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In this short clip from a recent episode of the Freedom Center’s podcast The Savage Truth, host Cicely Davis discusses Joe Biden’s betrayal of the USA’s greatest ally by instructing Israel to “take the win” after Iran’s barrage of missile and drone attacks. Don’t miss it!
Check out the clip below and the full episode HERE:
A lot of people think Israel is waiting until Passover ends on the 30th to retaliate against the mullahs and their Revolutionary Guard. That’s a reasonable assumption.
Most Iranians hate the mullahcracy and would love to see them weakened or destroyed, especially the 65% of Iranians who aren’t Persian, many of whom are in open revolt.
Unfortunately for humanity (in countless ways) Beijing Biden’s handlers are in charge of America. Everybody with a single brain cell knows old Jian-Guo Joe has been bought and paid for by China for a long time. His handlers know if enough of the details of his corrupt collusion with China ever came out, no amount of vote fraud could put him back in office, and they don’t want to lose their puppet. That’s why they help Iran so much, because it supplies China with oil. As long as Hoka Joe is still semi-vertical, they’ll kow tow to China and help maintain Iran’s oil export capacity, although I suspect it comes naturally to them anyway.
That fiendish villain Joe Biden, had ,indeed, totally abandoned Israel , likewise he betrayed her. Biden even has the diabolical gall to attempt to impose sanctions on the Israel Defense Force all the while he’s providing that aggressive Israel and America hating hostile Islamic regime of Iran, which supports Hamas, with billions of dollars and then he wants to send Iran even more money Before this betrayal of the State of Israel and the United States ,Biden allowed that Islamic tyranny that to obtain billons of dollars . How terribly wicked of Biden .For that belligerent ”mullah regime” of Iran calls Israel “The little Satan and the US “The great Satan.”
We may be sure that either in a direct way or an indirect way will use that money to advance its nuclear weapons program and further its stooge terror/murder jihad organizations which are Hamas, Hezbollah , Islamic Jihad.
Some Westerners might find in a bit interesting that Ayatollah Khamenei as well as the other ayatollahs and mullahs who have so much terrible power in Iran , don’t ever engage in any shootings and bombings , they just have their useful idiots who are the Muslim terrorists those three horrendous jihad entities to the dirty work of murdering of people for them as their tools.
Some of that vast amount of money Biden those in power in Iran to obtain will , without doubt , also be given in support to further found Hamas and also Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad.
Truly, Joe Biden is a treacherous scoundrel.
I would like to know how the enemies of America are able to control the content of American media, or, alternatively why American media is hostile to capitalism and the American constitution.