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Since Hamas initiated a brutal and barbaric terrorist attack against Israel and the Jewish people on October 7th, many Americans—Jewish and not—have mourned alongside the world’s only Jewish state and have understood the necessity of a swift and decisive military counterattack. But in the green quads and ivory towers of American academia, a very different reaction has been brewing. For the past two decades, the David Horowitz Freedom Center has shone a rare spotlight on the genocidal Jew hatred emanating from our college campuses. Student organizations like the Hamas-funded and Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Students for Justice in Palestine have infiltrated our universities and turned them training grounds for the next generation of jihadists. In the wake of Hamas’s barbarism, its slaughter and mutilation of innocent Jews, its campaign of rape and torture and beheading, we can now bear witness to the effects that two decades of Jew-hating pro-terror propaganda have wrought in our institutions of higher learning.
At Harvard, arguably America’s most prestigious university, over 30 student organizations signed onto a statement declaring that they “hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence.”
Not to be outdone by Harvard, the Students for Justice in Palestine chapter at Brown University released its own statement (co-signed by the Graduate Labor Organization and Teaching Assistant Labor Organization, as well as 25 additional organizations) stating that: “We, the undersigned, hold the Israeli regime and its allies unequivocally responsible for all suffering and loss of life, Palestinian or Israeli.”
At Cornell University, SJP held a rally to “Stop Israel’s Annihilation of Gaza.” History Professor Russell Rickford who spoke at the rally declared Hamas’s barbaric attack which included the rape of women, the beheading of babies, and the deaths of entire families as “exhilarating.”
Yale University Professor Zareena Grewal tweeted in support of Hamas, calling October 7th an “extraordinary day.” She went on to justify the barbaric violence unleashed on Israeli civilians, writing “Prayers for Palestinians. Israel is a murderous, genocidal settler state and Palestinians have every right to resist through armed struggle, solidarity.” Yalies4Palestine also released a statement blaming Israel which stated, “We hold the Israeli Zionist regime responsible for the unfolding violence and denounce the Israeli occupation, apartheid system, and its military rule” and declaring that “The events of October 7th are the inevitable outcome of a decades-long apartheid and suffocating blockade that continues to escalate.” The statement concluded by celebrating Hamas’s barbarism, adding that, “Yalies4Palestine stands in full support of the Palestinian people’s right to resist colonization and return to their land” and “Breaking out of a prison requires force.”
Meanwhile, twenty campus groups at Columbia University signed a statement condoning and justifying Hamas’s atrocities against Jews, describing the wholesale slaughter of infants and children and the rape of women as “resistance,” and blaming Israel and America for the violence, writing, “The weight of responsibility for the war and casualties undeniably lies with the Israeli extremist government and other Western governments, including the United States government, which fund and staunchly support Israeli aggression, apartheid and settler-colonization.” Also at Columbia, a Jewish Israeli student was beaten with a stick in front of Butler Library by another student who screamed “F**k you, F**k all of you prick crackers” causing the Jewish student to suffer a bruised hand and broken finger.
At the University of Pennsylvania, dozens of flyers depicting the names and faces of the Hamas kidnapping victims were torn down within an hour of being put up around campus. The student group, Penn Against the Occupation, held a “Collective Walk Out for Palestine” during which a Jewish student was assaulted while putting on tefillin and a speaker claimed there were no “innocent civilians” in Israel because “all settlers and all settlements are legitimate military targets and they will be targeted until the time in which one-state, a plura-national, secular and socialist state is formed on Palestine and you can either live there in peace or you can go back to Moscow, and Brooklyn and and f**king Berlin where you came from.” Participants in the event chanted genocidal slogans including “Intifada, Intifada,” “Resistance is Justified, When People are Occupied,” and “Free Palestine.”
And that’s just the Ivy League. The reaction to Hamas’s attacks across the rest of academia was no more constrained.
At Stanford University, the instructor of a required undergraduate class on “Civil, Liberal and Global Education” instructed Jewish students to raise their hands. She then told the Jewish students to gather their belongings and go stand in a corner, saying, “This is what Israel does to the Palestinians.” The instructor then asked the students, “How many people died in the Holocaust?” When a student answered, “six million” the instructor minimized the mass slaughter of Jews, saying, “Colonizers killed more than 6 million, Israel is a colonizer.”
