open debate is the “check” on lies; censorship – the dream of every totalitarian – allows lies to go unchallenged.
Cassandra says
Monck is the typical British civil service azz-licker and greasy pole climber, he will do and say anything to be part of the establishment; an apparatchik.
WJ says
This one world order (wef) has a date with the creator of the universe that will not go good for them.
Stephen Triesch says
“We need to take certain actions there to prevent Uncle Bob from sharing misleading information at the Thanksgiving table,”
Spoken like the fascist totalitarian that she is. Who else would fantasize about somehow controlling or policing the conversations at a private family event? And if these people get their way, they will find a way to do it. Globalists and their allies are already policing social media to cancel anyone found to express forbidden opinions.
The UN and WEF have NO AUTHORITY to control anyone. No one voted for them in any election.
Mo de Profit says
I used to believe that the unelected UN had no authority, but they have infiltrated every single government in the world.
Stephen Triesch says
True. Although they have no direct authority, they work through proxies in government and the corporate world who do their bidding. In Freudian terms, they work through the authority of the “super-ego” they have created, i.e., the implicit sense of reality intuitively shared by everyone in the globalist camp.
Stephen Triesch says
“With increasing fears about the cost of living – exacerbated by the pandemic and the energy crisis – it is now more critical than ever to tackle disinformation head-on,” the WEF explained.”
Translation: “With more people waking up to our totalitarian plans, we must double-down on censoring and punishing anyone who challenges us. Gaslighting the public on every major issue must be our number one priority.”
Mo de Profit says
The image summarises the cowardly UN officials perfectly.
Greebo says
This is not about Uncle Bob. This is about Big Brother.
Craig Austin says
When enough censors have been named and shamed and perhaps several taken to the “wall” or maybe out for a helicopter ride, they may begin to fear for their safety and we can be a little less fearful of their influence.
Cassandra says
“She sits on the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on the Future of Information and Entertainment.“ Does that include Duolingo?
This may be a tangent but I am learning a couple of languages on duolingo, talk about spreading propaganda: “bicycles are better than cars!, Trains are more exciting than cars”, my car is broken. Grandpas boyfriend is coming to dinner. Mummy’s wife is taking their baby for a walk.” Etc. So far we haven’t encountered any trannies because certain languages do not tolerate it.
But this moronic and mediocre woman, who has a couple of degrees in mejia studies of course is sponsored by Black Georgy and his brown shirts to flog his lies.