In this interview, Frank Gaffney interviews Frontpage Magazine Associate Editor Christine Douglass-Williams about Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) calling for a third Intifada in Israel. She unveils how the PIJ is capitalizing on the turbulent time for Israel.
In an update, PIJ has now declared the “IDF disintegrating before our eyes” due to inside protests against judicial reforms. PIJ has also met with Hizballah head Hassan Nasrallah to “strengthen the rebellion against the Zionist enemy.”
Don’t miss this interview!
John Blackman says
unfortunately the jewish nation and most jews worldwide believe that the holocaust won’t revisit them . they have been lulled into a complacency that will come back murder them . the germans are only a sniff away from building ovens and will join hands with the left and muslims to finish the job they started in ww 2 . anyone believing otherwise has been afflicted with the same blindness . america is now interfering with israels government and funding pay for slay , and to think that most jews in america vote democrat the very people that will supply the cattle cars to ship them off to the gas facilities . you cant make this up . no im not a conspiracy theorist , i m a conspiracy believer . a conspiracy theory ceases to be a theory when evidence abounds .