Antifa is much in the news these days with their brutal beating of journalist Andy Ngo in Portland. Many Americans assume that Antifa is a new group, but in reality, it is only new, or relatively new, in the United States. Back in 2011, I spoke at an outdoor rally in Stuttgart, Germany, and Antifa was out in force. Hundreds of police were there also, and if they had not been, I would not be writing this today: before I spoke, I was standing in front of the massive police phalanx with some members of the German group that had invited me; among them was a young man who I took to be one of their number until I shook his hand and smiled and he responded, “If it weren’t for all these police here, I would have knifed you by now.”
As the other speakers and I spoke, Antifa members threw rocks, bottles, and manure at us, while screaming things such as “Nazis raus.” This was ironic, as they were behaving much more like Nazis than those they were screaming at. So I decided to address them. In the midst of this barrage, I stood at the front of the stage and addressed the Leftists, while they blew their vuvuzelas and booed to try to drown me out, and kept on throwing things.
This is a transcript of what I said:
I came from the United States of America to stand for freedom, with all free people, against the forces of oppression and darkness which you are representing.
I came here in order to stand with the people who are fighting for the freedoms that make it possible for you to do what you are doing today.
Not the violence and hatred, but to stand and dissent, but you can’t stand to have any kind of rational discussion, you can’t stand having dissent, you have to try to throw bottles, and drown us out, because you are cowards, because you know that you stand for nothing except for oppression and darkness and hatred, and that is why you are there.
And that is why I am here.
You are fronting for the most radically intolerant and hateful ideology on the planet. Everywhere in the world, everywhere in the world, where there are Muslims and non-Muslims, there is conflict because the Muslims attack the non-Muslims. The Qur’an teaches to make war against the unbelievers, and to subjugate them.
And you are already subjugated! You are already their useful idiots. You are already their tools. You are out here in their service.
And you think you’re fighting for freedom. You are fighting for your own slavery!
You are fighting for your own enslavement.
And it will come. It will come to you.
You are fighting for an ideology that denies the freedom of speech, and one day you will wish you had the freedom of speech, and one day, you will wish you had the freedom of speech that you are trying to fight against today.
You are fronting for an ideology that denies the freedom of conscience and will kill you if you disagree, which is exactly what you want to do already.
You are fighting on behalf of an ideology that denies equality of rights for women, and all the women among you will one day be enslaved, if you get what you want.
You are fighting for the destruction of all the freedoms that you enjoy.
You are fighting for the utter defeat of your own selves, and your own life.
You are slaves seeking slavery. You are the oppressed loving your oppression, and thinking that you are standing for freedom.
You are the most foolish, you are the most evil, foolish, people on Earth.
We are standing for the human rights of all people. Of the oppressed Christians in Indonesia, in Pakistan, in Egypt, in the Sudan that you just heard about.
We are standing for the oppressed people who are targeted by Islamic jihad everywhere around the world. In Israel. Everywhere around the world.
And so, in closing, I have to say: Shame on you!
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