California voters on Tuesday rejected the systemic, institutional racism state Democrats were attempting to revive. The reactionary Proposition 16 aimed to repeal the California Civil Rights Initiative, Proposition 209, which in 1996 barred racial and ethnic preferences in state education, employment and contracting. This was the first time voters had any say on racial and ethnic quotas, and the measure was a landmark win for the people.
As in 1996, the preference forces vilified Ward Connerly, the African American University of California regent who championed color-blind admissions based on merit. “I just don’t think in terms of black, white, Latino,” Connerly told reporterslast week. “I’m swimming upstream with a lot of people, especially black people.”
At this writing, with more than 70 percent of ballots counted, Proposition 16 is losing 56.07 to 43.93. Down in San Diego in California’s 50th congressional district, Republican Darrell Issa holds a 52.2-47.8 lead over Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar, who boasts a fascinating back story.
The “Latino Arab-American,” has been billing himself as a conservative, a shift from 2018 when he punched up his progressive credentials. That year, the Israeli publication Haaretz broke the story that the Democrat running for Congress was the grandson of Muhammad Abu Yousef al-Najjar. He was the commander of Black September, the Palestinian terrorist cell that abducted, tortured and murdered 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics. How the terrorist’s son Yasser al-Najjar managed to enter the United States is a matter of some mystery.
In 2003, Linda Gradstein of National Public Radio interviewed Yasser al-Najjar at his office in Gaza. Al-Najjar was then serving as “the head of the European division in the Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of Planning and Cooperation.” Al-Najjar did not explain when, exactly, he entered the United States, earned an MBA from San Diego State, and operated three clothing boutiques. His son Ammar lived in Gaza but claims he was born in San Diego, where he attended an Islamic school.
None of the information emerged in 2012 when Yasser’s son Ammar served on the re-election campaign of POTUS 44. According to David Garrow’s Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, the president was a “composite character” in a novel called Dreams from My Father. Ammar Campa-Najjar is also a composite character and for all but the willfully blind his story is just as unbelievable, if not more so. At this writing, Camp-Najjar is losing but the race takes place in a state that has institutionalized voter fraud.
When illegal aliens get driver’s licenses, California’s Department of Motor Vehicles automatically registers them to vote. The “motor voter” scheme added one million “new” voters to the rolls by 2018, and in 2020 they all got mail ballots courtesy of an executive order by Gov. Gavin Newsom. On November 2, a judge ruled the order “an unconstitutional exercise of legislative power” too late to stop the illegals from voting.
California harbors some 3 million illegals but attorney general Xavier Becerra, once on Hillary Clinton’s short list as a running mate, has hinted that the number may exceed 10 million. Illegals faithfully vote Democrat, and in return Democrats give them free health care and other benefits, as they protect illegals through sanctuary laws. That protection racket would be the rule under a Harris-Biden administration, now looming as a distinct possibility.
California also pioneered the kind of ballot harvesting that Kamala Harris deployed in the 2010 race for California attorney general. Republican Steve Cooley declared victory on election night but Harris’ campaign workers from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) dredged up enough ballots to put Harris over the line by less than one percent.
That is what Democrats are up to in the current election, and ballot fraud could easily put the Munichian candidate over the line. By now the lessons should be clear.
Whatever they choose to call themselves, those who accept voter fraud forfeit any claim to support the rule of law, a core principle of a free society. As a State Department investigation confirms, false-documented illegals have been voting in local, state, and federal elections for decades. That effectively disenfranchises legitimate citizens and legal immigrants, yet officials have been slow to take action.
Ballot harvesting is blatant voter fraud and should be banned. Photo ID should be mandatory for voters and DNA testing required for candidates who cannot document their narrative. That way, the nation won’t unwittingly elect a candidate for the House, Senate or presidency who turns out to be a composite character in a novel. Contrary to the establishment media, investigating a candidate’s claims is not a racist smear, Islamophobia, or some kind of conspiracy theory.
Meanwhile, if Ammar Campa-Najjar loses he’ll be back in 2022, maybe as a progressive once again. Like Ilsa Lund in Casablanca, the “Palestinian Mexican-American” will say anything to get what he wants. If voters thought he was an Islamist infiltrator it would be hard to blame them. After all, they’ve seen that movie before.
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