Among the globalist elites at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, United States Rep. Maria Salazar, purportedly a Republican, comes out in defense of “giving dignity” to aliens who are in the U.S. illegally, while pretending that she doesn’t support a path to citizenship.
Check it out in this new short video from The Bongino Report below:
WJ says
RINO’s, like democrats, do not support the rule of law, just the opposite.
Don Davenport says
How many will she invite into her luxury living quarters?
roberta says
I’d like to hear her definition of ”dignity”.
Is dignity static, is there only so much to go around? How much of my dignity do I have to donate (by force of course)
in order for the illegals to have their fair share?
How did you like the part where she said something about ”people who speak her language and look like her?”
She looks like a white girl to me. Even Elisabeth Warren rolled her eyes at that one.
She is just one more parasitic idiot that found a home in politics.
roberta says
Stop the bus. Just re-watched the video. She also said she represents the illegals.
Messed up and told the truth on video.
Onzeur Trante says
She’s got the (heartfelt meaningless) rhetoric down and they suck it up. Very undignified.
internalexile says
It’s a shame, because she has said good things, as well. But I would like to know–was she herself born here, and if not, how did she then manage to become, I assume, an American citizen? Either way, if you are going to love this country and its (eroding) system of government, you should respect its laws, including its immigration laws. Is that so much to ask?
BLSinSC says
NO ONE who ILLEGALLY invades OUR NATION should EVER be given the PRIVILEGE of US CITIZENSHIP! Anyone who has entered illegally should GO HOME and apply to enter! It’s not fair to the people who wait YEARS to get the opportunity to IMMIGRATE to the USA! PRESIDENT TRUMP has RIGHT (as usual) in his approach to a MERIT BASED System! We do need SOME people, but NOT a few ten MILLIONS of DEPENDENT people! We have a $32 TRILLION deficit!! We have MILLIONS of UNEMPLOYED American Citizens! We have MILLIONS of UNDEREMPLOYED American Citizens! I don’t care what Country you’re from or what perils you face in your home Country, INVADING Our Nation is NOT the answer! I Thank GOD that I was born in Our Great Nation and Pray each night that people everywhere can live in peace and prosperity. I also Pray for those who are evil and are inflicting the sufferings to be “stricken”!! We need to be AMERICANS and insist on ANYONE who comes here comes LEGALLY and with the INTENT TO BE AMERICANS!
Spurwing Plover says
Okay lets send aa few bus loads of them to her neighborhood Texas has the right thing going lets give the Democrats a little dose of their own medicine
Cynthia says
Salazar is a Republican from Miami who values persons illegally entering our country. Both political parties elect reps determined to destroy our country. Citizens must inform other voters; rather than depend in media and candidate propaganda.
Cynthia says
Ugh! Salazar(R) is our new rep in Miami, who is as bad or worse than our former rep Nadler (D) in NYC.
HOW CAN YOUTH BE RECRUITED as political participants, when both political parties have too many leftists willing to destroy country?
left2right says
When we finally get to stack the TDS-infected and America-hating Marxist Rats like cordwood in the streets. . . . .ready to hoist them onto the nightly funeral pyres (look Al Whore. . . we’re saving electricity), should we run across the wimpering and bleeding filthy stinking carcass of the betraying RINO, . . . . . .we will paint a pentagram on their foreheads–as a sign of their treachery and betrayal–and hoist them on last to use as the first spark kindling.
Andrew Blackadder says
She did say secure the border and then see who is in America, however when she said, HER language, HER looks then Im thinking she speaks German or Swedish, as she looks like folks from those countries..
Why is she speaking for or about America as I have yet to see or hear a German person speaking about Germany and their problems at this gathering.
Take note that of all the Millionaires and Billionaires at this gathering the one person they did not want to invite is
Trump because he spoke the truth about them in 2018 when he was there.
These WEF people are being lead by a man that comes straight out of Hollywood Central Casting.
Sheep lead by evil.