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In the most recent episode of the Freedom Center’s podcast The Savage Truth, host Cicely Davis addresses a men’s club in St. Paul, Minnesota, about the negative outcomes of modern feminism and the restoration of male power in America.
Check out the short clip below and the full episode HERE:
Watch the newest episode of The Savage Truth, where Cicely addresses a men’s club in St. Paul, Minnesota, about the negative outcomes of modern feminism and the restoration of male power in America.
Apple…— FrontPage Magazine (@fpmag) November 26, 2024
Affirmative Consent was the subject of ridicule, even in the legacy media when it was adopted by Antioch College a few decades ago. It’s now the law in Sweden and in New South Wales, the largest state in Australia. It’ll probably be adopted in Canada as gelding Justin Castreau’s parting gift to the Dominion, and in places like Vermont, Massachusetts, California and the District of Columbia next,
Toxic Modern Feminity now that’s aa real serious problem
Kind of gives me an erection just thinking about it. Not.
The internet is populated with a plethora of podcasts by women who regret feminism and how it has ruined their lives and caused them nothing but misery. Especially the women who are now former feminists in their 50s and 60s with no man, no children, a cat or a dog and a bottle of wine for company and a life time of regret to cry themselves asleep every night night.
For example:
Women Are “DONE WITH WORKING” | I’m No Longer A Feminist | Come “SAVE US” – Kozmicverse
As a woman, to me men want intelligent, caring, nurturing, attractive women able to communicate with them and appreciate the complementary nature of being together. These young women today are totally off the mark. Just a momentary pass through TikTok land and the plethora of female voices screeching about how great they are and what’s wrong with men is truly appalling. I read comments by men in response to young women and it is perfectly clear: FEMINISTS MADE MEN THE ENEMY. Nothing men do for women today comes without major threats to their freedom. All men are rapists, all men are untrustworthy, and all men are misogynists and therefore warrant being treated as though they have committed a crime. In every area feminist women have made the lives of men impossible and men have rightly learned to give women a wide berth so that their lives are not detonated by them. Feminist women live in their insular bubble of male bashing yet actually seem baffled that men don’t want to date them. They incessantly try to figure out why. Here’s a clue…If you want to know about men, ask them and they will tell you. But come prepared to hear what heretofore you have silenced men from saying.
Initially, it might be very painful but if women ever hope to have loving, intimate relationships with good men they best understand that being female is NEVER a justification to demonize men and make their lives about walking on egg shells for a woman to be in their life. Women, it’s time to take a long, hard look in the mirror; men aren’t in the reflection YOU ARE!!