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While the overt support for Hamas on college campuses is getting most of the attention, it’s a subset of the general top-down radicalization of higher education.
The Supreme Court’s crackdown on racial discrimination through affirmative action and the growing backlash against racist DEI measures just has university systems finding new punitive ways to discriminate by creating policies whose intent is to achieve the same goals by targeting the middle class.
The University of California San Diego unveiled its answer to the ban on affirmative action by banning middle-class students from computer science.
As Steve Miller notes, “UCSD announced a new policy April 9 to exclude students whose parent is college educated and makes over $45,000 from enrolling in computer science or other selective majors, unless spots are available after first generation or low-income students enroll.”
Opponents of affirmative action had urged using class and income tests over racial ones. And certainly this is better than the straight up racial discrimination of affirmative action.
But it’s still an ugly and abusive practice whose focus remains on discrimination rather than empowerment. And that’s the problem in a nutshell. Rather than providing opportunities for students from poor families, the system instead provides privileges in a zero-sum game that has Marxist overtones.
Communist regimes made a point of barring children from what they considered capitalist families from higher education.
My grandfather was unable to get an education because his mother had owned a cow and a small grocery store at which she resold the milk. That made her a class enemy.
Generations of students from poor families were able to get ahead because they took advantage of entry-level institutions like CUNY, but the problem with that is too many of the students succeeding on merit are Asian, and this system is meant to keep them down, once again violating the Supreme Court’s crackdown on affirmative action discrimination against Asians.
Berkeley already made it hard for students to get computer access when I was there. A real pain. Go to a school which allows you to have computer access, and take the classes you want to take. Investigate the school beforehand.
As if the UCSD would admit it’s subverting federal and state law on its website, you moron.
No one claimed the quotation was from UCSD itself; it was clearly from Stephen Miller. Daniel’s quotation was therefore correctly attributed to Miller, and Miller’s summary was correct: UCSD is clearly trying to discriminate against students with college-educated parents and parents who are not low-income. Here’s the exact quote from USCD, following Miller’s link:
“The selection criteria for entry to the major will consider academic achievement in the specified screening courses and will also be aligned with UC San Diego’s priorities of serving California residents, first-generation college students, and students from low-income families.”
Once again you demonstrate your defective reading comprehension skills. I suggest you apply to UCSD – I’m sure they’d love to have you – and take some remediation courses. And several years after that, when the second and third-rate structural engineers they’re going to be turning out have had time to design some bridges, you can volunteer to test them by driving a cement truck over their spans.
Ten bucks Says all the “middle class” students banned from computer “science” classes – and doubtlessly many more classes – just happen to be white.
And as if a parent who only makes a single penny over $45,000. a year is middle class, or if the UCSD Politburo knows how much all students’ parents earn a year, or even if the figures they do have are correct. (Most are falsified. Any former student knows that, especially “minority students.”)
I don’t think a parent making 45 thou could afford to send a kid to the UC system, without some kind of subsidy. Or maybe having the kid live at home.
Two of my sons went to UCSD and have degrees in Computer Sciences. I made less than $30k a year and did not contribute financially to their education at all. One earned his PhD from UCSD, the other his Masters prior to transferring to Stanford for his PhD. UCSD was always aware of my income, they had access to my tax returns.
They homeschooled. I provided for their education prior to university, they were responsible for their university costs and achievements. The older finished with 1 small loan he required to help with living expenses when he started his Masters. The other has not required any student loans.
So much for Title VI and VII
One thing about a Free Market System (such as that in our country) is that competition works. Excuse my ‘French’, but The University of California San Diego is not the only blankety-blank university in the Peoples’ Republic of California. If UCSD is not providing the service needed, drop it and move on elsewhere. The important thing is acquiring the knowledge needed, and if UCSD will not provide it, go to some fine university elsewhere and tell UCSD to go to ‘blazes’.
Yes, except that state universities enjoy taxpayer support, thus you pay for them whether you attend them or not.
Sometimes I think “public” (government-controlled) education was the worst mistake we made in America. Nothing has empowered the Left more.
Wow – $45,000 per annum is far from middle class in 2024. The left-wing vortex at work.
You haven’t read the UCSD website and information like that wouldn’t be featured anywhere available to the public, just like every method it uses to offer racial preferences to the usual suspects.
Try harder, moron. Your lies are as tiresome as your stupidity.
Yeah, if one relies on the official information to get through the university system, one is in trouble. One needs advice from a veteran of dealing with the organization to make it through. One has to understand the organizational structure of such institutions.
Now Mickey, you know your analyst wants you to stop telling so many lies before you take your meds. Miller accurately summarized the UCSD policy and Daniel quoted him accurately, but like most proggies you can’t stand it when your ideas (like discrimination against people who are white, Asian, or even just talented) are publicly exposed.
People who make these discriminating policies need to go.
Time to totally cut off all their funding by 100% not one sent more to UCSD
America’s educational system and its “leaders” have gone berserk, depraved, psychopathic, discriminatory, racist, hateful, and anti- Freedom.
The jackboots are here, running the US educational system now.
The 21st generation criteria is a back door concealed racial criteria. It is not 1005.It is more like an R squared of .6 to ,8.
“They will then be considered for the major using a point system that awards one point each for having a 3.0 GPA or higher in the major screening courses; California residency; Pell Grant eligibility; and first-generation college status”
What is the PURPOSE of MICKORN.
Get a rise put of people.? To raise their blood pressure to their detriment.? To show their vaunted intellect? To get their jollies?
I just use you basic BS as a power source. The more you dish; the stronger I get; the more you are reviled.
I actually met and married a minority while attending college … of a certain type. I went to a school sponsored party/get together..
One minority was missing. Obvious why. They had themselves all riled up. You would see them enter and exit their “cultural center” at a run. there was no gauntlet. there were no protesters, but these people were always at a run. Weird. they had to have been instructed to do so by ranchers herding them … telling them what to think.
So I married a minority simply because they were there, They were tall. They were well spoken and had an education.
Point is I think I am pretty worldly, So I resent condescending people like Mickorn. Also if 1 minority can navigate university life easily despite all sorts of real handicaps (language and money), then others should as well without the government giving them all sorts of golf type handicaps.
” first-generation college status is a stand in for preferentially selecting minorities.”
. They will then be considered for the major using a point system that awards one point each for having a 3.0 GPA or higher in the major screening courses; California residency; Pell Grant eligibility; and first-generation college status
Mickorn lies. shocker, I know.
Mickorn says
April 22, 2024 at 8:54 pm
Where does the UCSD website say this?: “exclude students whose parent is college educated and makes over $45,000 from enrolling in computer science or other selective majors.”
” first-generation college status is a stand in for preferentially selecting minorities.”
. They will then be considered for the major using a point system that awards one point each for having a 3.0 GPA or higher in the major screening courses; California residency; Pell Grant eligibility; and first-generation college status
Yep. Just another trick to screw over whitey and Asians in favor of the WORST students in the country, BY FAR. We all know which students with “first generation college status” will get preferential treatment.
That policy probably now eliminates the kids of fast food workers in California.
Wow! You are right! Wish I had thought of that 1st.. 2,080 hours per year x $20 per hour, you get $41,600. If there are two parents or even 1 parent with a side hustle, you probably bust the arbitrary or connived $45,000 cap.
About the only way to get under the cap in California is to come form a welfare family. Which is probably the whole point of those miscreants in academic administraitons.
How is this legal…?