At UC-Berkeley, a statement organized by Bears for Palestine that signed by twenty-five on-and-off campus organizations brazenly declared their support for Hamas’s brutal terrorist maiming and slaughter of Jews. “We invariably reject Israel’s framing as a victim” said the statement which also argued that “[O]ur people’s freedom will not be attainable without revolution” and “We support the resistance, we support the liberation movement, and we indisputably support the Uprising.” The statement included the genocidal sentiments, “From the River to the Sea, we will continue to support resistance until we are able to return home to a unified Palestine” and “Glory to Palestine, glory to the resistance, and glory to our martyrs.”
Jewish Voice for Peace at Georgetown University chimed in with a statement supporting Palestinian “resistance” (otherwise known as mass slaughter of innocents) and asserting that “The violence we see today is a direct result of the brutal decades-long occupation of Palestinian land.”
At the University of Michigan, a statement demonizing Israel and blaming the Jewish state for Hamas’s barbaric violence was signed by over 800 faculty members, staff, and graduate students. “We write as human beings in grief and anguish over the loss of life — both Palestinian and Israeli — that is the result of the decades-long Israeli occupation of Palestine and the structural apartheid Palestinians residing both within Israel and the Occupied Territories endure on a daily basis,” declared the statement. Meanwhile, Michigan Professor Erik Gordon has been accused of tearing down posters depicting Israelis kidnapped by Hamas.
SJP at Tufts University released a statement celebrating Hamas’s vicious terrorism, calling it an “historic attack on the colonizers,” and applauding the paragliders who brought mass terror to innocent civilians, stating that “Footage of liberation fighters from Gaza paragliding into occupied territory has especially shown the creativity necessary to take back stolen land.”
SUPER UW, a pro-Palestinian group at the University of Washington, held an anti-Israel protest on campus which featured genocidal chants including “Palestine is our demand, no peace on stolen land,” “There is only one solution, intifada revolution” and “Resistance is justified when people are occupied.” During the event, one SUPER UW supporter yelled “F**k Israel, no problem, f**k you, f**k you, you guys are all f**king gay bro” at pro-Israel students while another protestor defended Hamas’s barbaric terror campaign, stating, “What Hamas is doing is fighting for their people, fighting for their country back, that’s what Hamas is doing [but] what America is saying is Israel is a victim, but for what, for Hamas defending their people.”
SJP chapters and pro-Palestinian groups at several New York schools including the City University of New York, City College of New York, Brooklyn College, and John Jay College, released a “Joint Statement” that demonized Israel and claimed that Hamas’s barbarism against Israel was justified. The statement referred to Hamas’s reign of rape and terror as “a wave of resistance [that] swept across occupied Palestine” which created “a sense of empowerment,” and scolded the CUNY administration for condemning Hamas, arguing that “To call the resistance of those who were oppressed for over 75 years ‘abhorrent’ is blasphemous” and “it continues to be a reminder that colonization is inherently violent and this was brought by the Israeli apartheid state.”
This is just a small sampling of the reactions across America’s colleges and universities. Instead of condemning outright barbarism and the mass slaughter of Jews, large numbers of students and faculty across the nation are celebrating the bloodshed and heralding the coming revolution. These true believers view the world through the prism of Marxist ideology in which the Jews and Israel are oppressors who must be overthrown by any means necessary—up to and including the mass slaughter and mutilation of innocents.
As Daniel Greenfield wrote recently, “The radicalization of universities has made them into safe spaces for the worst possible extremists. Conservative faculty and all opposing voices have been banished from campuses. Pro-Israel and conservative students have learned to hide their views to avoid becoming targets. And curriculum changes have turned places of learning into Marxist indoctrination centers.”
The world at large is finally witnessing the degradation and perversion of academia that we have warned about for decades. We cannot let this moment pass without utilizing the momentum it has wrought. We must push Congress and state legislators to immediately defund any university which gives aid and comfort to America’s enemies and openly seeks to foment terrorist violence. If the last few weeks have shown us anything, it is that the radical Left has zero pretense of adhering to a moral code. We must act now, before it is too late.
About a decade ago 250+ Somalis celebrated an anniversary of 911 in Portland or Seattle.
