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The “biological sex is imaginary” lobby has tried having these debates about swimming and running, but it’s really gonna get ugly when it involves men punching women in the face.
Ebanie Bridges has slammed USA Boxing for a ‘Transgender Policy’ that allows male boxers who transition to fight in the female category. The Aussie boxer blasted the policy, saying it is dangerous and puts the health and safety of boxers at risk.
Bridges labelled the decision by USA Boxing as ‘wrong on so many levels’ and believes it is dangerous for female boxers. “I will never agree to this… it’s bad enough having trans women breaking records in other sports like track and field, swimming and powerlifting but it’s a bit different to them breaking our skulls in combat sports where the aim is to HURT YOU not just break a record…however I think it’s wrong in ALL SPORT,” Bridges wrote.
“I have nothing against trans but can’t be skewing the line in sport…. You don’t see reference or debates for transmen in sport… cos it’s not a threat… It ain’t just about the test levels what about their bone density and a heap of other biological factors. Cutting your bits off and adding boobs won’t take back the masculine maturity your body has gone through before you decided you are now a woman.”
USA Boxing is hiding behind testosterone level measurements, but what’s in your blood is just one piece of the puzzle. Bone density and muscle mass are obvious issues.
And this is happening in boxing which already ‘discriminates’ against fighters based on categories.
The absurd concept here is that it’s okay to sort boxers by weight classes but not by sex.
There’s something more wrong with a bantamweight punching a flyweight than there is with a man punching a woman.
But, as National Women’s Law Center President Fatima Goss Graves put it, women and girls should “learn to lose gracefully”.
And USA Boxing really seems determined to bring this South Park bit to life.
There’s not a single male boxer who would agree to fight a woman, not one, only a trannie would and they are only doing it for attention.
If they want to box, fine, box other trannies and see how many people will pay to watch.
Won’t let me upvote at the moment, Mo. I wouldn’t pay to see trannies beating the crap out of each other, but I’d probably watch, lol. Can they both lose?
It WOULD be funny to watch a few times, so long as their fake tits were covered. The ones who’ve had the chop wouldn’t have to worry about punches under the belt, and when the losers started crying I’d laugh to see their mascara run.
Watching the dumptruck female trannies beat on each other would be funny too, just because I’d like to see them beaten on.
Jeff, where’s your sense of humor? How can they knock each other’s implants out if they’re all bound up? Which series did you watch, Scream, or Scary Movie?
Dumptruck trannies, I’m so old dumptrucks would generally be older bulls/butches, but that would be fun to watch for a while too. Many of them took the worst redneck male stereotype they could think of as a woman, and made it their model, like male trannies being the biggest bitch or bimbo they can imagine. They aren’t all that way, but it’s amazing how many are.
Actually I watched Woody Harrelson box Vanessa Angel’s boobs in Kingpin. If you haven’t seen that movie, you need to watch it. Those Farrelly brothers who made it are the same guys who made “There’s Something About Mary.”
You’re right about the dumptruck bulls with mullets dressed in flannel lumberjack shirts. Like Jim Jeffries says, “why do they dress like men if they hate us? It’s like a Jew dressing up like a Nazi.”
You’re right about male trannies who look like circus clowns and act like Dylan Mulvaney sucking on a Bud Light, too. (I guess SOMEBODY has to drink that horse piss.) It’s so “great” to have Hairy Mary’s reading to our Kindergartners and Mulvaney types doing strip shows for them. Thank you, Alzheimer Joe’s handlers.
Yes and the trannies are cowards. They won’t fight men and USA boxing is an amateur organization. They know they can’t compete with real men, not even amateur ones. Any tranny male who wants to fight women instead of men is a pussy and not a man, and certainly not a woman. And even trannies on estrogen treatment have much more testosterone than women. Contrary to ignorant public belief, all men have naturally occurring estrogen in their systems, and pumping a male with estrogen can lower testosterone levels but not expunge it and the male physique developed since conception doesn’t disappear either.
A very large proportion of public belief is based on ignorance, misinformation and disinformation, by the way. That’s particularly the case with moonbat leftists, who already tend to believe what they want to believe. It’s ironic that most of the bullshit which forms so much of ignorant public belief originates in the colleges, universities and fake news media, which constantly accuse those who tell the truth of being advocates of misinformation and disinformation. Left-wing bullshit such as the current tranny dogma is the current equivalent of old wive’s tales, if you ask me.
You’re right. If tranny men want to compete in sports it should only be with other tranny men. Tranny women should likewise only compete with other tranny women. That would end this nonsense real quick because like you wrote, nobody will pay to watch and without money, no tranny leagues could exist.
We called them wussies. A wimp and a…
Isn’t it interesting that it’s ALWAYS the advantageous male pretending to be and “competing” in female sports and never the other way around? I knew some women in the service that were absolute bruisers that might give these freaks a trip around the ring, but these organizations like USA Boxing continue to show us that chivalry in organized sport is completely dead and future history book records of wins and losses are now forever meaningless.
Trump has vowed to do everything possible to end male trannies in women’s sports if he overcomes Dirtbagocrat vote fraud and cheating.
Unfortunately, he has seven main goals to get America back to normal and MAGA success IF he wins, not when, which tells me he knows he may not overcome the Dirtbagocrat vote cheat machine.
It’s gonna take boxing to show the world that this is insanity!
I notice female trannies never want to compete in men’s sports, only male trannies in women’s sports. Gee, I wonder why?
You’re right, it really will be hard to deny this tranny insanity when amateur women boxers are being injured or killed by biological males.
This is proof we are living in a sick culture of depravity. No real male, or otherwise, that most of know would ever consider punching a woman. Its a matter of character.
You might need to punch one to save their life (if they’re drowning or a similar situation), but that’s rare, and I haven’t had to do it in 58 years.
The physics is against it. Men can hit with more force, and women are less resistant to the force.
We have greater bone density, stronger ligaments, and more explosive force. Our bone structure is also better for unarmed combat.
At one time it was bared fisted Fight until they switched to Boxing Gloves less bloody less deadly
Even after gloves were introduced early boxing didn’t have rounds, just fights till one of the guys ended it.
The funny way they held their hands and hit, was so they didn’t break them in a bare knuckle bout. It’s like the difference between playing sandlot tackle football, and football with pads and helmets.
I’ve seen the look on a woman’s face, when she realizes even a man six or seven inches shorter, and 50lbs lighter is still stronger, and can easily overpower her without hitting her, if he needs to. That despite the leverage her longer bones give her, and whatever pain she can inflict with her feet, fists, teeth, and nails, while he’s doing it. Unlike many species, human males have huge advantages in unarmed combat against females of their species, and naturally that translates into noncombative sports, or just opening jars.
The issue is never the issue with the left. The predictions that are suggested against their policies are called false or just slippery slopes. Yet, it always turns out that the slippery slopes are their goals. If a man can identify as a woman in boxing, swimming, weight lifting, etc., I do not see why a 300 pound man cannot identify as a welterweight boxer (147 pounds). Reality, fairness, simple arithmetic, and such are just “social constructs.”
Interesting point about weight classes, but why not by their ‘logic’? Maybe “social constructs” are there for a reason.