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In this short clip from a recent episode of the Freedom Center’s podcast The Savage Truth, host Cicely Davis examines the real motive behind Joe Biden’s pro-abortion stance and “cancellation” of student debt. Don’t miss it!
Check out the clip below and the full episode HERE:
Good video. Brief is better
There are too many easy fixes to solve the Student Loan debacle. Let it be erased in a bankruptcy, let you pay it off while in school, change the 9% rate to 1 or 2%,… long list but nobody is talking about how screwed up the system is because it is again, about the money. Money for the FED, subsidizing college worthless education. Kill it or fix it.
Yeah, back in the day, I had my paychecks docked to extract my student loan because the government did’t think I was punctual enough.
That shit hurt me. I have NO empathy for college deadbeats and the Beijing Biden administration.
The Democrats Bribe$4Votes Program.
Biben committed bribery and no one caught it when he wanted two Georgia Democrats running for the Senate to win: “IF YOU WANT YOUR TWO-THOUSAND DOLLARS, YOU MUST VOTE FOR THESE TWO DEMOCRATS!” (NO EXACT BUT CLOSE)
STUDENT LOAN: Even Republican students and their Republican parents will vote for that! THEY DON’T CARE SINCE IT PERSONALLY AFFECTS THEM!
WAIT TILL SEPTEMBER when Democrats will be throwing Mail-in Ballots, already filled out, with a $100 bill, OUT OF AIRPLANES.
DO NOT MAIL IN YOUR BALLOT! Your mailman knows the campaign literature you are getting and WILL steal that ballot, take the info from it, steal one of the multiple ballots that are sent to you, (I got three in 2000, 2022) use your info, sign it! TO THEM, THEY ARE DOING THEIR PATRIOTIC DUTY AND DON’T FEEL GUILTY ABOUT IT!
STOP VOTER FRAUD: LIE-DETECTOR TESTS for all Secretary’s of State, County Clerks, and their employees. RANDOM TESTS for all poll workers! “Did you, or know of anyone, who committed Voter Fraud?” SIMPLE!
LASTLY: “OUR SOLDIERS spilled Red Blood so others can have Purple Fingers.” Iraqi’s and Afghani’s were voting for the first time and they had to dip their fingers in Purple Dye and our Soldiers spilled blood to give them that Right… AND YET… WE HAVE VOTER FRAUD HERE AND THE DEMOCRATS DON’T CARE TO INVESTIGATE TO ENSURE THEY WON FAIR AND SQUARE?
It’s fair to say, Americans deserve what they voted for and deserve to get it good and hard. Our government is corrupt, our country is bankrupt, our education system no longer educates, moral turpitude has become the norm, lying, cheating, stealing and anarchy has become acceptable behavior, America is being invaded (and we’re doing little to nothing to stop it) and most Americans have become so apathetic that they pretend as though none of this is happening and keep voting for the same politicians who’s policies are driving the rot & chaos and fueling America’s inevitable implosion and descent into oblivion and beyond.
Albert Einstein’s statement about insanity is an anachronism that does not apply to today’s America. In today’s America, insanity is voting for the same politicians over and over again and expecting things to get better. It hasn’t, it won’t and it never will. Accept it or not, that’s the tragic truth
In short, the American people voted for every bit of what’s happening. Don’t whine and don’t cry, just embrace the suck and be happy that we’re still a free country–for now. You got what you voted for,
I didn’t vote for that shit. And I figure vote cheating is to blame for where America is now.
Give a big thank you to your Dirtbagocarat friends and family, everybody here. They made this shit-hole possible.
Cheers, bitches! I hope you all you Dirtbagocrats die screaming in agony and go straight to Hell for eternal damnation. My heart goes out to the rest of you.