Books by ex-Republicans complaining about how Trump drove them out of the GOP are a hot publishing item now. Even though the audience for them is as missing as Jimmy Hoffa.
Who really wants 30 Trump Sucks books by ex-Republicans? Lefties don’t want them. Nobody on the right does. But they get published for the same political reasons that every time Hillary’s ghostwriter burps, there’s another book out.
So here’s Max Boot, “Conservatives Are Mean Bad People and White Privilege is Totally Real”.
Not the actual title, but a more plausible one. And here’s Ron Radosh reviewing Max Boot. And the incredible courage it takes to leave the right.
Decades ago when I co-authored The Rosenberg File, friends on the political left who considered me part of their movement, condemned me as, not only a traitor, but a right-wing McCarthyite and servant of the Reagan administration’s Cold War foreign policy. Boot understands how the process works. Agreement, he writes, “will be rewarded with greater social standing and support, and disagreement punished with ostracism. The pressure is so amorphous and pervasive that, like oxygen, you are only aware of it when it is gone.” Some of it has not been so amorphous. David Horowitz’s website Frontpagemag claims that Boot has gone “full leftist” for arguing that America still has a problem with racism and sexism and recently published an article by Daniel Greenfield calling Boot “a quisling of the left” who has joined the “media lapdog ilk.”
Actually it was for Boot embracing the racist term, “White privilege”.
And Radosh, ought to know better than everyone, that far worse happens when you leave the left than when you leave the right.
But nonetheless, he offers absurd equivocations like these.
He mentions Trump’s utilization of Stalin’s campaign against “fake news” to intimidate the press
When Stalin didn’t like the press, he didn’t call them, ‘fake news’. He had them shot.
This is the unseriousness of Boot, Radosh and the rest of the ex-conservatives in a nutshell. It’s not that they don’t know history. They know it quite well. They just choose to ignore it in favor of glamorizing their departure from the right to the friendly media precincts of the left.
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