The brazeness was shocking. The press covering it up was expected. (No Google search can find it.)
So I wasn’t too surprised to hear of cosseted students doing the same for Hamas islamists that, on scale, just made 911 2nd in nature of horrific evil.
The low-life fools are joined at the hip with Hitler’s brown shirts that did the exact same bullshit in the aftermath of Krystal Nacht.
They’re just too stupid & brainwashed to know it. (No new thing under the sun.)
The Black Muslims in Clover, SC. celebrate Sept.11th every year.
Crickets on that also.
The Black Muslims ought to market their Jew hatred parade in a way that it might catch on; give it a brand, so to speak. Perhaps these hate-filled jokers should call it “The Hamas & Andy Show.”
And the obsequious mainstream media covered up a photo of the Great Narcissist B.O. smiling and embracing Louis Farrakhan for over a decade, until after that POS had no more elections to face. No wonder BBC and The New York Times have been caught hiring (and in the case of The New York Times, REHIRING) Palestinian correspondents who’ve publicly praised Hitler.
If B. Hussein goes to Jerusalem, we’ll know we’re near the end.
I’ve seen that protest and Obama’s black half was leading the march. He does slap his white half every morning and before bed.
His CIA head, JOHN BRENNAN, is a Muslim and a Communist and his job was to conduct operations around the world against Muslims and Communists but he, on orders from Obama, were aiding and abetting them. When you analyze what’s happening in the world today, you can look at the actions, and inactions, by The Traitor-in-Chief with the help of Valerie Jarrett, a Muslim and Communist too… and an Iranian! MAKE SENSE NOW?
Brennan should be hung upside down El Duce style from rafters. He even looks like the facistic dictator.
Snopes is a chickenshit site that traffics in misdirection & clean-up.
That aside, Brennan IS a communist prick that tirelessly enables islamic subversion of the USA.
Leftists do nothing but enable our enemies.
Snopes was a couple until the wife left and said her ex lies about everything.
I did not know that. Thx for the heads-up.
The pampered pricks should be mailed to the M.E. See how long they last in the that shithole.
(They know they don’t have to worry about the FBI designating them as a threat. That’s reserved for parents who attend schoolboard meetings or Trump rallies.)
If they had been around in 1938 they would have applauded Kristallnacht.
What are the genocidal anti-Semitic students going to do as it is said, “When they come for you?” The same false accusations they support against Israel are also used against the United States, which is blamed for “settler colonialism on stolen land.” Some may try to claim innocence based on color. Are the rest going to claim indigenous identity and run for the US Senate? In reality is the Muslims who conquered Southwest Asia and North Africa within a century of the time of their prophet, By 711 they were in Spain and India. Muslims have been justifying their imperialism, murder, and slave trade for 1400 years.
If I had a college age kid I would take a hard look at where they attend! Most of these are nothing but schools for the liberal left and should be avoided. Yeah, I realize that some go to them strictly because they think it makes them sound smarter…” I graduated from Yale..,blah, blah, blah.”
We have raised a generation of people who know nothing about what America is about and they have no morals nor do they know right from wrong. And this is the fruit of their learning.
Lord God, protect Your people from the ignorance that is shown by these who support terrorism.
Dismal stuff. Our ah…best and brightest..cough cough…strike again.
Maybe we should go back to the old time IQ tests for aptitudes and OJT and obviate most need for the drastically more costly college diplomas.
This raises a logical question. In a nation which no longer makes much of anything, we may not be able to do much OJT, but even so, surely we could do with less diplomas, except for experts who can tell us how lucky we are to be producing so little. We gotta have a few leftover experts.
I have only addressed the lack of practical useful results of much of our more prestigious schools. I have not addressed the evil which this article is actually about.
Our future…is scary. We are not really better than Europe in the 1930’s.
Useful idiots come in al shapes and sizes their the examples of Useful Idiots
Today’s youth across the Western World who follow Hamas should be known now as the Useful Idiot Generation… UIG…
The thin veneer that is civilization is being stripped away by ignorance and Islam.
Why aren’t all these students, their academic teachers and administrators climbing aboard flights to Gaza and preparing to actually fight on behalf of their poor oppressed Palestinians?
1000 thumbs up. If its so important to them, get the f—k with it. Go fight. Get on with it already.
