Vanessa Trump, wife of Donald Trump, Jr. was taken to the hospital earlier today after opening an envelope filled with a suspicious powder, according to ABC News. She was examined at New York Presbyterian-Weill Cornell Medical Center as a precaution, where she was tested and released. She and two others were also decontaminated at her apartment before being taken to the hospital.
The envelope was sent from Boston and addressed to Mrs. Trump’s husband, Donald Trump Jr. It included what sources describe as a threatening letter describing Trump Jr. as a terrible person and indicating that the sender was angry.
NYPD spokesman J. Peter Donald said:
“The substance was deemed to be nonhazardous and is being transported to a lab in New York City for further analysis.“
More specifically, the substance was identified as cornstarch.
The Secret Service also weighed in:
“The Secret Service and our law enforcement partners in New York City are investigating a suspicious package addressed to one of our protectees received today in New York, New York. This is an active investigation and we cannot comment any further.”
The Left, of course, found the targeting of Donald Trump, Jr.’s wife to be nothing more than a setup for jokes or even a right-wing conspiracy. Witness a few of the reactions on Twitter, courtesy of Paul Joseph Watson at InfoWars:
Huffington Post contributor says white powder that hospitalized Donald Trump Jr.’s wife was a cover-up for a coke binge. Totally deranged.
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) February 12, 2018
Resistance dude checking in
— Scott Greer (@ScottMGreer) February 12, 2018
What is wrong with these people?
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) February 12, 2018
Don Jr’s wife sent to the hospital after opening letter w white substance. Here are some leftist hot-takes.
— Amanda Prestigiacomo (@AmandaPresto) February 12, 2018
Lefties already claiming the white powder sent to Trump was a conspiracy.
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) February 12, 2018
President Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, said: “How disturbed must a person be to do what they did to a mother of five young children? This dangerous and reckless act goes beyond political differences.”
Indeed it does. Regardless of the harmlessness of the substance, the intent was to terrorize, so the target was Donald Trump Jr.’s home and family. It reveals a murderous hatred at the heart of the sender, consistent with the Left’s violent animus toward Republicans. We have seen it time and again, particularly since the rise of Donald Trump, who triggers all the left’s worst instincts: the shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise at a congressional baseball practice, where the shooter specifically targeted Republicans (New York Rep. Claudia Tenney received an email shortly afterward that read, “One down, 216 to go”); violence directed against conservative campus speakers such as Milo Yiannopoulos, whose scheduled appearance at UC Berkeley sparked leftist rioting, and Charles Murray at Middlebury College, where he and a professor there were assaulted after leftist protesters shut down his speech; violence at town halls around the country featuring conservative politicians; and innumerable instances in which Trump supporters have been assaulted on campus and elsewhere, not to mention terroristic death threats against conservative politicians and their families. (Check out this Daily Caller article from last summer for more details and examples.)
The radical left, which controls the Democrat Party, is violent and hateful at its core. That is why it’s possible for a terrifying incident like the Trump, Jr. family experienced today to elicit laughs and further ill will from so-called Progressives on social media. And the violence and hate are deemed to be justifiable #Resistance to the “fascist” Trump regime.
Expect to see many more acts of domestic terrorism from the left as the Trump presidency continues to make America great again.
Originally posted at TruthRevolt
TruthRevolt writer Amelia Hamilton contributed to the writing of this article.
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