Show us your commitment, make converts of us.
Excellent question that you already know the answer to.
Their bravery extends only as far as the confines of their cloistered environment.
They don’t employ reason; only the self indulgent tantrums of a child . . . as the overpriced madrasahs/Universities taught them.
These students and academics are all part of Hamas sleeper cells that are embedded all across America We need to eradicate Hamas and is influence in the U.S. as well
Yes. Deport all the terrorists and their supporters to Somalia. Let them live in an Islamic society.
Come on Man! Don’t worry Steven because the FBI, DOJ, and Homeland are investigating those sleeper cells 24-7. They’re ready.
Brown University? Does amyone besides me remember “What’s the color of horse****? BROWN! BROWN!”
SAFE SPACES needed for Jews, MAGAs, Conservatives, Pro-Lifers, Christians, and supporters of Israel. DON’T WORRY THOUGH, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Czars will defend them. Really… no Really.
LEGITIMIZING abortion, riots, burning down our cities, anarchy, and now HAMAS and the most ruthless terrorists.
THEIR MASKS are coming off. Let them while others, like professors, who are still hiding behind theirs but only at this particular time when they were open about their hatred for many other issues and people! THEIR SUDDEN PUBLIC SILENCE says it all.
DEMOCRATS are only showing FAKE SUPPORT for Israel only for the votes and $$$!
Students who are too stupid and addled by woke Marxist ideology to be able to define a woman can easily celebrate genocidal murderers who killed 1,400 Jews on October 7th while accusing the victims of “genocide” and “Apartheid”.
Of course the Palestinians use such language themselves to cover their own deeds and intentions. The Hamas charter explicitly and unequivocally calls for Israel’s destruction and the annihilation of Jews. Both Hamas and the so called Palestinian Authority insist that all the land they control be 100% free of Jews (except for hostages they kidnapped). They make sale of land to Jews a capital offense. If that isn’t “Apartheid”, what is.
Palestinians and their apologists exhibit more projection than all the screening rooms in Hollywood.
State legislatures and defunding are only part of the solution. Parents and students should boycott them. Alumni should cease donating to them and, most important, companies all over the nation should drop college diploma requirements from as many job openings as possible..
It’s time to put as many of these progressive America-hating, anti-semitic open sewers out of business as possible.
The foreign donation loophole needs to be closed. Any money that government or alumni withheld will be made up for by Qatar, Iran, through its various front groups, the Saudis and other Gulf sheikdoms and, of course, the Chinese.
“American academia has descended into barbarism.”
Correction: The islamic barbarians have infected the American academia.
Anti-semitism found fertile ground in 1920s Germany in the world of academe, before it exploded in full blown political hate under the Nazis.
Anyone see a pattern here? The Marxist/Muslim professors in the IVY League and the rest of the elite institutions should be fired, tenure be damned. But it will take bigtime changes in the leadership at these universities. With wealthy alumni, particularly Jewish alumni, starting to withdraw their contributions to endowments it could happen in the near future.
It can’t happen fast enough.
They laugh about it, they’re gleeful, and they are Satan’s minions who want to destroy the Jewish race and Christianity as well. Nobody of (sound mind) would act like this. Hitler inspired the same demonic hatred. and anti-semetism. This is why you’ve got to wear Spiritual Body armor to fight against the evil ones.
The youth in America today are following the same footsteps of the same age group in Germany during the 1930s as sheep follow sheep.
The Western youth are so ignorant of history that they will find something to follow thinking that’s the current thing to do without knowing the teachings of islam which means that these young girls, so called Liberals, will be thrown off the rooftops right after the homosexuals..
The Useful Idiot Generation.
Nah, not thrown off a roof. That’s reserved for homosexuals. Most of these girls will just be confined to their houses, unable to leave unless accompanied by an adult male relative, will be kept constantly pregnant to produce more servants of Allah to take over the world, will by law only be allowed to inherit half as much of their late fathers’ estate as their brother, and will have their testimony counted as half as much as a male’s.
Hama’s leader’s son speaking against Hamas.
Destroying Judeo=Christian society was Obama the Muslim President’s long range plan, with “a little help” from academia. The highly visible results of that are unfolding with alacrity as seen in the anti-Israel protests taking place across the country. Obama is the wizard at the controls ; Biden is the the gasbag pretending to be in charge and spreading propaganda daily. Decent Americans need to pay attention now more than ever.
Most of these Student Nazis are black and muslim. They probably wouldn’t even be in college but for AFFIRMATIVE ACTION or diversity programs. Most black college applicants have ridiculously low test scores. Many are flunking out. If they graduate, they are at the bottom of their class.
We need new civil rights legislation. A key part of it must ban AFFIRMATIVE ACTION in its entirety.
IRONY: Jews are prominent amongst faculty in many top-tier universities which are managed and funded by Jews. Many major mainstream media outlets are managed and owned by Jews. Many major corporations are owned and operated by Jews. Jews seem to be training and stoking the Goy to hate them. Is this 4D chess? Is this gaining the upper hand by playing the victim?
For all the donors out there:
Cut the funding! no more money for these places!
What about their twisted graduates who now infest the government and business world? It doesn’t end with graduation. Wherever wokeness is found, there is hate.
Trump will root them out if we re-elect him.
In an Honor culture like Islam, lying, stealing, and murder are the most Honorable things (if they get away with it 🙂
In replying to journalist quoting Islamic lobby CAIR’s demanding Biden apologize….
White House spokesperson: Biden will not apologize for saying civilians will die in war
Watch: White House spokesperson John Kirby fires back at reported when asked whether he thought Biden’s comments on Gaza deaths are “harsh”.
Israel National News. Oct 26, 2023
John Kirby, Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council in the White House, fired back on Thursday when asked by TV Globo’s Raquel Krähenbühl about President Joe Biden’s comments about the deaths of civilians in the war in Gaza.
Krähenbühl asked Kirby whether he thought it was insensitive for the President to say that “innocents will die and that this is the price of the war” and whether Biden would apologize.
Kirby said Biden would not apologize and dismissed her assertion that Biden’s comments were harsh
“What’s harsh is the way Hamas is using people as human shields. What’s harsh is taking a couple of hundred hostages and leaving families anxious, waiting and worrying to figure out where their loved ones are. What’s harsh is dropping in on a music festival and slaughtering a bunch of young people just trying to enjoy an afternoon. I could go on and on. That’s what’s harsh,” he said.
“And being honest about the fact that there have been civilian casualties and that there likely will be more is being honest, because that’s what war is. It’s brutal. It’s ugly. It’s messy. I’ve said that before. President also said that yesterday,” added Kirby.
“Doesn’t mean we have to like it. And it doesn’t mean that we’re dismissing anyone of those casualties. Each and every one is a tragedy in its own right…and each and every one we should try to prevent. And that is why we’re in close contact with our Israeli counterparts, to do everything we can to help them minimize the risk to civilians that are in harm’s way. It would be helpful if Hamas would let [Gazans] leave….we know that there are thousands waiting to leave Gaza writ large, and Hamas is preventing them from doing it. That is what is harsh,” he stated.
These Nazi style student demonstrations are worse than the student book burning in Nazi, Germany. The second largest group of supporters for Hitler were the German students.
And where did it all come from? Try Communism in the University’s.
Here is the proof.
An appararnt fascist devilish Nation of Islam influenced antisemite rages against mother & child (DC)
Look at the style of hatred and devil language.
Definitely one influenced by Nation of Islam Farrakhan preaching.
Driver Rages Against Jewish Mother Biking With Child: ‘You Are the Devil’ Oct 25, 2023 at 6:04 PM EDT
By Aila Slisco
Antisemitic DC man laughs at Jewish mom, child — blocks their path with SUV
By Alyssa Guzman
Published Oct. 25, 2023, 3:56 p.m. ET
nuke Iran and drill on our own land for oil – problem solved – but we need Trump back for this to happen – oil would go back to $50/barrel and thus no hyperinflation.
a couple of Israeli nukes dropped on Hezbullah would make Hezbullah’s missile stockpile meaningless.
Horrific but don’t worry too much, our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST is coming soon to rapture all born again Christians out of here! Maranathaaa! Check out Rapture Ready News for daily updates on how close we are.
That shows the terrible degree that those insidious stealth jihad in infiltrated and influenced that American universities .
We may be sure that those stealth jihadists are backed and funded by Iran and even more so by oil rich Saudi Araba.